Chess Team Names


For several years, I was a part of a chess team at the Midwest Open Team Chess Festival (MOTCF), played at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.  One of the highlights was to pick the best team name.  Here are some of the chess team names over the years from this event and other team events, such as the U.S. Amateur Team.

1...KxQ+N: The Simpson Defense

4 Quartz 4 Sale

4.5 Mil Or the Preacher Gets It

9 Inch Pawns on Tour

A Day at the Pawn Races

Adam's Family

Aging Chess Nuts (Senior Team)

A Knight in Capablanca

A Little Knight Music

All Chessed Up With No Mates to Go

Altered Mates        

A Rook with a View

Any Portisch in a Storm

Arch Bishops (St. Louis team)

AT&T True Moves



Bad Bishops

Baked E Lasker

Beavis and Butt-vinik

Bedtime for Pawnzo

Bent on Larseny

Be Reti With a Crying Tal

Better Bishop Bureau

Billy Jean's Queens

Bishop Tolstoy and his Warrin' Pieces

Board Lords

Bobby Boomers

Bogo Knows Chess

Bouncing Checks

Boutrous Boutrous Ghali Piece Keepers

Bust Line Developers

C4 Good Rooking Guys

Cambridge Springers

Campo's Hit Squad

Capture in the Ruy

Caro Kayne West

Castle Long Hoppity and the Reinfeld Cowboys

Cheap Thought

Check Bouncers

Check This

Chess b4Ne1

Chess in the Kramnik of Time

Chess is Like a Box of Chocolates

Chess Nuts Roasting on an Open File

Chessnik Cleansers

Chessnuts Roasting on an Open Foyer


Closet Queens

Compromising Positions

Conquest of Space

Crouching Tigran, Hidden Dragon

Dances with Knights

Dark Horses

Dawn of the Living Pawn

Dead of Knight

Dead Pawns Tell No Tales

Deep Blues Brothers

Deep Thoughtless

Defrocked Bishops

Diagonally Challenged

Digging for Bobby Fischer

Discovered Czechs

Does Your Peter Leko

Don't Fork the Horse

Don't Throw in the Tal

Dr. Kevorkian's Helpmates

Dr. Quark and the Passed Pions

E.P. - The Extra Potential

e2 Brute?

E4 Effort

Edwin Moses & the Broad Jumpers

Ehlvest Impersonators

Elo Mates, Arpad or Yours

Fast Draws


Fish Saemisch and Tartakower Sauce

Five Easy Pieces

Flying Knights (Air Force team)

Foreclosing Your Castle

Fork You

Forking Geniuses

Four Fits

Four Good Mates

Four Horsemen

Four Knights Looking for a Mate

Four on the Flohr

Four Playing Knights

Friday Knights

From Dusk till Pawn

Future Schach

Gata Winski

Geller's Kids

Give 'em the Bird

Go Ahead, Mate My Day

Got to Rook the Knight Away

Great Sacs All Knight Long

Hannibal Schlechter


Harry Patzer and the Poisoned Pawn

Hey Judit

Here's Rooking At You

Hillary Keeps Bill in Check

Horse Maneuver



I Am Not a Rook

I Can See Russians from My Board

If Rooks Could Kill

I Saw Ehlvest

I.M. Possibles

Invasion of the Pawn Snatchers

Is That a Fianchettoed Bishop Or Are You Just Glad To See Me?

J'Adoubie Brothers


Jack's Rippers

John Paul's Hard On Bishops

Johnnie Cochrane's Contemptable Defense

Joy of Sacs

Kann't b2 Reti for Mating


Khomeini's School of Diplomacy

Kibitz and Blitz

King's Indiana Jones and the Last Attack

Knight Crawlers


Knight Mare on G-Street - Freddie Spikes Back

Knight Mares to Pawnder

Knights of the Crosstable

Knights of the Square Table


Kogan's Zeroes

Kortchnoi's Complaint

Kotov's Napkins

Ladies of the Knight (all female team)

Larsenic and Old Age

Legalize Caruana

Lein Brains

Let's Get Tactical

Levin Fish

Lewinsky Knights

Little Bishop of Horrors

Little Karpov Horrors

Loch Chess Monsters

Lord of the Kings

Madonna's Flank Openings

Maroczy Morons

Marshall Artists

Master Beaters

Master Maters


Mate is Enough

Material Girls (all girl team)

Maters of the Lost Art

Mating Material (all female team)

Mating's the Best Way to Score

Mecking Out

Men at Work

Men of the First Rank

Men Over Board

Michael Rohde the Boat Ashore

Mieses Pieces

Mighty Morphy Pawn Arrangers

Miles Short of Fine

Monica: Insufficient Mating Material

Monica's Mates

Mr. Clinton, Your Piece is Hanging

Natural Pawn Killers

Navy SEALED Moves

Neon Knights

Nerds of Steel

Never Stale Maters

No Bad Checks

No Bawls (all female team)

No Longer Searching for Bobby Fischer

No Pawn Intended

Not Reti A'Tal

OJ's Favorite Play: Cut Left, Slash Right

OJ's Forked Bronco

OJ's Queen Sacrifice

Old Indians

On Anand and On

On Golden Pawn

Once a Ponamariov

One For All and All Four Won

Ouch That Hort

Overdrawn Checks

Overworked and Underpromoted


Pawn Chop

Pawn Scum

Pawn Shop



Phi Beta Capa's

Phorque U

Pillsbury Mates It Best

Planned Net of the Prime Mates

Poison Ivory

Poison Pawns

Premature Attack Elation

Preparation H-File

Queen Louganis and the Rear Entry Divers

Queens for a Day (all female team)

R to D2

Raiders of the Lost Fork

Reagan's El Salvadorian "Piece" Team

Reagan's Peacekeeping Force

Reti for Fine Moves

Reti for Mating

Reti or Not

Rg3: Offensive Rook of the Year

Ripe Ter-Maters

Roasting Chess Nuts

Romanishin the Stone

Rook and Roll

Rook b4 You Leap

Rook, Line and Sinker

Rook of Gilbraltor

Rook Shields

Sac a Big One

Schach Therapy

Scotch on the Rooks

Second to Nunn

Seirawanee River

Shake & Mate

Shakmatny Byullet Dodgers

Shallow Blue

Shaq-Mate Magic


Silent Move (by Mel Rooks)

Slaughterhouse 4

Sleepless Knights

Smart Alekhines

Sons of Bishops

Spassky's Drawers

Spasstic Fischermen

Starcheck: the Wrath of Kann

Stick That Pawn Up Your a-file

Stormy Knights

Sufficient Mating Material

Sugar Sacs

Svilder on the Roof

Take This Pawn and Kramnik

Take This Pawn and Shove It

Tal in the Saddle

Tals From the Crypt

Tarrasch Collectors

Tarrasch Compactors

Tartar-Kower Control League Fights Dzindzi-Vitis

Tarzan and his Mate

Ted Bundy's Fried Liver

Teddy Kennedy's Driving School

The "A" Team

The Barack Attack

The Chess X-Ray Unit

The Co-Horts

The Curse of Frankensteinitz

The Donner Partie

The Fischer Kings

The Flohr Boards

The Four Players

The Gang of Four (Chinese Team)

The Gaping Holes

The Happy Rookers

The Hung Knights

The Itches: Nimzo-ITCH, Port-ITCH, Saem-ITCH, and Jacques-ITCH

The Joy of Sacs

The Ko's: Ben, GulSoson, and T

The Materialists

The NeanderTals

The Polgar Brothers

The Rook Canals

The Short and the Tal

The Team Formerly Known as Queens

The White Square Supremacists

The Wrath of Pawns

Three Men and a Baby

Throw in the Tal

Tickle Me Elo

Torre Torre Torre

Touch Move with Dr. Joycelyn Elders

Toxic Schach Syndrome

Travelling Wilkes-Barres

Two I.M.s and Two I Aint's

Two Knights, Let It Be Lowenthal


Urine Czech

Walking Tal

War and Piece

We Don't Ivanchuk a Pawn

We Will, We Will Rook You

We're Going to Tarrasch You

Weapons of Mass Deduction

White Pawns Can't Jump

Who Keres

Woman on Top (Board)

You Rook Mahvelous

You've Got Mate



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