Brooklyn Daily Eagle and Chess


The Brooklyn Eagle, or Brooklyn Daily Eagle, was a daily newspaper in Brooklyn, from 1841 to 1955. At one point it was the most popular afternoon newspaper in the United States, with the largest daily circulation in the nation. The paper ceased publication in 1955 due to a prolonged strike.

The Brooklyn Daily Eagle archives are one of the best resources for chess in America. Hermann Helms wrote chess columns for the Brooklyn Daily Eagle from 1893 until the paper folded in 1955.

The chess articles that appeared in the Brooklyn Eagle were gathered and put on line at

Here are some extracts and articles about chess that appeared in the Brooklyn Eagle over the early years.

Francis Andrew Philidor was born at Dreux in 1726. He composed a great number of operas and set Alexander's Feast, and the Carmen Secculaire to music and died in London in 1795. He owed some of his fame to his consummate skill as a chess player, in which he has seldom been equaled. He wrote the analysis of Chess, which has passed through many editions, and may be called one of the classical works upon that game. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 18, 1844

Mr. Potter of Yale College, in a temperance address lately at New Haven says: "My heart bleeds as I remember the fate of three of my early companions who started in life with myself. One of them possessed the finest mathematical mind I ever knew. ...He was the first man in America that beat the Automaton Chess Player, and he told me he had every move in his head before he even entered the room. That man now fills a drunkard's grave..." — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 15, 1845

Chess by Telegraph. The Ithaca Journal speaks of a game of chess that was recently in progress, by telegraph, between a party of gentlemen of Elmira and Ithaca. Elmira gave the challenge; the game commenced on Monday the 13th, and ended on Saturday, Ithaca beating Elmira in 25 moves. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 28, 1847

The Press — Invention of Printing. Caxton was a native of Kent, where he was born in 1410. After his apprenticeship to the mercer business had expired, he visited the low countries, as an agent for the Mercers' Company, where he was taken into the suite of Margaret of York, wife of the Duke of Burgundy. In that country he translated into English, "The Reccuil of the Histories of Troy," which he finished at Cologne in the year 1471. This was the first book of any importance ever published in the English language, and was printed in the town where he finished the translation. The first work issued from his Westminster press was the "Game of Chess," and the first book, we may add, published in England. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 22, 1850

Cooper, in his novel of the "Deerslayer," makes some sport of a parcel of red Indians speculating over a chess figure, in the shape of an elephant, which they describe as a beat with two tails. The incident really occurred in the case of an Irish servant at a country house in Pennsylvania. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 3, 1851

The great Chess Tournament has commenced at London, for a prize of $300, sixteen players have already entered the game. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 16, 1851

The Brooklyn Chess Club. The second annual reunion of this flourishing society, took place last Thursday evening, when the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: - Walter K. Paye, President; Robert M. Jenkins, Secretary. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 31, 1853

Mr. O'Sullivan, the United States Minister at Lisbon, who is said to one of the best chessplayers in America, played during his late stay in Paris, 27 games without odds with M. Saint Amant, the well known French player. Of the 27, M. Saint Amant won 21, Mr. O'Sullivan 3, and 3 were drawn. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 12, 1855, p. 2 [John L. O'Sullivan (1813-1895) was the United States Minister to Portugal from 1854 to 1858]

A Chess Congress. The National Chess Congress is to meet in New York on the 6th October, and continue in session till the 15th, or longer of necessary. The first business will be the revision of the chess code; then there will be a grand chess tournament, for prizes, and a minor tournament also. Prizes will be given, too for chess problems. ...A number of the best players in Philadelphia, and all parts of the Union are expected to take part in the Congress. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 26, 1857

The American Chess Congress will meet in New York to-day, and continue in session until the 15th inst., or until business is finished. This Congress is a new idea, originating with the New York Chess Club, which appointed a committee to correspond with chess associations and eminent players throughout the country, and get their views on the subject. The answers were very encouraging, and probably not less than two hundred chess players, from various parts of the Union, will be present at the Congress. The most attractive features of the session will be two grand tournaments for first and second class players, in each of which four prizes will be contested for. A part of the session will be taken up with debate on the reports of committees appointed in advance by the Committee of Management, relative to a Chess code and an American Chess Association. Prizes will also be awarded for best chess problems. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 6, 1857

The Chess Congress. The first National Chess Congress met in this city yesterday. Hon. A. B. Meek of Alabama was chosen President. The sessions of the Congress will continue some three weeks. Representatives from Louisiana, Minnesota and various distant parts, and the hearts of the chess players are made glad by the advent of the most celebrated players in the country. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 7, 1857

The Chess Congress. In the Chess Congress, yesterday, Mr. Morphy won his third game in the contest for the first prize. He has only to win two more games to entitle himself to the award. His antagonist, Mr. Paulsen, won one game, and there have been two draw-games. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 5, 1857

The Freshman and Sophomore members of the "Yale Chess Club" had a match game last Saturday which resulted in the triumph of the representatives of the former class. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1858

Chess Run Mad. The papers once in a while recount some extraordinary feat of the great chess players, Paulsen and Morphy, such as playing six or seven games at a time blindfolded. ...But the feats of Messrs. Paulsen and Morphy are no more calculated to bring chess into general favor than the public exhibition of the acrobatic feats of the Bedouin Arabs were to diffuse a taste for the exercises of the gymnasium. Chess will never become a popular game with Americans; they are too restless, and want more excitement than is furnished by poring over a checker board for two or three hours, racking the brain and memory. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 24, 1858

A great chess tournament is in preparation among the members of the San Francisco Pioneer Chess Club, which will be open to all chess-players in the State who choose to participate in it. It is to take place next month. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 26, 1858

Chess. —The American chess champion, Mr. P. Morphy, of New Orleans, has come to London to follow up his challenge to play our English champion, Mr. H. Staunton. Mr. Morphy is a marvel of memory and skill, having, it is said, sustained no fewer than seven games simultaneously without sight of the boards. He will attend the annual meeting of the chess savants, in August next, at Birmingham. Mr. Morphy played on Wednesday with some of the members of the St. George's Chess Club, and exhibited wonderful power. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 9, 1858

Great Chess Challenge in England. The celebrated American chess player, Mr. Morphy, has arrived in London, and requests us to announce, in all courtesy and respect, that he is prepared to play any man living a match of chess for any sum from one hundred to one thousand pounds. ...Bell's Life in London, July 6. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 26, 1858

Biography of Paul Morphy. Paul Morphy is a native of the city of New Orleans, and was educated at Spring Hill College, near Mobile, Alabama. ...Mr. Morphy is about five feet three inches, and his slenderness of figure is such as to give him a remarkably youthful appearance. —London Field — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 25, 1858

Mr. Staunton Declines Playing With Morphy. The London Illustrated News, received per steamer America, contains a letter from Mr. Staunton, addressed to Mr. Morphy, declining to engage in a chess contest with the latter.... — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 9, 1858

For the benefit of your readers, I would inform you that the moves in the game of chess now being played between New York and Philadelphia by telegraph, will be immediately dispatched by telegraph to the rooms of the Brooklyn Chess Club, corner of Court and Remsen streets, so that all who have an interest in the matter may inspect the moves as they are made in Philadelphia and New York. During the progress of the game the rooms will be thrown open to the public. T Frere, Secretary, Brooklyn Chess Club. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 20, 1858

Paul Morphy has been confined to his room in Paris from indisposition, and consequently has not been able to commence his match with M. Anderssen, who had reached Paris for the purpose of encountering him. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 6, 1859

Mr. Morphy, says the Illustrated News of the World, may now fairly take rank as the chess champion player of the Old World as well as the New World. No Englishman is found to do him battle, and every foreigner of note has now, with the exception of Der Luja, fallen an easy prey to the youthful conqueror. It is a question whether he be not the finest player to whom the world has given birth. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 19, 1859

Honors to Paul Morphy. The New York Chess Club have determined to greet Paul Morphy on his return, with a splendid set of chessmen in silver and gold, valued at $1,000, now to be seen at Tiffany's, in Broadway, and which were originally manufactured for the Crystal Palace exhibition. A board of equal elegance is to be provided. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 5, 1859

The Right Man in the Right Place. The newspapers have been filled with the praises of Morphy, the chess-player, lately, and he owes his distinction to the fact that he possesses the calculating faculty and turned it to practical account. We, of course, do not consider the career of Morphy as either worthy of admiration or imitation. A man who can devote his whole intellect to the game of chess, or any other game, can have no great quantity of it at his command, and can only hope to become a prodigy, whose feats may be admired as are the operations of a learned monkey. Such games may be proper as a recreation, or as an occasional exercise for the faculties engaged in their prosecution, but as employment or profession are contemptible. But it is highly probable that Morphy has little mental powers except those engaged in the game, and if he was not a famous chess player he would be nothing at all. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 7, 1859, p. 2

Chess. —Mr. Wm. C. Cox, a resident of this city, and George H. Burns, Esq., the acknowledged "Morphy" of Chicago, are engaged in a game of chess, stakes $500. The moves are telegraphed each way. The game is reported at the Brooklyn Club Room as it progresses. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 17, 1859

Eagle Chess Column. A fitting opportunity presents itself on the commencement of our chess column, to give a short sketch of the introduction and increase of public chess playing in our city. On the 8th of October, 1855, through the instrumentality of the writer a meeting of chess amateurs was held at Montague Hall for the purpose of establishing a Chess Club. The result of that meeting was the organization of the Brooklyn Chess Club which has continued in successful operation until the present time and is now without any exception, the largest chess club in the United States. Thomas Nichols, Esq., of Brown, Brothers & Co., was elected President, Thomas Hamilton, Esq, now of St Louis, was chosen Vice President, in which offices these gentlemen served through the first year. The meetings of the Club were held at Montague Hall. On the 1st of September, 1855, the place of the meeting of the Club was changed to the house of the Secretary, T. Frere, No 61 Joralemon Street, where the Club continued to meet until the following Fall. Daniel S. Roberts, one of the finest chess players in the country, now in San Francisco, was proclaimed President by unanimous accord, and held such position until his departure for the Pacific. In the fall of 1857 the place of meeting of the Club was again changed to the rooms of Mr. Grautegein, No. 130 Atlantic street. On the 16th of October, 1858, the Club removed to its present place of meeting, on the corner of Court and Remsen streets, where it has ample accommodations, and now numbers one hundred and fifteen members. Fredrick Perin was unanimously elected President; Thos. Frere, Secretary, and Charles W. Schulluer, Treasurer. The annual dues of the Brooklyn Chess Club, as now organized are but $2. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 11, 1859.

The game of chess has become all the rage. The feats of Morphy have set many idle brains to emulate his fame. The New York Century expresses the hope which we trust may be realized, that the new taste for chess will displace the faro table and other implements of gambling... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 12, 1859

Movements of Paul Morphy. Paul Morphy arrived on Wednesday, with his brother-in-law, by the steamer Persia, and he is now stopping at the St. Nicholas Hotel. He was waited upon soon after his arrival by Col. C. D. Mead, President of the New York Chess Club, Frederick Perrin, President of the Brooklyn Chess Club; Theodore Lichtenhein, Daniel W. Fische, W. J. A. Tuller, J. Lorimer Grahams, jr., and many other leading members of the N.Y. Chess Club. ...At the urgent solicitation of his friends, Mr. Morphy has determined to play no more blindfold games. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 13, 1859

Mr. Morphy's Movements. The rooms of the New York Chess Club were thronged last evening, in expectation of Mr. Morphy's appearance. At 9 o'clock Mr. M. entered, and immediately sat down to a game with Mr. Perrin, giving the latter gentleman the odds of a knight. After a severe contest of two hours, victory was declared for Mr. Morphy. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 17, 1859

Just now the lion of the hour is the chess-player Morphy, or Murphy, which the Herald says is the gentleman's real patronymic. Chess is the current mania. Everybody plays chess or talks chess. ...One of the morning papers suggests that Mr. Morphy oblige the ladies by giving "a chess matinee, where they could witness his method of playing the Royal game, and make his acquaintance on equal terms with their gentlemen friends." — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 26, 1859, p. 2

The Morphy Testimonial. The large chapel of the University was thronged last night by the friends and admirers of Mr. Morphy, to witness the presentation to him of two beautiful testimonials. The magnificent chess board and gold and silver men, purchased by the votaries of Caissa in New York and Brooklyn, as a token of their admiration and esteem for Mr. Morphy, was presented to him through John Van Buren, in an eloquent speech, to which the recipient made a brief but happy reply. The presentation by Mr. W.J.A. Fuller, of a costly watch from the members of the committee, and a response from Mr. Morphy, closed the interesting ceremonies. The audience were delighted by the modest bearing, yet manly self-possession of the young champion. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 26, 1859, p. 3

The Game of Chess. Mr. Van Buren in his presentation address to Mr. Morphy on Wednesday evening, thus referred to the antiquity and the character of the game of chess. Van Buren mentioned several historical anecdotes and some famous people who played chess. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 27, 1859

The Rage for Lions and its Cause. The newspapers are discussing the ovations to Morphy and ridiculing the fuss made over the great chess player. It is probably the silliest of the silly demonstatrations that are periodically got up in this fast country. ...But for honor to a chess player, it is probably the first time that such exploits as those of Morphy have been honored by public demonstrations. But it is a great mistake to suppose that those who convert Morphy into a lion in order to become his keepers have not a thorough appreciation of "the value of the game and the glory of the chase." They do not care a cent whether it is Morphy or the man in the moon whom they celebrate; what they want is an opportunity to do a little spouting on their own account, indulge in a little mutual admiration, and above all get their names in the papers. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 6, 1859

A Great Fuss Over a Small Matter. New York having, according to its custom over every celebrity, feasted and lauded extravagantly the chess-player, Paul Morphy, Boston has thought proper to do the same thing, and all the great poets and small wits, for which the "modern Athens" is so distinguished, took advantage of the event to show themselves off in doing honor to Morphy. ...Mr. Morphy has shown the possession of a surprising talent for combination and calculation which, turned to some useful pursuit, might be productive of benefit to the world, and give him a name among its benefactors. Wasted over a game for mere recreation, the talent becomes lost to society, and affords no just ground for the public honors which men, who admire their own talents more than they do his, are so willing to confer, in order to give an airing to their own egotism and self-conceit. ...Philadelphia Ledger — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 6, 1859

Chess. A new Chess Club was organized in this city on April 8th, 1859, under the name of the "Brooklyn Morphy Chess Club," and at the second regular election, the following members were appointed to serve the ensuing term: H.B. Herbert, President; J.H. Bryan, Vice President; J. Harper, Recording Secretary; E. H. Goodwin, Cor. Secretary; A.S. Gibson, Treasurer. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 13, 1859

Morphy in Brooklyn. Paul Morphy visited Brooklyn yesterday afternoon at the invitation of the Brooklyn Chess Club; dined with the Club at the house of Mr. T. Frear, and in the evening went to the Club-room, corner of Court and Remsen streets, where he played two games with Mr. H.H. Knott, the best player in Brooklyn, gave him the odds of a "Queen's Knight" and beat him easily; did the same thing by Mr. N. Marasche, another crack player; gratified the curiosity of a number of people who crowded the Club-room to see the lion, and then retired. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 17, 1859

The reasons which directly influenced Mr. Morphy in declining to play the proposed match with Mr. Paulsen are understood to be the fact that Mr. Paulsen succeeded in scoring only one out of twelve, or if we include the blindfold games, one of fourteen, of the games contested at the time of the Chess Congress in 1857, and should therefore, by a generally-recognized chess etiquette, now consent to accept odds, and also the fact that Mr. Morphy some time since publicly declared, a declaration which, as the acknowledged champion of Europe and America, he had a perfect right to make, that he would play no more even matches until he had first been beaten at odds. ...At the odds of a knight he has won at the rate of three to one of his old antagonist, Mr. James Thompson; at the rate of two to nothing of Mr. Frederick Perrin, the leading Brooklyn player, and at the same rat of Mr. S. Lovel. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 22, 1860

Great Chess Match Between Brooklyn and New York. A Chess Match has been arranged between five players of the Brooklyn Chess Club and five of the New York Club. They are to be paired off, each pair to play three games exclusive of draws, the club winning the greatest number of games to be declared the victors. The match is to be played partly in New York and partly in Brooklyn. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 30, 1860

The Brooklyn Chess Club. Last evening we paid a visit to the rooms of this excellent Club, and were gratified to find it in such a flourishing condition. The new rooms are located in the part of the fine building, corner of Court and Joralemon streets, known as 14 Court street, and are admirably adapted for the purpose. ...On Saturday evening, Nov 30, Mr. James A. Leonard will visit the Club and essay the difficult undertaking of playing ten blindfold games against first class players. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 21, 1861

Brooklyn Chess Club. Mr. Jas. A. Leonard, the noted blindfolded chess player, will play six or eight games simultaneously, without seeing the men or boards, at the rooms of this club, No. 14 Court street, to-morrow evening. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 17, 1862

The Brooklyn Chess Club held their regular annual meeting for the election of officers for the ensuing year, last evening, at the Roanoke House, Montague street. A good attendance was present, and the business of importance was transacted. The following are the officers of the ensuing year: F. Perrin, President; G. R. Rice, Vice-President; G. Coaton, Secretary; A.A. Thompson, Treasurer. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 3, 1862

A Chess Tournament. The Brooklyn Chess Club, which we are glad to be able to say is in a very flourishing condition, has made arrangements for a grand tournament, which will take place before long. The club comprises amongst its members some of the best chess players in the city and an interesting series of the games may be reasonably anticipated. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 7, 1862

Chess Matter. The prize tournament of the Brooklyn Chess Club, will be commenced at the rooms of the Club at the Roanoke Hotel, Montague street, near Court, this evening. The prizes — which are two — are a handsome set of chessmen and a fine chess-board. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 15, 1862

Chess. The tournament of the Brooklyn Chess Club was finished on Saturday evening last, resulting in Vice President Rice winning the first prize, a set of Staunton chess-men, and President Perrin taking the second, a handsome chess board. The skilled strategist, Capt. R. W. Raymond of Gen. Fremont's staff comes in as fourth. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 15, 1862

The Brooklyn Chess Club. This flourishing club has just entered upon its sixth season, and it bids fair to be one of the most successful it has yet had. The change of proprietors at the Roanoke Hotel, necessitated a change in locality, and they have recently secured a desirable suit of rooms at No. 74 Court street. Mr. Henry Chadwick was elected as Secretary to replace Mr. Calbron. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 22, 1863.

Chess Matters. The regular annual meeting of the Brooklyn Chess Club, is shortly to take place, and the programme for the ensuing winter campaign is being made out. We understand that it is to include an interesting tourney among the members of the club, besides regular encounters, club against club with the New York club and the Paulsen club of New York. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 21, 1863

The Brooklyn Chess Club. To-night the annual election for officers of this club takes place at their rooms, 74 Court street, and the programme for the ensuing season will be made out. The club is likely to be in a better position financially and numerically this season than at any other time since its organization. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 3, 1863

The regular annual tournament of the Paulsen Chess club commences at their rooms next Wednesday. On the 14th inst., Mr. E. Borch is to play ten blindfold games against ten opponents selected among those present during the event. The chess players of the Capitolian Chess Club are about organizing a club at their rooms corner of Jay and Fallon. Several chess tournaments are to come off this season. Besides the regular club tourneys among the several clubs, there is to be a grand trial of skill between the leading members of the New York, Brooklyn and Paulsen clubs. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 10, 1863

Chess. On Saturday evening, the Brooklyn Club held their regular annual meeting at their rooms, No. 74 Court street; a full quorum of members being present, President Perrin being in the Chair. The annual dues to this club are five dollars, payable when elected. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 12, 1863.

Blindfold Playing. The result of the effort of Mr. Borch, of the Paulsen Chess Club, to play eight games of chess simultaneously without seeing the men on the boards, was his success in three games out of the eight played. Next week, Mr. Eugene Brenzinger the President of the Paulsen Club, will play ten games blindfold against first class players. On these occasions the rooms of the club located at 189 Bowery, will and be free to all chess players, and they are cordially invited to attend and take part in the proceedings. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 19, 1863

Chess Matters. Those difficult mental tasks that chess players are prone to subject themselves to, termed blindfold games, are likely to be frequently undertaken this reason by those who aim to excel in that particular department of chess. A week or two ago, Mr. Borch of the Paulsen club of New York — a very superior association of chess players, mostly Germans — undertook to play eight games of chess simultaneously without seeing the boards or men, and he succeeded in winning three out of the eight, and completed all the games in four hours from the time of commencement. On Wednesday evening last the President of the club Mr. Eugene Brenzinger essayed the same difficult mental feat, and succeeded in four games out of eight. Morphy once tried ten, and lost six of them; Paulsen once played twelve and won eight of them. He said he could play twenty. On Saturday evening last, the Brooklyn Club opened their new rooms, located at the Hamilton Buildings, corner of Court and Joralemon streets, room No. 19. Paul Morphy is now in Paris, where he has been sojourning for over a year past. ...The Richmond Chess Club, despite the alarms of grim-visaged war, continues to flourish in the Confederate Capital. Their rooms, adjoining those of the Richmond Young Men's Christian Association, in Goddin's Hall — the members of which nearly all play chess — are daily frequented by chess-players, especially by those who are officers in the army. The veteran Secessionist, Judge John Robertson, drops in occasionally; likewise President Morris. Dr. Charles Gibson, too, when home on furlough, calls in for a game now and then. But many of the old frequenters of the club have made their last move, and have been mated in nearly every case, as rebel chess-players out to be. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 3, 1863

Chess. Since the furore for this intellectual pastime, that followed the advent of Morphy, the game has somewhat declined in popularity, not from want of the requisite attractive element, as from a lack of effort among chess players in general, to promote the advancement by the same means as those taken by the admirers of other recreative games. Every leading city in the Union has its Chess Club, and this city can count its votaries by the thousand, and yet hitherto we have had but one club amongst us, and that only half supported... This want, we are glad to learn, the Musaeola Association, of this city, is about to supply through the medium of a club, organized under the auspices of the Association and connected therewith, and one in which the air sex are to be entitled to a participation in the intellectual recreation the game so abundantly affords. The Musaeloa Chess Club is to be organized this week, and the subscription, we understand, is to be but $2 a year, the members of the Chess Club to be entitled to membership of the Musaeola Assoication by the payment of an additional fee of $3, and those of the Musaeloa Association to be members of the Chess Club by right of their connections with the Literary and Musical Association.... — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 6, 1864

Chess. A general chess contest, by telegraph, between New York and Philadelphia is on the tepis, and due notice will be given in the Eagle of the time appointed. The game as played will be telegraphed to the Musaeola Chess Rooms in the Sawyer and Thompson buildings in Fulton avenue. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 8, 1864

Chess. This evening a grand chess match by telegraph will be commenced between players of the Philadelphia Club and the Paulsen Club of New York. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 11, 1864

Chess. The match by telegraph, New York vs. Philadelphia, was commenced last evening at 7 o'clock, the play for the night terminating at half-past ten, at which time the fourteenth moves had been made... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 12, 1864

Chess. The match between New York and Philadelphia by telegraph resulted in the defeat of the New Yorkers, the game being far from being good and anything but creditable to the skill of the committee from the Paulsen Club. Let the Philadelphians challenge the Brooklyn club; we warrant a committee composed of Messrs. Perrin, Horner, and Reis or Raymond, would be found a hard team to beat. At a meeting of some chess players of the two districts of our city the other evening, some comments on the recent chess match by telegraph, led to a banter being offered by the Williamsburghers to play the Western District gents a match by correspondence. It was of course promptly accepted. The committee of the Eastern District are members of a private chess club in Williamsburgh, and those of the Western District belong to the Museaola Association. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 18, 1864.

Chess. Paul Morphy has returned from Paris to New Orleans. He went to Paris about four years ago as a loyal man, beat all the Europeans at chess, and was flattered and honored immensely. He made his late visit as a rebel, got beaten at chess, and attracted no attention whatever. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 5, 1864

The Brooklyn Chess Club. At a recent meeting of the Club, at which the annual election of officers were held, it was decided to increase the season's due from five to ten dollars... The Long Island Chess Club. Some time since it was proposed to organize a chess club under this title, the season's due of which should be limited to three dollars. A movement is now on foot to start this club at once. Those desirous of becoming members of a club of this kind will leave their names with Mr. Chas. C. Sawyer, 59 Fulton avenue, Sawyer & Thompson's Building. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 5, 1864

Chess. Paul Morphy, who when the rebellion broke out, joined the Confederate army at New Orleans, but subsequently retired and went to Paris, has lately changed his mind, and having taken the oath of allegiance, has commenced business in a town in Southern Illinois, as Government Claim Agent. He has almost given up chess. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 16, 1865

Paul Morphy has returned to this city and is preparing an annotated volume of his games. The rumor that he was on Beauregard's staff is stated to be untrue. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 14, 1865

A Tourney at the Chess Divan. Tonight the opening games of the first tourney of the season will be played at the Chess Divan in Fulton avenue, corner of Pearl street, The first players are Horner and Thompson, and some interesting chess strategy may be expected... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 29, 1866

George H. Mackenzie, of New York, and G. C. Reichhelm, of Philadelphia, will play a match for the chess championship of the United States. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 29, 1867

M. Bonfils, a celebrated chess player, died in Paris on the 2d inst. He initiated the International Chess Conference. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 21, 1867

The New York and Michigan Chess Clubs will play a match by telegraph in about two weeks. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 27, 1867

A telegraphic chess match between New York and Detroit was begun a few days ago. At the end of three hours Detroit has made one move. A game thus protracted must test the patience of all but unqualified enthusiasts. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 1, 1867

Checkmate for Ferry. James Ferry was yesterday arrested at Fort Richmond, by Sergeant Williams, of the Forty-eighth Precinct, on a warrant issued by Justice Cornwell. The complainant is C.W. Church, of Fort Hamilton, who claims to have been robbed of a set of chess-men, valued at $12. Ferry is now under checkmate, awaiting examination. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 17, 1867

...In the evening Prince Albert frequently played at double chess, a game of which he was very fond, and which he played extremely well. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 13, 1867

Several years ago, when the chess fever raged, there were eighty newspapers in the country that had a department of chess. Now there are not a half a dozen. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 20, 1867

There is a talk of a game of chess to be played by means of the Atlantic cable, by players in New York and London. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 23, 1867

The chess champion of the world, Paul Morphy, has emerged from his retirement. He played in Paris, four game with Mr. Steinitz, losing one and drawing three. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 11, 1868

The operators at Penn Yan and Williamsport had a game of chess a few evenings since by telegraph, which ended in a tie. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 29, 1868

Another Chess Club. Another organization styled the Brooklyn Chess Club, was formed at Brenzinger's Rooms, No. 304 Atlantic street, Saturday evening. The club-room will be open to the public every evening, and the monthly assessment will be one dollar. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 7, 1868

A game of chess by telegraph is being played by clubs in Boston and Springfield. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 18, 1868

Buffalo and Oswego are to play chess by telegraph. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 23, 1869

Brooklyn Chess Players. Messrs. Brenzinger and Delmar, the celebrated chess players of Brooklyn, won respectively the fourth and fifth prizes in the grand chess tournament which has just closed at the Cafe Europe, in New York. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 4, 1869

The Brooklyn Club Chess Tourney. Up to last evening, we present the score of the games played at the tourney of the Brooklyn Club. Brenzinger 11-1, Perrin 8-3, Chadwick 7-2, ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 30, 1869 and Nov 29, 1869

Chess. Western District vs. Eastern District. A consultation game was played between Brooklyn and Williamsburgh chess clubs ...Brooklyn won the game. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 5, 1869

Brooklyn Chess Club Tournament. The tournament of this club was concluded on Saturday evening, Mr. F. C. Brenzinger and Mr. E. Delmar being declared the winners of the first and second prizes. Brenzinger 27-5, Delamr 25-6. Perrin 27-8, Chadwick 22-9, ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 6, 1869

The London (England) Chess Club has been dissolved, after an existence of sixty-three years. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 4, 1870

The Brooklyn Chess Club. The members of the Brooklyn Chess Club held their last club meeting at their old rooms, on Atlantic street, on Saturday night, on which occasion the report of the Committee appointed to select new rooms for the Club was presented and adopted by a unanimous vote. The committee has selected a suite of parlors in the building No. 280 Fulton street, between Clinton and Pierrepout, and that the same had been placed in charge of Mr. Brenzingen for the ensuing year... The dues are eight dollars a year. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 20, 1870

Chess Novelty. In the Williamsburgh Chess Club-rooms a brilliant game of chess was played by two ladies (Sophia and Cecilia Illig), assisted by the most distinguished players of the Club... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 6, 1870

Chess. Brooklyn vs. New York. For the proposed match at chess between New York and Brooklyn, the preliminaries have been settled. On Tuesdays the players will meet in the Cafe International, at 192 Chatham square, and on Saturdays in the Brooklyn Chess Club rooms, 280 Fulton street... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 19, 1870

Chess. The Chess contest between the champions of the Cafe International and the members of the Brooklyn Chess Club, terminated yesterday in favor of the New York players. After five evenings' play, New York succeeded in scoring twenty-one games against eight games won by Brooklyn. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 11, 1870

Brooklyn Chess Club. At the annual meeting of the Brooklyn Chess Club, the following officers were elected: Captain Mackenzie, President; J.A. DeCon, Vice-President; H. M. Munoz, Secretary; E.E. Brenzinger, Treasurer. An Executive Committee was also appointed to take cognizance of international matches, matches between clubs of the United States, and games of chess played by telegraph. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 7, 1870

Brooklyn Chess Club. At a recent meeting of the Brooklyn Chess Club it was resolved that in consequence of the rapidly increasing popularity of chess throughout the country, measures should be taken for the purpose of inaugurating a grand International Chess Congress, to be held in New York during the coming year, and a Committee was subsequently appointed to communicated with other Chess Clubs in the United States, requesting their aid and assistance in the furtherance of the scheme... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 15, 1870

The Royal Game of Chess. There is no game so venerable for its antiquity, nor one so esteemed for its intellectual character, as the royal game of chess. ...We do not propose to write an essay on the game, but only to introduce our subject appropriately; our text being the proposed Chess Congress of 1871. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 26, 1870

Mr. James Thompson, the President of the New York Chess Club, died suddenly yesterday afternoon at his residence in New York. He had been an invalid for some time past, but within a week or two had attended at the Club rooms. Mr. Thompson was well known as a fine player and a liberal supporter of the Club of which he had been a member for the past twenty years. The adjourned meeting of the new Brooklyn Chess Association was held last evening, at the residence of Mr. Emanuel Munoz, in Fourth place, the attendance being numerous and highly influential. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 5, 1870

General Von Moltke and Prince Frederick Charles are among the best chess-players in Germany, while Bismark is not only a very indifferent player, but also gets easily impatient when defeated. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 10, 1871

The Coming Chess Congress. What the patrons of chess in this section of the country have failed to do so, the more energetic and businesslike members of the fraternity out West have successfully taken in hand, and the fist result of the efforts made by Cleveland and Detroit Chess Clubs to organize a Chess Congress for 1871 is before us in a promise of a full attendance of delegates from all the Western and Southwestern cities, as well as from the clubs of the East and the Atlantic coast cities. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 9, 1871

Chess Notes. The chess season of 1871 and '72 does not at present give promise of any exciting sport on the chequred square. In this city, in the place of a floundering chess club have interesting nightly contests among a membership of over a hundred and more first chess clubs, we have twice the number of players distributed among a dozen different private chess coteries. In Cleveland, Ohio, they are to have a grand chess tourney this winter, the western players organizing a chess congress, something we in the metropolis were unable to do. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 14, 1871

The Cleveland Chess Congress. Play will commence at 9 A.M., December 5, at the Kennard House. ...A time limit of twelve moves to the hour will be enforce. If both players repeat the same move or series of moves five times in succession, either player may declare the game a draw. ...At the close of the play in the Congress, it is hoped that a permanent American Chess Association will be formed... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 21, 1871

Chess. The movements of the players gathered at the Chess Congress at Cleveland are now the principal subject of discussion in chess circles. The delegates assembled on the morning of December 4, at the Kennard House, and proceeded to transact the preliminary business of the meeting. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 9, 1871

Chess. The Close of the Tourney. The Chess Congress tournament closes to-day, the result of the contests for the first prize being success of the noted English player, Captain McKenzie. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 14, 1871

Chess. The Chess Congress Tourney. There are three New York weekly papers which have a chess column, but we have looked in vain in the columns of all three for the slightest information as to the chess congress tourney, which has been in progress since December 4. In fact the Eagle is the only paper that has given the matter any attention at all, and the first to give the result of the contest for the first-prize, which we did yesterday. Captain McKenzie of New York being the victor. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 15, 1871

Chess. Last night a national association was formed to promote chess interests throughout the country. P. Ware, Jr., of Boston, was elected President; John G. White, of Cleveland, Secretary; J.S. Turner, of New York, Treasurer. The association is to be known as the American Chess Association. A constitution was adopted which provides that a playing and problem tournament will be held each year at such time and place as the Executive Committee may select. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 16, 1871

The Chess Congress and its Results. The meeting of chess players at Cleveland during the first two weeks of December, 1871, has been the means of creating quite a revival of interest in the game; and the establishment of an American National Chess Association, which closed the session of the second Chess Congress held in this country, is well calculated to promote the interests of chess on this side of the Atlantic. McKenzie won 14, lost 2, and drew 2. First prize was $100. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 21, 1871

The following is a directory of Chess resorts of this city an New York: Brooklyn Chess club at No. 179 Myrtle Av; Williamsburgh CC at No. 43 Meserole St; The New York Chess Club at the Society Library, University place; Chess Up-Town at Knickerbocker Cottage, 456 Sixth Ave; Young Men's Reading Association of the Nineteenth Ward, Terrace Garden; Cafe International, 192 Chatham square, near Bowery; Cafe Europa, 12 and 14 Division St; Turner Hall Chess Club at Nos. 52 and 54 Orchard street. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 6, 1872

Chess. The Western Problem Tourney. In the problem tournament just concluded in the Dubuque Chess Journal, the following awards of prizes have been made: For the best problem in any number of moves, to W.A. Shinkman; for the best three move problem, to W. Meredith; for the best four move problem, to J. B. Cherriman; for the best five move problem, to F. W. Agnel. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 7, 1872

The Brooklyn Club Reorganized. The adjourned meeting of chess players of this city was held in the Directors' Room of the Mercantile Library, on Saturday night, and after a lengthy discussion of the subjects brought up before the meeting, a regular organization of the new Brooklyn Chess Club was effected, and the new club propose to play their inaugural games in their Chess Rooms, in the Library building, on Saturday night next. President, J. Spencer Turner; Vice President, Paul Worth; Secretary, Manuel Munoz; Treasurer, S. B. Noyes. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 13, 1872

Brooklyn Chess Club Opening. The newly organized Brooklyn Chess Club went into operation on Saturday night, on which occasion the members met in their club room for the first time. The club began with a roll of thirty-two members. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 20, 1872

Chess. The Great Chess Meeting in London. The British Chess Association Convention was inaugurated in London on Friday last, and play in the grand matches began on Monday, June 24. There will be consultation games, blindfold games, matches by telegraph, and a lecture on "The History and Antiquates of Chess," by Capt. H. A. Kennedy. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 26, 1872

A Lecture on Chess. Capt. Kennedy, the noted chess player, recently delivered a lecture on chess before members of the British Chess Association and others at the Crystal Palace, near London, his opening remarks on the history of chess being as follows: ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 30, 1872

Chess. The Brooklyn Chess Club. To-night there will be the usual gathering of experts at the Club, Wednesday and Saturday evenings being the best nights for full meetings. The list of membership now includes several of the best players in the country. ...There are over 50 members. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 11, 1872

Chess. The Death of St. Amant. The late tragic death of Fournier de Saint Amant brings back many interesting recollections. He lived to be nearly seventy-three, and to die from being thrown from his carriage. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 26, 1872

The Chess Club of this city have had a set of their valuable imported chessmen stolen from their rooms. Since their loss they have been busy "locking the stable door." — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 30, 1873

Chess. The Brooklyn Club Tourney. The first annual tournament of the Brooklyn Chess Club terminated in Saturday night, and the result of the games played was the success of Messrs. Delmar, Perrin and Dill, as the three winners of the prizes. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 4, 1872.

The Brooklyn Club — First Annual Meeting. Prior to the movement last year suggested by the Eagle, and which culminated in the successful organization of the Brooklyn Chess Club, under the auspices and supervision of the Mercantile Library Association of this city, the chess players of Brooklyn had to resort for the votaries of the game, all previous efforts to establish a chess club on a permanent footing having failed. Now, however, our city has the club par excellence of the country in its midst. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 6, 1873

After dinner, Chief Justice Chase would spend an hour playing chess with his private secretary. He was excessively fond of chess, and played a strong but not very scientific game. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 12, 1873

Chess. October will inaugurate the chess season of 1873 and 74 of the Brooklyn Chess Club at the Mercantile Library Building in Montague street. The New York Chess Club meets daily at the New York Society Library, No. 67 University place. Cafe International is at 192 Chatham square. Turner Hall Chess Club is at Nos. 66 and 68 East Fourth street. Club Cosmopolitan is ant No. 1 ½ Second avenue. Jersey Chess Club meets at No. 81 Montgomery street. Chess is played at the Christian Union Rooms, Fulton street, opposite Elm place. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 25, 1873

Brooklyn Chess Club. The Executive Committee of this organization have made a change in their policy so far as their tournament contests are concerned, and the coming annual tournament, the games of which will be the attraction of the chess parlor of the Club in the Mercantile Library building with Winter, will, therefore, be open to all chess playing residents of the city, instead of, as hitherto, confined only to members of the Club. ... = Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 20, 1874

The Brooklyn Club Chess Tourney. The regular annual tourney of this club was commenced on Saturday night at the chess parlor in the Mercantile Library building, Messrs. Perrin and Thayer playing the opening games, each winning one. ...- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 2, 1874

The New York Tourney. The tourney now in progress at the Cafe International is quite a success. Thus far Mason, Alberoni and Dehlman lead. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 4, 1874 and Nov 6, 1874

The New York Tourney. The chess tournament now in progress at the Cafe International, 294 Bowery, is largely attended every afternoon and evening, and some lively contests take place. Mason has won 28, lost 5. Delmar has won 22, lost 7. Perrin has won 21, lost 5. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 16, 1874 and Nov 23, 1874

The Cafe International Tourney. Alberoni has won 33, lost 9; Mason has won 31, lost 6; Delmar has won 28, lost 7... The Cafe Cosmopolitan Tourney. Lavaces has won 6, lost 2, drawn 1. Rosenbaum has won 5, lost 2, drawn 1. Spencer has won 5, lost 3.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 30, 1874

The Centennial Tournament. The City of London Chess Magazine for November contains a circular that they have received concerning the grand Chess Tournament to be held in Philadelphia in 1876. We wish them success and shall do our utmost to assist the scheme from this side of the Atlantic. To the chess players of Europe. The chess players of the United States desire to hold a grand International Chess Tournament in Philadelphia in conjunction with the Centennial Exhibition during July, 1876. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 1, 1874

Chess Club Organized. Numerous members of the Eastern District Turner Society last evening organized themselves as a chess club, of which the following named persons were elected officers: President, Fred Hune; Vice President, Charles Naher; Secretary, H. A. Schwab; Treasurer, O. Walter. The names of fifteen members were enrolled as members. A room in Turn Hall has been secured for the use of the club. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 5, 1874

The Brooklyn Club Tourney. The tournament now in progress at the chess parlor of this club in the Mercantile Library building has lately advanced in interest, and the probability is that the contest for the first prize will be close. Dr. Barnett leads the score thus far, Mr. Spence being second and Mr. Horner third. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 23, 1874

The Philadelphia Club. The club now numbers ninety members, and is increasing from five to ten every week. A handsome suite of rooms has been taken on West Penn square, opposite the new public buildings. The president, Mr. Joseph M. Bennett (one of the wealthiest men in Philadelphia, worth $3,000,000) has donated a billiard table, which will occupy a room by itself. The officers are as follows: Joseph M. Bennett, President; George C. Helmbold, Emerson Bennett, Jacob Elsen, James G. Whitehead, and James Roberts, Vice Presidents; G. Reichhelm, Recording Secretary; B. M. Neill, Corresponding Secretary; and W. H. Sayen, Treasurer. The three great chess clubs of the world now are the St. George's Club, of Lonndon; the Vienna Chess Club, of which the Baron Rothschild is the President, and the new Philadelphia Chess Club, now the leading organization of America. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 30, 1874

The Brooklyn Club Tourney. The following is the score of the tourney of this Club up to Saturday: Spence won 13, lost 4; Dr. Barnett won 12, lost 2; Horner won 11, lost 8... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 18, 1875 and Feb 19, 1875

An automaton of wonderfully clever construction is on exhibition in London, and is exciting more wonder that did Baron Kemplen's famous chess player. In this instance the concealment of a dwarf, or a legless man, inside the apparatus is shown to be impossible. The figure, which is a mass of wheels and springs, plays whist with skill, and figures out simple arithmetical problems. It is placed on a table with a glass top, so that it seems to be totally disconnected with whatever agency controls its intelligent movements. Its owner is amassing a fortune by exhibiting it, and men of considerable scientific repute are trying, thus far in vain, to discover the trickery. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 16, 1875

The Brooklyn Club Tourney. This tourney ended last week and the result was the success of the veteran, F. Perrin, as the winner of the first prize, Mr. Horner standing second on the list, Dr. Barnett third and Mr. Spence fourth. At the annual election for officers, Mr. Turner was re-elected President for the third time, and for Secretary, Mr. Munos was also induced to remain in the position he fills so ably; Mr. Davis being elected Vice President, and Mr. Noyes, as usual, Treasurer. The Executive Committee for the year comprises Messrs. Perrin, Horner and DeGroot. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 29, 1875

The Brooklyn Chess Club. The season for chess playing is now at hand, and it is to be hoped that the present Executive Board of the Brooklyn Chess Club will soon prepare a programme for the club doings this Winter which will prove more attractive than the ordinary work of the Club does. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 24, 1875

The Brooklyn Club Reception. The cosy chess parlor of the Brooklyn Chess Club, presented a scene last night which should be one of more frequent occurrence. Every chess table in the room was occupied... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 14, 1875

The Brooklyn Club. To-morrow night there will be a gathering of the leading players of the Club, at their chess rooms in the Mercanitle Library, to talk over the arrangements for the coming club tournaments... The Union Chess Rooms. The free chess room attached to the Union for Christian Work is every afternoon the scene of lively chess encounters, and some very good games are played there. Mr. Clark is the Union's champion, and there are quite a number of strong players who frequent the rooms, not forgetting "the Doctor." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 15, 1875

The Brooklyn Chess Receptions. The regular semi-monthly reception of the Brooklyn Chess Club, will take place at the rooms of the Club in the Mercantile Library Building on Wednesday evening... The Flatbush Chess Coterie. This organization has been re-established, and the members now meet at the old chess resort of the Coterie on Flatbush avenue. President Labon receives his guests with his wonted urbanity and of late he has been quite successful with these "Acts" of the Coterie, the "Doctor" and ye "Tiger." Mr. Robert Dazzler, the champion of the club, talks of having a "bout" with Captain McKenzie. He is now in fine practice. The Cliff street champion too, is in good trim. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 6, 1875

The English Player, Dr. Bird. Considerable interest has been manifested of late in metropolitan chess circles by the arrival of the noted member of the London Chess Club, Dr. Bird. Last week he visited the rooms of the Brooklyn Club and played three games with Mr. Perdue, winning them all. On Monday he met Captain MacKenzie at the Cafe International, New York, and was defeated in two games out of three. Yesterday he played with Mason and won three out of four, and with Mr. Rice, winning two out of four. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 16, 1875

American vs. English. The $100 match between William Mason — the American player and chess editor of Wilkes' Spirit — and Mr. Bird, the noted chess writer of London, is now the chess topic of interest in the Metropolis. The games were commenced on Tuesday at the rooms of the Downtown Chess Club, in the Cafe Cosmopolitan and Second avenue, near Second street, New York, and the two contestants were place in a little ten by twelve apartment where it was impossible for more than a dozen spectators to witness the play. The first game ended in a draw owing to a mistake made by Mr. Bird in exchanging queens. In the second game, Mason resigned in his thirty-second move. In the third game, after a contest of fifty-one moves Bird resigned. The match will be continued daily until one or the other wins eleven games, which is to decide the contest. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 30, 1875

Mason vs. Bond. Though the English player, Mr. Bond, had the best of it in the series of exhibition games played between him and Mr. Mason, the chess editor of Wilkes' Spirit, in the money match for $100 now in progress between them, Mason thus far has the best of it in the eleven games played up to to-day, he having won five and lost but three, while three were drawn. The games are to be continued daily until one or the other wins eleven games, the match giving the purse to the player who first scores eleven. The Philadelphia Club. The Philadelphia Chess Club offers playing accommodations and the sum of $250, at least as a nucleus for a fund for a grand international chess tournament, to be held under the auspices of the Philadelphia Chess Club, during the Centennial Exposition of 1876... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 3, 1876

The Mason and Bird Match. Young Mason is progressing toward victory in his contest with Mr. Bird, and the friends of the latter man talk about "gout" as the cause of the English player's recent losses. Twelve games have now been played and Mason has won six, Bird three and three have been drawn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 4, 1876

An American's Victory. Yesterday Mr. Mason, the young American chess player, won his match with the English player, Mr. Bird, defeating the latter by a score of eleven won games to four, four games of the series being drawn, this winning eleven out of the nineteen games played. This match was the result of a piece of enterprise on the part of the members of the Down Town Chess Club of New York, who among their seventy odd members subscribed the purse of one hundred dollars for the contest, thus ensuring to their club nearly two weeks of interesting chess play in their club rooms for their members. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 6, 1876

The Brooklyn Club. The tourney of this Club has not commenced yet, why, no one but the Club managers can tell. There is a sad lack of enterprise in the Club, and if the members do not stir up things soon they will be deprived of the facilities they now possess. Alberone vs. Judd. Thus far in the contest between Max Judd and Signor Alberone, the Western champion has the best of it, he having won three to two out of seven games, two being drawn. A New Chess Column. The chess players of the metropolis are at last to see the latest chess column which will give due attention to local club matters, and not devote all the space to foreign games and State items, as do the chess columns of the metropolitan sporting papers. The new candidate will issue his news through the columns of the Forest and Stream. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 10, 1876

A Novel Chess Match. Wednesday night the rooms of that enterprising chess organization known as the Down Town Chess Club, of New York, were crowded by the votaries of the game, who were attracted by the announcement that Mr. Bird, the noted English player, was to play against twenty-four players... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 14, 1876

A Consultation Match. The consultation game between Messrs. Bird, Ware and Delmar against Captain McKenzie and Messrs. Dr. Bennett and Richardson, was concluded yesterday, at the Cafe Internationale, the result being the success of McKenzie's side. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 27, 1876

The New York Tourney. The Cafe International, at 294 Bowery, New York, is now daily the scene of interesting games played in the tourney now in progress at the Cafe. The meeting is preliminary to the grand Chess Centennial Tournament to take place at Philadelphia this year... The annual club tournament of the Brooklyn Chess Club is now in progress, and on Saturday there was quite a gathering at the rooms. Mr. Alfred Thompson visited the rooms last week for the first time since his return from California. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 23, 1876

The Metropolitan Tourney. The tournament now in progress at the Cafe International, is the most important which has taken place in the metropolis for years past. The noted English chess writer and player, Mr. Bird, is also one of the contestants. The entree fee is five dollars. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 1, 1876

The Metropolitan Tournament. One hundred and thirty-six games of the number necessary to be played to complete the tourney now in progress at the Cafe International at New York have been played. Bird has won 16, lost 5, drawn 1. Alberoni has won 14, lost 5, drawn 4. Ensor has won 13, lost 4. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 1, 1876

The Brooklyn Club Tourney. This chess conflict is now drawing to a close. Thus far, Mr. Horner leads with eight victories and two defeats, Mr. Bixby being second and Mr. Thayer third. It will be closed this month, with Mr. Horner as winner of the first prize. The season has not been an exciting one in any respect. In fact it has been rather old fogyish than otherwise... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 8, 1876

Bird vs. Mackenzie. Mr Bird, the English expert, is after Captain Mackenzie. The former is not satisfied with the result of the Winter tourney, as far as he himself is concerned, and is now anxious to go for the champion's scalp. Bird proposed a match with Mackenzie for $50 a side... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 1, 1876

The Clipper Tourney. The tournament now in progress at the Cafe International in New York, is the most successful affair of the kind that the metropolitan chess players have yet participated in. Bird has won 11, lost 1. Delmer has won 8. Ensor has won 8... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 6, 1876

Chess Notes. Chess players, and especially problemists, will regret to learn of the death of Theo. M. Brown, the noted chess problem composer, who died of consumption out West last week. The New York chess tourney will close on Wednesday week. Thus far Bird leads with 11 games won and 1 lost, Delmar being second with 10 games won and none lost, and Ensor with eight. Clarke is fourth on the list and Mason fifth. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 9, 1876

Chess Notes. Among the deaths of note chess players recently announced is that of Mr. R. B. Wormold, formerly editor of the London Sportsman and latterly chess editor of the Illustrated London News. He died in London December 4. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 8, 1877

A Movement to Popularize the Games in Brooklyn. A chess and checker parlor, to be run on the same plan as the Cafe International in New York was formerly opened last evening at No. 129 Myrtle avenue, under the management of Mr. John E. Clark, the well-known chess player. The object is to popularize these games in this city and to give players an opportunity of meeting in the afternoons and evenings and enjoying the intellectual amusement which they afford. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 4, 1877

An International Tournament. The chess editor of the Glasgow paper, the News of the Week, has sent a communications to Mr. Belden, the energetic and able editor of the Hartford Times, inviting chess players of the United States to compete with those of Great Britain in a postal card tournament. ... An interesting contest of chess is to take place at Clarke's chess room, 129 Myrtle avenue, to-morrow night, when the noted English chess player, Mr. Bird, will play a match with Mr. Clarke. Mr. De Con, the noted blindfold player, is a frequenter of the rooms. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 22, 1877

A Chess Editors' Convention. The first convention of American chess editors ever held will take place in New York on Thursday, July 19, at the Cafe Internationale, corner Broadway and Fourth street. ...Among the subjects to be acted upon in the Convention will be that of sending American representatives to the Paris Chess Congress which meets at the time of the forthcoming Paris Exposition. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, July 10, 1877

Chess Contest. Last evening, at the rooms of the Philidore Chess Club, No. 212 Graham avenue, an exciting series of games was played between H.E. Bird, the champion of these parts, who holds the "Clipper Cup," and members of the Club. Mr. Bird performed the feat of engaging in ten games at the same time, winning all but one. His successful competitor was C. Marache. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 1, 1877

The Brooklyn Chess Club opened their chess season of 1877 and 1878 on Saturday night by electing officers for the ensuing year and laying out a new programme for their club season...Mr. A. P. Barnes has resumed his chess column on the Illustrated New Yorker. An experiment was lately tried in playing a game of chess between players some miles apart, in which the telephone was used with entire success. The champion lady chess player of the country is Mrs. Gilbert of Hartford... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 22, 1877

Mr. Bird, the noted English chess player, has in press an excellent contribution to chess literature, in the form of a work on the chess openings, it being a critical and explanatory analysis of all the chess openings known to the game, the work being calculated for chess students of all degrees and culture. The book will be published at one dollar. Quite a controversy is in progress in the London chess journals in regard to the custom of playing for money at the chess divans and club rooms of the metropolis. Mr. Steinitz has taken up the cudgels against the "shilling a game" hangers on at the chess rooms. An interesting tourney is in progress at the rooms of the Chess Cafe, 49 Bowery. Mr. Bird is the manager of the tourney, but he is not in the lists. A grand tourney is on the tapis to take place at the Cafe Internationale, on Broadway. The Williamsburgh Philidor Club now have lively meetings at their chess rooms, No. 212 Graham avenue. The New York Chess Club — late the "Down Town Club" — meets daily at the Cafe Cosmopolitan, No. 1 Second avenue, New York. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 6, 1877

Mr. Bird's new work on chess is now in the hands of the printers and will be ready for publication next week. The Committee to award the prizes in the Hartford Times Literary Chess Tourney consist of Mr. Chas. A. Gilberg — our Brooklyn problemist — Mrs. J. W. Gilbert, the lady chess champion of America, and the Rev. A. Blauveit, of Kingston, N.Y., a well known chess player and analyst. The Flatbush avenue Chess Coterie now have pleasant contests at the Doctor's every afternoon. The Doctor is still the champion. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 12, 1877

The Manhattan Chess Club had their annual dinner Thursday at the Cafe Logeling, 49 Broadway, and a large party of noted chess players sat down to a regular feast of delicacies appropriate to the season, a very enjoyable time being had. The New York Stock Exchange Chess Club is now in operation, with a large membership. The Manhattan Club Chess Tourney is now in operation at the Cafe Logeling. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 29, 1877

The consultation games which are now played at the Wednesday and Saturday night sessions of the Brooklyn Club, have made the proceedings of more than ordinary interest to the members. The series of consultation games which have been in progress at the Cafe International in New York for the past two months ended on Saturday night. Captain McKenzie, the English chess champion of American, of course won the prize — a purse of $100 — he and his assistants, one of who did not play in all the games, defeated Mason and his assistants with ease in three out of four successive games... The celebrated automaton turbaned chess player from the London Crystal Palace is now on exhibition at the New York Aquarium. A private exhibition was given to members of the press on Saturday, and the experiments tried in testing the skill of the automaton were very interesting... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 28, 1878

In the Paris International Exposition of this year there is to be a chess congress, which will probably exceed in importance any previous thing of the kind. An apartment in the main building is to be fitted up, and the French Government is to give an object of art worth 5,000 francs as a prize to the champion. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 18, 1878

The Brooklyn Chess Club meets Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7 P.M. in the Mercantile Library Building, Montague street. The Williamsburgh Philidor Chess Club meets at No. 212 Graham avenue. The New York Chess Rooms meet at 101 East Fourteenth street, corner of Union Square; Captain McKenzie, manager. Turner Hall Chess Club meets at Nos. 66 and 68 East Fourth street. The New York Chess Club meets at the Cafe Cosmopolitan, No. 1 ½ Second avenue. The Manhattan Chess Club meets at the Cafe Logeling, No. 40 Bowery. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 25, 1878

The Chess Contest. Mr. James Mason, the champion chess player of the United States, sailed for Europe yesterday to take part in the International match at Paris on June 17th. In August, 1876, he won the first prize at the Centennial International Chess Congress at Philadelphia, thereby gaining the title "Champion of the United States." In October of the same year he won the first prize in the New York Clipper chess tournament and defeated such players as Bird, Delmar and Ensor. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 12, 1878

The Paris Tourney. First prize went to Zukertort, scoring 16.5. Winawer took 2nd with 16 points. Blackburne took 3rd with 14 points. Bird took 4th with 13 points. Mackenzie took 5th with 12.5 points. Mason was 10th on the list. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, July 30, 1878 and Aug 13, 1878

Tom Thumb, the General, stopped playing chess when his wife learned to beat him at the game of chess. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 29, 1878

Games With Living Pieces. Several matches at chess have recently been played at Pittsburg and other cities, on occasions of public fairs, in which the chessboard has been laid down on the floor of the hall, and the thirty-two pieces of chess men have been represented by boys, girls and adults. Last night a game of this kind was a feature of the Loan Exhibition entertainment at Pittsburg, the pieces being living persons, all belonging to the best families in the city. The game was played in the presence of about 5,000 spectators, in Library Hall, and the gentlemen who had charge of the rival sides played with great skill. The dressing of the pieces was of the most elaborate character. The chessboard was laid out on a stage, and was thirty-two feet square, each square being two feet in diameter. The affair was highly successful. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 18, 1879

The meeting of the newly organized chess coterie, known as the Danites, to be held the second Thursday in April, will be at the residence of Dr. Drayton, one of the prominent members of the club. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 30, 1879 and Apr 7, 1879

An English Opinion. The London Land and Water, in its chess columns, wrote: Chess, which used to be supposed to afford a boundless scope for intellectual enterprise, is now found to be one of the narrowest fields in which the brain can work. The style of play inaugurated by Morphy is rapidly becoming extinct; and it is extremely doubtful whether he could repeat the feats which have made him famous... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 13, 1879

The fifth American Chess Congress will convene in New York, January 6, 1880. Games between conspicuous players from all parts of the country is to be a feature of the Congress. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 13, 1879

The Lady Champion of America. The Holyoke Transcript announces that Mrs. Gilbert has won the last game of the match of four games, contested against Mr. Gossip, in the International Postcard Tourney between England and America. The American lady champion would up with another brilliant announcement of a mate in twenty-one moves. Mrs. Gilbert won altogether three games, and drew one against her English opponent in this match. The Philidor Club, this Eastern District chess club, is now in quite a flourishing condition, and numbers not far from a hundred members. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 15, 1879

The American Chess Congress. The grand chess tournament given in connection with the proceedings of the Fifth Chess Congress in America, will be commenced on January 6, 1880, at 1 P.M. at the rooms of the Congress, in New York. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 23, 1879

Opening of the Chess Congress. Last night the Chess Congress if 1880 was practically opened at the hall in Union square, New York, which has been engaged for the grand international tournament that begins today. Bird's Chess Openings. Messrs. Howard, Lockwood & Co. have just published Mr. Bird's work on the modern chess openings, which the celebrated English chess player and author wrote when he was last in this country. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 6, 1880

The grand tournament of the Fifth American Chess Congress took place yesterday afternoon at the Union Square Billiard Rooms in New York. Ex-District Attorney Allen opened the tournament, and announced that the committee had decided that the gold medal presented by Mr. Kahen, of the Manhattan Chess Club, will be added to the first prize of $500. The congress will close Saturday. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 7, 1880

The Fifth American Congress is by far the most interesting event in the history of the game in the metropolis, that has occurred since the Congress of 1857, when Paul Morphy was brought prominently before the public. Great credit is due to the Manhattan Club of New York, for the liberality and energy which has characterized the gentlemen of that organization, who have worked so hard for the success of the congress and the tourney. Also to the members of the Philidor and Morphy clubs of Brooklyn for their share in the enterprise... Among the outside players yesterday afternoon were Governor William T. Miner, of Connecticut and Mr. Henry Sedley, of the New York Evening Post, who had several games together... General McClelland and Mr. Proctor the English astronomer — both chess players — will visit the hall next week. Last night those of the contestants who finished their games early enough, were guests of the Manhattan Club at the annual banquet given by the club at their rooms in the Bowery. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 11, 1880

The International Chess Tourney. The end of the second weeks' play in the Chess Congress tourney in progress at O'Connor's Billiard Hall, in Union Square, New York, has established the fact that the present congress is the most successful one we have had in this country since 1857. ...The military men in the tourney are General Congdon and Captain Mackenzie. The general was in early day devoted to base ball, and he has umpired many a game in Philadelphia, when amateur playing was in vogue there. Lately he has been in Washington, and he is now Washington's champion player... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 18, 1880 and Jan 23, 1880

The Last Moves. End Games of the Chess Tournament. The third week of the international chess tournament ended yesterday, and there now remains but one day more to close up the most successful chess tourney ever held in America. The games of tomorrow will end the ninth and last round of the series of contests. There has been but one occurrence of an unpleasant nature, and that very justly excited the ire of all the contestants, and it was the charge of alleged foul play made against Mr. Grundy by the Graphic, a paragraph appearing in that paper on Thursday last which intimated very plainly that Mr. Grundy has willfully lost his second game with Mr. Sellman in order to assist some pool room gamblers. The story was one of a decidedly sensational character and discreditable to the paper which published it. They were obliged the next day to insert Mr. Grundy's indignant and prompt denial of the charge, one, by the way, which no one credited outside the editorial rooms of the paper in question. This incident naturally leads every honest patron of sports to ask the question why it is that pool-selling, which is in direct violation of the State law, is allowed as it is to be carried on with such impunity. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 25, 1880

The Close of the Tourney. Grundy and Mackenzie Tie. Grundy and Mackenzie both won 11, lost 2, and drew 5. Mohle won 11, lost 3, and drew 4... The ties will be played off Thursday at the hall, and they will be continued through the week. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 28, 1880

The National Association Organized. The first day's session of the Convention of Chess Players, which was held at the Chess Tourney Hall on Union Square, New York, yesterday, resulted in the successful organization of the National Association of Chess Players of America. Hitherto the efforts to establish an association of this kind have failed, from the apathy that has been displayed by a majority of the chess clubs of the country, this being due to the existence of what the London Land and Water very properly terms "the pitiable jealousies of American chess clubs" one of the other. ...every chess player in the country can become a voting member of the National Association, and as the constitution calls for thirteen vice presidents there will be an opportunity for having an official representative of every leading chess city in the country in the association. The meeting yesterday was called to order by Mr. Henry C. Allen, and on the motion ex-Governor Minor, of Connecticut, was duly elected chairman. Unanimously elected were President, Colonel J. R. Fellows, of New York; Secretary, Mr. Henry C. Allen, chess editor of the Turf, Field And Farm; Treasurer, Mr. J. D. Bengless, Chaplain U.S.N. The annual dues are two dollars a year. To-day Messrs. Grundy and Mackenzie begin playing off their games for the first prize, each playing two games, the first to win taking the first prize, and the defeated party the second. Drawn games will not count. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 29, 1880

Checkmate. The Close of the Chess Tourney. The Champion Mackenzie the Victor — An Ignoble Ending to a Fine Contest — The Minor Tourney to Begin Next Week. ...and in less than half the time of the first playoff game the captain had his adversary in a bad fix, and within an hour from the first move, Mr. Grundy resigned, and thus ended the supplementary games of the grand tourney. It may truly be said that the tourney went up like a rocket, and on Tuesday night it burst in a blaze of brightness, but this last play of yesterday was like the falling of the rocket stick. On Thursday and Friday nights there was a side tourney at the new chess rooms, known as the Victoria Rooms, located at 252 Bowery, near Houston street. In this there were engaged four of the losers in the congress tourney. There had been gotten together a "consolation prize," as it was termed, amounting to nearly a hundred dollars, and it was to go to the player who won a majority of games in the outside tourney. This Mr. Delmar did, he winning two games each with Messrs. Congdon, Ryan and Ware. Following the grand tourney comes the minor tourney of the Congress, which commences at the Manhattan Club rooms next Tuesday afternoon. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 1, 1880

False Moves. Crooked Knights at the Tourney. The Tricks of Professional Chess Players — The Fraternity of the Country Indignant — The Chess Congress Minor Tourney — An Interesting Series of Games. is but recently that a prominent evil of the system of professional chess playing has been developed in this country to any very striking extent. But the chess congress tourney of the past month has been found to have afforded one or more of this class of crooked knights a good opportunity to play some of their "little games." ...Mr Ware has made a statement in writing, "I was walking down the Bowery with Mr. Grundy, on Sunday, January 25, and he remarked to me that he was poor and really needed the second prize; that I had in beating him, knocked him out of the first prize, and that it would not make any difference to me, if I played easily in our next game, so as to give him second prize, and that he would be willing to give a consideration for it. I said, "I suppose you mean for us to play a draw." He said, "Yes," and I agreed to do it, and twenty dollars was to be the consideration." As it turned out, the contest between Messr. Mohle and Judd, which Grundy thought Judd would have won, resulted in a draw, and when Grundy learned of this, he saw that nothing but a victory over Ware would give him second prize; so instead of accepting the draw he took advantage of Ware's purposely weak play and eventually won the game, thus going back on Ware. ...When the subject of this "crookedness" came up before the committee, Ware reiterated his charge, and Grundy denied it point blank. The committee had no means at the time of verifying the statement of either, and so they decided to let the games be played. ...Mr. Allen informed the writer that bribes had been tendered to both Delmar and Mr. Ryan, to refrain from winning games in the tourney. He also stated that in the Manhattan Club tourney, one of the prominent contestants gave up his chance for a prized for money considerations. The fact is, this bargaining for chances is nothing new with professional chess players. It seems to be part of their business. It was done in the Philadelphia tourney of 1876, so Mr. Allen stated, and Mason and Ware were the parties interested. It was done in the Paris tourney of 1878 when two of the contestants being equal for one of the minor prizes, divided the prize money, while one of them gave it out that he had won the prize in question. There is one fact connected with the matter which tells its own tale, and that is that Colonel Fellows, the worthy President of the National Association, has refused to back Captain Mackenzie in any of the matches which had been proposed should follow the Congress tourney. He seems to have lost faith in professional chess players, as have others of the chess public. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 8, 1880

A New Chess Club. Philadelphia has a new chess club, which was organized last Saturday night. They wanted one badly as their city chess rooms as the Atheneum, Union League, Mercantile Library, Commercial, etc., were only chess lounging places, where nothing of special interest transpired beyond the meeting of "old boys" to play a quiet game of two, like a certain club in the city. Last evening a large and enthusiastic meeting of chess players was held for the purposes indicated in the parlors of the Edwards House... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1880

Caissa. The Chess Clubs and Coteries of Brooklyn. ...The two prominent clubs of the Eastern District are the Philidor and Morphy clubs, Dr. Owen and Mr. Grutter, of the Chess Congress Committee, hailing from the former club, while the latter is now making its meetings interesting with a club tourney. The most prominent of the chess coteries of this city is the organization known as the Danities. Another of the chess coteries is that known as the Flatbush Avenue Coterie, which meets at Dr. Marsh's. Quite a number of chess players gather of an afternoon in the rooms of the Christian Union. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 16, 1880

Meeting of the Chess Association. Expelling Crooked Players. The first special meeting of the National Chess Association was held Wednesday, at the Tourney Rooms, Union square, the meeting being called by President Colonel J. R. Fellows, to take action on the case of Grundy and Ware, charge with selling games at the Chess Congress tourney. Mr. Allen testified that Grundy had visited his office and openly confessed his complicity in the matter. A committee of three were appointed to investigate the charges and to report thereon at a meeting of the association to be held at the Union square rooms, on Saturday, March 6. The committee in question consists of Messrs. D. E. Harvey, of the Newark Club, H. Chadwick, of the Brooklyn, and Dr. O. F. Jentz, of New York. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 27, 1880

The Chess Association. Grundy and Ware Punished. At the meeting of the National Association last night, at Union Square Committee room, action was taken on the matter of the charges against Grundy and Ware. The committee reported in favor of expelling both players, but have a discussion of the report it was finally resolved to prohibit Grundy from ever again taking part in an American chess tourney, and to suspend Ware from membership for one year. It was shown that Grundy was not a member of the association in consequence of not having paid his dues, and that therefore he could not be expelled. In the case of Ware, the latter's contrite letter to the committee led to his penalty being changed from expulsion to suspension. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 7, 1880

The Expulsion of Grundy. The letter sent to the Chess Association Committee, by Grundy, would appear to be about as cool a document — considering the facts in the case — as the whole question has elicited. Ware's avowal of his right to sell a game in a tourney was a novelty in chess ethics; but Grundy's assertion of innocence is the sublimity of Manchester assurance. In his letter he asserts that the charge made against him was the result of a conspiracy, ad he says he will prove it. Grundy says his chess career in America is ended. He is right there. It ended when Ware's testimony was published. There was just such bargaining done in the Centennial tourney in Philadelphia, in which Ware and Mason are alleged to have been the principals; and it is well known in the Metropolitan clubs how little of fair play marked the Clipper tournaments of the same year. Ware himself testifies in regard to the bargaining for games and prizes, which marked the Paris tourney, and it now known that Mackenzie and Bird divided the money of fourth prize in that tourney though it was given out that the Scotch player won the whole of the prize money. There was also a bargaining of the same kind done in the late Manhattan Club tourney. In fact, what is termed "crookedness" in other sports, has been indulged in metropolitan chess for some time past. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 8, 1880

Chess Notes. The best chess column in our exchanges is that of the Cincinnati Commercial. It goes in strong for reformatory measures, and for ridding chess of the evils of the professional system, of which the Grundy Ware business was a fair sample. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 19, 1880

A Club Correspondence Tourney. The Baltimore Herald, whose chess editor is Mr. Sellman, who contested in the Chess Congress tourney, recently, proposed a National Chess Club Correspondence tourney, and the Baltimore Chess Club has taken the initiative by issuing a circular to the chess clubs of each city in the Union. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 29, 1880

Professionalism in Chess. The question has been frequently asked of late: What is professionalism in chess? And the answer is, using the game as a means of livelihood, either by playing games for money; receiving a salary for running a chess cafe or chess saloon; always looking sharply after pecuniary results in tourney games, and, in fact playing the game as a regular business. Men who make a living out of chess playing are too often liable to meet temptation which their poverty prevents them from resisting. The professional chess playing is a bane to the chess fraternity there is not least doubt. And this brings up the subject of doing away with money prizes in chess tourneys, leaving elegant works of art appropriated for a chess prize as the only incentive to win, beyond that powerful one — the honor of victory. ...Grundy's troubles in handling the money of Mr. Blackburne's backers in England are rendered even more mysterious by the explanation advanced. Mr. Grundy should turn his attention in making an upright man of himself. Grundy has left St. Louis and gone back to Chicago. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 10, 1880

Notes of the Day. A correspondent desires to know whether Captain Mackenzie ever played twenty games against as many players in New York last year. The answer is that he did play such a series of games just prior to the opening of the Chess Congress in 1880. The games in question were played at the Manhattan Club rooms on January 9, 1880. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 3, 1881

The Paul Morphy chess club, organized on the now popular plan of the Danite club, is very near the close of its season's tourney, which has been marked by an unusual number of good contests. G. H. Spring has won 13 and lost 4. J. A. Wood has won 7, lost 6, and drawn 1. ... The third of the December meetings of the Danites Chess Club took place at the resident of Mr. Metz in Bergen street. Metz is one of the oldest and most esteemed of the club members. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 21, 1881

Max Judd, the St. Louis chess champion, recently visited New York. In a letter to western paper he wrote, "I never saw chess so dead as it is in New York, a tourney going on, but with no interest, not even among the contestants. Ensor plays chess down stairs, giving a knight, at ten cents a game, and winning, of course, nearly every game. The players I saw him give a knight to ought to be getting a queen; and yet, after winning the game, he would point out where his opponent could have won, only so as to make the poor fool believe that the next time he would do better — all for ten cents! To what uses poor chess has come!" Public chess resorts have been ruined by this dollar and cent way of playing it. Imagine a noted chess player sitting down at cafe chess tables playing for ten cents a game. This is professionalism with a vengeance. McKenzie used to play at odds with amateurs for twenty-five cents a game. Ten cents a game! bah. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 17, 1882

Chess Notes of the Day. The chances are, according to a paragraph in the Turf, Field and Farm, of February 25, that Brentano's Chess Monthly will close its career at the close of the firs volume in May. It this should be the result of the efforts to establish a first class chess magazine in the metropolis, it would be a disgrace to the chess players of America. The Turf says that the mass of the chess players of the country have been totally neglectful of the enterprise. Out of a list of nine hundred prominent chess players of the United States, not one have subscribed to Brentano's Chess Monthly. Out of all the New England chess centers there are not twenty subscribers. In fact, two-thirds of the existing subscribers are from Great Britain and the continent. This is discreditable to our home players. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 27, 1882

The Philidor Chess Club of the Eastern District, is now in the seventh year of its existence and it has never before been in a more flourishing condition. The club numbers a membership roll of over sixty. ...Chess is looking up in the colleges. The chess club at Yale has twenty odd members and is now engaged in a match with the Columbia College Club. The Williams College Chess Club sent a challenge to Pennsylvania University in October, and the game is now going on by postal card. Rutgers is reported to have a strong club, Cornell University also has a strong chess club. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 3, 1882

The Vienna Tourney. The international chess tournament now in progress in Vienna under the patronage of Baron Rothschild, is exciting great interest in all the chess circles of the world, but especially here in this country, as three players, two American and one Scotch — are identified with the games in New York and Boston. The English chess champion, Blackburne, is in the tourney, as also the great German player, Steinitz, the Russian Zukertort, and the Polish player, Winawer. The Boston player, Ware, who sold a game in the American Chess Congress Tourney in New York in 1880, he openly advocating his right to do so, is also in the tourney, with a credit of eight victories. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 12, 1882

Chess Notes of the Day. In the American Chess Congress tourney of 1880 Ware introduced a novel opening of his own composition which he called the Meadow Hay [1.a4]. It came under the notice of Steinitz, who is the chess editor of the London Field, and Steinitz ridiculed it as the "latest Yankee invention on chess." When it came Ware's turn to meet Steinitz in the Vienna tourney recently, Ware played the Meadow Hay opening against the great German critic and Ware won the game by his "Yankee invention," which bothered Steinitz considerably, despite the fact that he had ridiculed it as unworthy of notice. Hereafter, probably, Steinitz will beware of Yankee inventions in chess. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 15, 1882

James Mason, who won the second purse in the recent Vienna tourney, used to sell newspapers early in the mornings on the Fulton Ferry boats and it was at Otis Field's chess rooms in the basement on the north east corner of Fulton and Nassau streets that the newsboy first learned how to play chess. He was a contemporary of the promising young player Leonard, and also of Richardson and others who first became known to chess fame at this old time resort. The Danites Club of this city visited the Manhattan Chess Club last night, at the latter's new rooms 110 East Fourteenth street, opposite Irving place, and they spent a very pleasant evening and were cordially received. Professor Raymond played a couple of games with Mr. Baird, the Manhattan Club's champion player, and won both, while President Wild, of the Danites, defeated President Hellmuth of the Manhattans. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 3, 1882

A sort of international chess match has been arranged in London in which the contestants will be James Mason and Zukertort. Mason is the only legitimate American champion we have in Europe now. Captain Mackenzie is called the American champion but he is a Scotchman and was a noted player years before he came to America, and though long a resident here had not even become a naturalized citizen, it is absurd to call him the American champion. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 4, 1882

The Manhattan Chess Club is getting some notable players in its ranks. The noted problemist, Mr. G. E. Carpenter, is the latest requisition, and Mr. H. Davidson, of Philadelphia, is to follow. Mr. Steinitz arrived in Philadelphia on election day, and Captain Mackenzie is now on his way across the Atlantic to join the Manhattan Club and take charge of their club room. Mason defeated Mackenzie in their match of best out of three games. The first and second were drawn, and the third was won by Mason. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 11, 1882

Chess Notes of the Day. In the Manhattan Chess Club tourney William Charles Fisher [club secretary] heads the list thus far, with four victories and no defeats. Captain Mackenzie and Messrs. Delmar and Blackmar — the latter the champion of the New York Chess Club — are among the competitors. The tourney is a handicap affair. Captain Mackenzie will again essay the difficult task of defeating twenty opponents in on evening's session, at the Manhattan Club rooms, at 110 East Fourteenth street. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 7, 1882

The Royal Game in the Metropolis. Three Classes of Clubs — the Old School, the Cafe Clubs and the Social Clubs. The European Champion in America. Several causes have, of late, combined to give new life to the royal game of kings and queens in the metropolis this present season, and a special impetus has been given the game throughout the country by the visit to America of the European chess champion, Herr Wilhelm Steinitz. ...The most popular clubs in which chess is a feature are the combination organizations, which open the door to the "science of the game" of whist, and to draughts as collaterals of chess. The club of this king in New Orleans numbers a membership of over 600, and the same class of clubs of St. Loui and Chicago are rapidly growing almost as large. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 1, 1883

The chess tournament at the Manhattan Chess Club rooms, in which fifteen New York experts and the same number of Philadelphia players took part, was concluded this morning and resulted in a tie. Of the fifteen games five were declared drawn. The New Yorkers and visitors were each credited with five games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 8, 1883

Caissa. The Chess Season of 1883 and 1884. The Social Chess Clubs of Brooklyn — The Game in the Metropolis — Dr. Zukertort and Herr Steinitz — Philadelphia vs. New York. The chess season of 1883-1884, promises to be the most exciting one experienced since the Chess Congress of 1880 held its tourney in New York. What with the arrival in this country of the two great European champions Dr. Zukertort and Herr Steinitz, and the interesting events in chess circles in New York and Philadelphia which have followed, more general interest has been take in the royal game than has been known for some years past. ...The Brooklyn Library has chess tables for the use of its members, but the old Brooklyn Chess Club which used to meet there is virtually defunct. The Brooklyn Chess Chronicle, which started as a semi monthly, is now a regular monthly magazine, and the only existing chess magazine of the metropolis. It is ably edited by Mr. Munoz, the treasurer of the Kemble Society. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 18, 1883

Steinitz, the Chess Player. Every person who takes interest in the great game of chess has heard of Steinitz, who, in the opinion of many competent judges, is a better player than Zukertort. The latter claims to be the champion of the world, and yet he has repeatedly declined the challenges of Steinitz, alleging that he will play Steinitz for money only in London. In person, Mr. Steinitz is short, moderately stout, has auburn hair, a forehead of medium height, a keen, small, black eye, and a phenomenally small hand, much smaller, indeed, than that of many ladies. His gait is impeded by his inability to walk without limping, and he is an inveterate smoker, his favorite being a hundred dollar meerschaum pipe. This great player is at present making his home in New York. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 13, 1884

Paul Morphy's Death. The death of Paul Morphy, who was for many years concededly the greatest chess player in the world, as the early age of forty-six, is of interest to others beside those who are proficient in the great game of skill. His death was accidental as the circumstances of his life. He was found dead in his bath tub after taking a cold shower bath when very much heated. Congestion of the brain was the immediate cause of death, but for twenty years he had suffered with brain trouble, brought on by devotion to chess playing. ...Paul Morphy, whose small frame was not fitted for sports, was a melancholy example of the equal, if not greater dangers of excess in mental activities. It was during his visit to England when he was about 21 years of age, the he began the practice, that proved fatal to his brain power, of playing chess matches blindfold. Some of the English newspapers warned him of the danger of such unnatural tension of mind as this blindfolding process must involve. It was not in Paul Morphy's nature to take advice and he would play one game after another with his eyes bandaged. At one such sitting he won six games out of seven. At last the foretold result happened in the form of brain fever. He never recovered the full power of his reason, and henceforth he not only abandoned chess but detested the name of it and shunned the company of all chess players. Eccentricity in dress was one of the minor phenomena of his impaired mind. The shock of the cold shower bath which killed him might not have done so but for the diseased condition of his brain. Had he been a reasonable being he would not have ventured on such a shock when overheated by the sun. But so it too often happens that the champions of the world, whether as chess players or athletes, pass away through their own imprudence in overdoing their games, and are more pitied for their folly than they were admired for their skill. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 11, 1884

The chess reunions which were to have taken place at the Brighton Beach House the past month fell through, owing to the surprising conduct of the hotel proprietor, who objected to chess being played on the veranda of his hotel because "they would attract crowds." What is the band engaged for but to give free music to draw crowds. A more mistaken idea could not well have been indulged in. It has driven every chess player from Brighton Beach to the other hotels. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 7, 1884

The present chess champion of the world, Herr Steinitz, has been the guest of the Danites Chess Club, on the occasion of the opening reunion of the club for the season of 1884 and'85, which was held at the residence of Dr. Wilde, on Fifth avenue. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 4, 1884

The old Brooklyn Chess Club, which has been lying dormant for some years, is to be resuscitated under the auspices of the Brooklyn Library. ...Herr Steinitz has become a permanent resident of the United States and, at the request of his American chess friends, he has decided to publish a new chess magazine. ...As chess editor of the London Field for several years, Herr Steinitz proved himself to be one of the ablest chess analysts of the period. ...Already he has secured several hundred subscribers. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 2, 1884

The Baltimore News says that "Chess in New York has no better friend or more enthusiastic though humble advocate than Mr. Albert R. Frey, librarian of the Astor Library, New York. He is endeavoring to make the collection of chess lore in that great library a large and valuable one and one to which all lovers of the noble game will have an easy and free access. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 9, 1884

Chess has become very popular in the colleges within the past year or two. Thus far Columbia College takes the lead in the college chess championship. At Harvard the college chess club recently held quite an enthusiastic meeting, and they propose to go to Columbia this Winter. The Columbia Chess Club of this city has not yet organized for the season. A letter from Herr Steinitz to the Eagle states that his new chess magazine will be entitled the International Chess Magazine, and it will contain choice chess material from all parts of the chess world, but will give most of its space to American chess. It will be out early in 1885. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 23, 1884

The Danites and the Neighbors' chess clubs are now the only existing chess organizations in the Western District, the Paul Morphy Club having broken up. In the Eastern District the Philidor Club still flourishes, and there is a club at Greatpoint. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 1, 1885

Steinitz-Zukertort "championship tourney." Mr. Zukertort claims such reasonable compensation for the time to be devoted solely to the match as will protect him from ruinous loss. This time cannot be less than three months, and he therefore offers, as his final proposition, that he will accept the sum of $500 for expenses in case of his winning the match, and $750 in case of loss. If the clubs who are desirous that the match should be played in their rooms are not willing to guarantee the sum, he regrets that his circumstances render it utterly impossible for him to proceed to America and reside there for three months at least, on his own resources. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 18, 1885

After two years of chess journal controversy and of tiresome correspondence, in which personal differences were ventilated to an annoying extend, Messrs. Steinitz and Zukertort have at last reached the point of a mutual agreement as to terms of a grand match between them for the chess championship. While the winner of the match is to receive $500 of the stakes, the loser is to get $750. The larger sum of the money, however, is intended to cover expenses in traveling. ...The Manhattan Chess Club is to have entire charge of the arrangements for the great match. May the best man win. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 15, 1885

Herr Zukertort is due in New York by the 14th, he having sailed on the Etruria on December 5. The great battle for the championship of the world will begin at New York, January 1, under the auspices of the Manhattan Chess Club. ...The chess column in the New York Clipper is the oldest now in existence in the United States, and next comes that of the Hartford Times. The former is thirty years old; the latter came into existence fifteen years ago and has just celebrated the publication of its one thousandth problem. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 13, 1885

Dr. I. H. Zukertort, the champion chess player of the world, who has arranged to play a series of chess games with Mr. Steinitz, of this city, for $2,000 a side, arrived from England Sunday by the steamer Etruria. The match will be begun in New York on the first Monday in January, where four games will be played and continued in St. Louis and New Orleans. The winner of four games will be entitled to the $4,000. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 15, 1885

In the tournaments at the Manhattan Chess Club and the New York Club, drawn games count as half a game, a very poor plan. It is a noticeable fact that in the coming Steinitz vs. Zukertort match drawn games count as nothing. This is the plan wisely adopted by the Danites Club if this city in their tourney. ...The New York and Pennsylvania Chess Association will hold its ninth annual congress at the rooms of the Young Men's Democratic Club, 69 North Pearl street, Albany, N.Y. ...The chess automaton at the Eden Musee continues to defeat every chess player who meets him at the board. The expense of playing with the automaton in twenty cents after you have entered the Musee, ten cents for admission to the little room where he sits and ten cents for every game played — seventy cents in all. The mad hidden inside is a very fine player. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 20, 1885

The Great Chess Match. A Contest for the Championship of the World and Four Thousand Dollars — Games to be Played in New York, St. Louis and New Orleans. Since the advent of Paul Morphy, we have had no such important event as that which is to open the chapter of local chess history for the new year, and that is the coming contest for supremacy in the chess world between the two leading players of the period, Herr Wilhelm Steinitz, of Austria, and Dr. J. H. Zukertort, of Hungary, who are now the most prominent masters of the royal game in the European chess world. ...Rule 8 — The right to publish the games and to copyright an analysis of the games of the match is reserved to the two contestants. ...It is worthy of note that Herr Steinitz has not only become a citizen of the United States, but a permanent resident of Brooklyn; he resides in the Hill district of the city with his family. The committee of the Manhattan Chess Club which will have entire charge of the club arrangement consists of George T. Greene, the president of the club, and F.M. Teed, the secretary, with W.M. De visser. The match begins on Monday, January 11, at the Dancing Academy in Fifth avenue, near Ninth street, at two P.M. The admission is one dollar each day of five dollars for the whole series of games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 3, 1886

The records of two tourneys are now in progress at the Danites Chess Club up to the close of 1885 are as follows. The regular championship tourney of the club has been virtually settled, as Professor Raymond's record of six victories and no defeats cannot be equaled. Dr. Zukertort, in commenting on the position of chess in America states that in London there are twenty-eight chess clubs of the better class. Zukortort said, "Chess is a recreation which requires no other stimulant than it possesses inherently, and it exercises the brain without exciting and injuring it. Of course a man may play chess to excess, as he may do anything else to excess; but when taken moderately I believe it is the best amusement that the brain can find." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 10, 1886

The grand match for the chess championship of the world and a $4,000 stake between Herr Steinitz and Dr. Zukertort, the arrangements for which were published in the Sunday Eagle of January 3, began at Cartier's Dancing Academy Hall, 80 Fifth avenue, near Fourteenth street, on the afternoon of January 11, and at 9:30 P.M. of the same day the first game of the series terminated in a victory brilliantly won by Steinitz, after a contest of five and a half hours' duration. The small hall selected for the match would be crowded with two hundred people in it, and as there was no possibility of seeing the players make the moves at their board, they being placed on a platform above the level of the seats in the hall and in a room by themselves, it was impossible to watch the play except through the medium of a large chess board, for feet square, hung up on the wall in view of those seated in the hall. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 12, 1886

The second game between Steinitz and Zukertort at Cartier's Hall yesterday resulted in a victory for Zukertort, though Steinitz had the first move and the choice of opening. The attendance at the rooms was largely in excess of that on Monday, especially at the evening session, when the hall was uncomfortably crowded. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 14, 1886

The third contest of the series between Messrs. Steinitz and Zukertort, which was played at Cartier's rooms yesterday, resulted in the success of Zukertort, whose brilliant attack toward the close of the game was as much a feature of this game as was that or Steinitz in the first game last Monday, when the latter sacrificed his knight for position. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 16, 1886

Alluding to the interest felt in the contest between Messrs. Steinitz and Zukertort, the Atlanta Constitution remarks that it may result in a popular revival of the game of chess. It is very doubtful. Chess involves too much brain work. Forms of amusement that furnish even more excitement without severely taxing the mental powers are not apt to be eclipsed by an amusement that requires the closest intellectual application. The prevailing taste is decidedly for light entertainment. The mass of men work hard and have few pleasures. Naturally they prefer those pastimes which involve the least mental strain. Chess would be heavily handicapped in any race for popularity with cards or billiards. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 18, 1886

The great chess match which has been in progress at Cartier's room, Fifth avenue, New York, since January 16, has absorbed more attention in the chess world than any event of the kind since the advent of Paul Morphy in England. The difficulty Mr. Steinitz has labored under since the first game of the contest has been inability to sleep caused by the great mental task he had undertaken in trying to play a match of so much importance while engaged in literary work on his magazine, and fulfilling the demands of his extensive European chess correspondence. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 24, 1886

The chess editor of the Philadelphia Times pitches into Messrs. Steinitz and Zukertort in a style anything but creditable to that unusually well edited chess column. He says, in reference to the games In New York, that "the ‘great match' has proved a great fizzle so far as the character of the games in concerned. ...they at last sit down over the board and produce games which, as a whole, could be surpassed by any two second rate players in a third rate coffee shop." ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 31, 1886

To the great satisfaction of Mr. Steinitz's friends, that player won the sixth game of his series with Dr. Zukertort last night at the Harmonic Club rooms in St. Louis. The moves of the game were telegraphed to the rooms of the New York Chess Club last night, at 49 Bowery [the Cafe Lagelling], up to the thirty-sixth move, when the storm prevented further telegrams. The seventh game will be played tomorrow afternoon. It was the longest game of the series thus far, sixty-one moves were made. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 4, 1886

The seventh game of the series between Messrs. Steinitz and Zukertort was played last night at the rooms of the Chess and Checker Club at St. Louis, with the result of another victory for Mr. Steinitz after the shortest game of the series, the contest occupying but four hours, and only thirty-five moves being made. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 6, 1886

Herr Steinitz, in the circular announcing the completion of the first volume of the International Chess Magazine, says that the magazine has during the first year of its existence attained an unprecedented success.... Lady chess players are becoming numerous in Brooklyn, the game of late having become fashionable for ladies in society circles. As a sample of problem composing by a lady player the following two move problem by Mrs. Sophie Schett is appended... The Neighbors' Chess Club has changed its name to the Social Chess Club, and it has become a feature of the Hill district organizations. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 7, 1886

The ninth game of the series between Steinitz and Zukertort was played yesterday at St. Louis, with the result of another victory of Steinitz, who now stands even with Zukertort. The next game will be played in New Orleans on the 26th inst. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 11, 1886

The Philadelphia Times has the following comments on the Zukertort-Steinitz match: After the first game Zukertort complained of want of practice. "Why didn't you practice in London?" he was asked. "I couldn't," fired back Zukertort: "Blackburne is always sick and Mason is always drunk." The accuracy of the statement as to Mason's chronic condition id questionable. No habitual drunkard could play as he did in the last great tourney. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 14, 1886

The recent death of Dr. Barnett, of this city, removes one of Brooklyn's strongest chess players. The Doctor was a member of the old Brooklyn Chess Club of 1872...- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 21, 1886

A drawn game and a victory for Steinitz marked the playing of the 10th and 11th games of the Steinitz-Zukertort match series at New Orleans last week... The leading scores in the Manhattan Club tourney up to March 1 stand as follows: Haershorne has won 18, lost 8. Hanham has won 15.5, lost 6.5.... In the New York tourney, Delmar has won 27, lost 11... Mr Perrin of the Danites Club has tried his skill in 8 games with the Automaton chess player at the Eden Musee, and has won 3, lost 3 and 2 were drawn. Mr. Hanham has defeated the Automaton player 4 times. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 7, 1886

The Steinitz-Zukertort match is being prolonged in New Orleans by drawn games. So far Zukertort has won but one solitary game since he left New York, while Steinitz added five victories to is record.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 21, 1886

Mr. Steinitz won the chess championship of the world yesterday at New Orleans, when he achieved his tenth victory over Dr. Zukertort, he having beaten the doctor nine games out of ten won and lost since they left this city. So Brooklyn now has the chess champion as a resident. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 30, 1886

Mr. Steinitz returned to his home in this city last week, and he received a hearty welcome from his friends. Dr. Zukertort left New Orleans on Monday last for San Francisco for the benefit of his health. He will not engage in any important matches until next Winter. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 18, 1886

Mr. Steinitz, at the Manhattan Club dinner last week, stated that he owed his success as a player to his close study of the play of that master of chess strategy, Paul Morphy. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 25, 1886

The British Chess Association, of which Lord Tennyson is the president, and Lord Randolph Churchill, Sir Robert Peel and Professor Ruskin are the vice presidents, commenced their grand annual chess meeting on July 12, at Victoria Hall, London.... - - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 18, 1886

There was a quite a gathering of chess notables at Dieter's Hotel, in City Hall square last night, the occasion being a special meeting of Brooklyn chess players called to organize a representative chess club for the city.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 30, 1886

The British Chess Association's International Tourney is over and Mr. Blackburne, the English master, has taken the honor. He won 8.5 and lost 3.5. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 1, 1886

The movement started by Mr. Constantine Schubert, of this city, to establish a representative chess club for Brooklyn on the plan of the Manhattan Chess Club, of New York, bids fair to be successful if the chess players of the city will only back him up in his efforts. There have been half a dozen chess clubs started in Brooklyn within the past twenty-five years, all of which have failed simply because an effort was made to have them specially exclusive, for one thing, and secondly because the arrangements connected with the club have been such as to make the playing of the game a monotonous study and the club room a sort of silent place of gathering, where sociability was tabooed and chess was entered into like the solving of problems in mathematics. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 8, 1886

We were informed last week by Mr. S, Loyd that the New York Chess Club had challenged the St. George's Chess Club, of London, to a match of 6 simultaneous games, to be played by telegraph, and that the challenge had been accepted. Mr. James Gordon Bennet of the New York Herald, will pay all the expenses of telegraphing. The New York Club, under the presidency of Mr. Loyd, is one of the most enterprising in the whole country. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 15, 1886

Mr. R.W. Pope, the president of the New Jersey Chess Association, in a communication to the Newark Sunday Call says: The result of the recent international tournament, taken in contrast with the well known relative strength of players, brings into prominence the utter absurdity of devoting two weeks od play to attain such unreliable data as to the comparative rating of the contestants. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 29, 1886

An auction was held in New Orleans a few weeks ago whereat were disposed of the silver crown and gold and silver chessboard and chessmen presented to Paul Morphy, the chess champion, of that city. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 12, 1886

The new Brooklyn Chess Club is now an established fact. It has been decided to limit the membership to 100, and more than half of the names are now on the list. The dues are ten dollars a year. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 19, 1886

The new chess club for this city will complete its organization on the night of Wednesday, Oct 6, when the meeting for the election of permanent officers takes place in the club parlors over Gage's Chop House, adjoining the Academy of Music, on Montague street. There is a circular for the 6th American Congress to be held in New York. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 26, 1886

The Cincinnati Commercial Gazette has come out against the Sixth American Chess Congress. It considers the project an expensive one, and agrees with the Newark Call that it would be far wiser to establish and encourage State associations. The editor proposes the establishment of an Ohio State Chess Association, following the example of New Jersey, New York and Indiana. The Call says in its last issue: "Our distances in this country are so great that any National Congress can not help being a purely local affair, dominated by professionalism. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 29, 1886

The Brooklyn Club is a new organization, with a membership of over a hundred, and a club aiming to achieve the distinction of being the strongest chess club in the United States, which, no doubt, will be before the expiration of a year.... — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 14, 1886

Mr. Cunningham, the chess editor of the Providence Journal, has recently presented with a complete set of the New York Ledger, containing Morphy's contributions to its chess columns, for which year's service he was paid $5,000 by Mr. Bonner. The new Sunday Call, in its well edited chess column last week, in referring to Mr. Steinitz's article on professionalism in chess in the last International, says: "...We oppose professionalism, always have opposed it, and shall continue to do so because we consider it derogatory to the game itself, and we hold the game higher than any or all practitioners. ...As understood in this country a chess professional is a gambler..."— Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 21, 1886

The New York Manhattan Club will shortly have a powerful rival in its district as a new organization enters the field in December under the name of "The Murray Hill Chess Circle." It is a private and rather exclusive club, which has already on its list over 80 members, including several lady players. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 28, 1886

Mr. Hodges, the chess editor of the Nashville American, has taken the pains to collect together the names of the chess magazines and chess papers with their editors throughout the country, and here is the interesting record: ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 13, 1887

Governor Howard delivered an address yesterday before the annual meeting of the Rhode Island State Chess Association, in Providence. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 23, 1887

The arrangements for the grand International Chess Tourney are gradually making progress, and the success of the movement — due entirely to the efforts of the Tourney Committee of the Brooklyn Chess Club — is now assured. The Brooklyn Chess Club membership now reaches 110. ...- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 8, 1887

The Manhattan Chess Club has accepted a challenge from the New York Club, with the proviso that Mr. Steinitz shall be the referee. The chess editor of the Sunny South is earnestly advocating the establishment of a Georgia State Association. The efforts to establish a Maryland State Association not having been successful, it is now proposed to establish an association covering the two States of Maryland and Delaware, to be called the Mar-Del Association. ......- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 10, 1887

The Columbia Chess Club has been organized in New York by recent members of the New York Chess Club, and the organization has now a membership of over sixty. The rooms are located at the Cafe Cosmopolitan, 1 Second avenue, New York. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 8, 1887

The third round of the tourney between the leading players of the Manhattan and New York clubs ended last week and the score stands at present at 18.5 games to 10.5 in favor of the New York. There is one more round to be played...- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 29, 1887

Mr. Frederick Viewig, manager of the Eden Musee, in Twenty-third street, New York, was arraigned this morning at Jefferson Market Court. He was arrested...on the complaint of Mr. Charles Brooks. He accused Mr. Viewig of having violated the Sunday law by allowing to be exhibited was figures and by permitting music to be played, and also by allowing Ajeeb, the mystifying chess automaton, to play the game. ...Mr, Viewig was held in $100 bail. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 16, 1887

Captain Mackenzie, of New York, has won the first prize in the International Tourney at Franfort...Those who witnessed the Chess Congress Tourney of 1880 will remember that prominent among those who superintended the contests was the Rev. John D. Bengless, of Brooklyn, an old member of the Manhattan Chess Club of New York, and a highly esteemed chess player of this city. He was chaplain in the United States Navy for twenty-three years. ...he died on board the United States steamer Brooklyn at Nagasaki, Japan, on July 31. He was buried in the American Cemetery at Nagasaki on August 1. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 7, 1887

New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Indiana, Ohio, Rhode Island and Virginia have State chess associations in full working order, prepared for annual tournaments, and other active measures to promote chess within their borders.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 14, 1887

The great success attendant upon the organization of the Chess, Checkers and Whist Club of New Orleans has led to the building up of a chess through the medium of clubs which would have been practically unsustainable under ordinary circumstances. ...The Brooklyn Chess Club, after one year's experience in playing a lone hand at chess, has wisely decided to follow in the line of the New Orleans organizations and to add to the games of its club parlors draughts and whist... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 6, 1887

The Columbia Chess Chronicle is proving itself to be a worthy successor of the Brooklyn Chess Chronicle, which has ceased its monthly issue. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 27, 1887

The following are the addresses of the chess clubs in active operation in New York and Brooklyn: Manhattan CC, 22 East 17th St; Columbia CC, 1 2nd Ave; New York CC, 156 2nd Ave; Jeffersonian CC, 191 W. 10th St; La Bourdonnais CC, Columbia College; Turn Verein Schach CC, 65 E 4th St. Brooklyn CC, 108 Montague ST; Philidor CC, Meserole and Lorier St in Brooklyn. There is a funny description of the chess club of the Union League, in New York. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 18, 1887

The noted chess player, Wilhelm Steinitz, met with a sad affliction last week in the death of his daughter Flora, a talented young girl just of age, who had been the champion's able assistant in his literary labors since she was a child. The funeral takes place yesterday at the residence of Mr. Steinitz, 986 Fulton St. Members of the Brooklyn Chess Club were present, including the veterans, Frederick Perrin and Thomas Frere. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 16, 1888 and Jan 22, 1888

J. T. Welham, night manager of the Postal Telegraph Company, and formerly a member of the San Francisco Chess Club, succeeded yesterday in defeating the celebrated chess automaton at the Eden Musee. This is said to be the third time that the mysterious player has been defeated. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 6, 1888

Mr. Steinitz, the chess champion of the world, sailed from New York on the steamship Saratoga, for Havana, where he will be the guest of the chess club of that city for one month, being engaged to play with Judge Golmayo and Senor Vasquez, the Mexican Consul. Captain Mackenzie, the winner of the last Frankfort tournament, is already in Havana and the chess amateurs of that city have make liberal offers in order to get up a series of games and perhaps enter a match between the two celebrities. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1888 the International Chess Congress of Frankfort, held this year (1887), Captain Mackenzie capped the climax of his chess achievements by winning the first prize, and with it the title of "Chess Champion of the World." ... Harper's Magazine - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 3, 1888

Louis H. Lent, of Bay Ridge, was one of the youngest members of the First New York Cavalry, which furnished its own animals and equipments for the late war. He says that Joseph Pulitzer was one of his comrades and made a reputation as a chess player while at Martinsburg, Va., being, though a mere boy, able to defeat Generals Merritt, Averill and others who used to try their skill with the young private. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 11, 1888

Nine states have organized flourishing chess associations and steps are taken toward the inauguration of a national congress, to take place within this year.... Chess has become one of the institutions of the House of Commons. Since the introduction of the board to the smoking room many stiff games have been fought every night. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 8, 1888

The Brooklyn Chess Club has made a change of base, inasmuch as from today its headquarters will be at 315 Washington street. The rooms are over the Post Office Department and adjoin the Clarenddon Hotel. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 23, 1888

Judge Galmayo, the chess champion of Cuba, is said to discriminate as follows between his experience of playing with Morphy and with Steinitz: "In my games with Morphy at the odds of a knight, I became hopelessly bewildered by the brilliancy and intricacy of his combinations, but when I sit down with Steinitz on even terms I feel as though I had a very respectable chance to win." Master N. MacLeod, 16 years of age, has again won the champion prize, which he now retains, in the tournament of the Canadian Chess Association... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 29, 1888

Speaking of J. B. Blackburne, the noted English player, who will make a tour of this country next season, Vanity Fair, of London says: He is the quietest and most unassuming of men. Every one who knows him likes him, and no one ever said an unkind word of him. While at the board his diet is coffee and tobacco and he takes a little whisky before going to bed." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 22, 1888

An inquest which was held over the body of Zukertort, the chess player, who recently died, resulted in the decision that his death was caused by cerebral hemorrhage. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 24, 1888

The committees of the Massachusetts, New Jersey, Indiana and Ohio chess associations have called a convention, to meet in Cincinnati on Sep 4, during the Ohio Centennial. Its object is to organize a permanent chess associations of the United States and to conduct a championship tournament, open to the accredited or acknowledged champions of the several States... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 9, 1888

The chess event of last week was the convention of representatives of the State Chess Associations in Cincinnati, Ohio and the organization. W. C. Cochran of Cincinnati was elected President. A constitution was created for the newly organized United States Chess Association. Annual dues was $1. ... The gentleman who plays in the automaton box, and who is known as Ajeeb, is Mr. Charles A, Moehle, of St. Paul, Minn., and he stood fourth in last week's Cincinnati tourney. His task in representing the automaton figure at the Eden Musee, is a very difficult one, inasmuch as he is cooped up within a wax figure and its draperies, divested of most of his clothing, without a chance to stretch himself, and for three hours twice a day, with only a partial view of the chess board before him, and that obtained only through a masked peep hole. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 16, 1888

The Manhattan Chess Club has about 200 active members. It has no debts of any kind, and a credit balance in its treasury. The annual dues is $8 and the initiation fee is $5. The club's officers are: Sebastian B. Shlessinger, president; W. M. De Visser, vice president; George D. Eaton, recording secretary; ...The rooms are at 22 E 17th street, near Fifth avenue. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 7, 1888

Edgar A. Poe in his introduction to his story of "The Murders in the Rue Morgue," makes a reference to the game of chess. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 18, 1888

The longest game on record — in point of time require to make the moves — is that of Mr. Filkenstein, of Newark, a reporter on the New York Times, who is playing with a cousin of his residing in Australia. They make their moves by letter, Mr. Filkenstein sending his communication by way of Europe and the Suez Canal, while his cousin's come across the Pacific to California and over the Continent. In the majority of instances, Mr. Filkenstein's letters have reached their destination in a shorter time than those of his cousin...The game has already lasted five years. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 23, 1888

It is said that Queen Victoria spends most of her time playing chess. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 12, 1889

Mr. Steinitz, who left New York for Havana on Jan 5, duly arrived at his destination, after a rather stormy passage, on the 13th, and the same week played games at the rooms of the Havana Chess Club. The Russian player, Mr. Tchigorin, Herr Steinitz's opponent in the grand match, arrived at Havana last week, and the two began play together on the 20th, Mr. Steinitz winning the first match. The rules of the Steinitz-Tchigorin match was published. Each receive 250 pesos in gold. From 16 to 20 games will be played. The winner of each game to receive $20 and the loser $10. In the event of a draw each shall receive $10. The time limit was 15 moves per hour. If a game is finished within the first 4 hours another game must be started the same day. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 27, 1889

The eldest and best known chess player of Brooklyn, Mr. Frederick Perrin, died yesterday afternoon of pneumonia at his residence, corner of Pacific street and Flatbush avenue, after an illness of but three weeks. His last words to his physician were: "Doctor, I am puzzled over that last move of mine." Mr. Perrin was 73 years of age when he died. ...He was formerly chess editor of Wilkes' Spirit of the Times and when he died, was honorary member of the Brooklyn Chess Club. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 28, 1889

The first three games of the Tchigorin-Steinitz tourney at Havana were played during the week ending January 25, with the result of two victories for the Russian champion to one for Steinitz. The New Orleans Chess Club have extended an offer to Messrs. Tchigorin and Mackenzie to play a match at their club rooms after the former's contest with Steinitz ends. Captain Mackenzie is playing a match of five games with Senor Vasquez, of the Havana Club. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 3, 1889

On Feb 4 the Executive Committee of the Brooklyn Chess Club passed appropriate resolutions on the death of their late honorary member of the club, Mr. Frederick Perrin, one of which was to the effect providing for the placing of his portrait on the walls of the club room. Chess is increasing in popularity out West very rapidly. St. Paul is the most noted center of the game in the West, but that Minneapolis, Duluth and Winona are not far behind... The New York daily papers have been sadly neglectful of the Tchigorin-Steinitz match for $1,200 at Havana. Only partial reports have been published, and but a few games given in detail. Steinitz has now won five games to Tchigorin's four. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 9, 1889

Up to Feb 5, seven games have been played in the Steinitz-Tchigorin series at Havana, of which Tchigorin had won four and lost three... Mr. Eugene Delmar has been chosen president of the New York Chess Club. The club dues have been raised from $5 to $10. The new president of the Manhattan CC is William E. T. Westerfield. A new chess and whist club has been organized in Boston in which Mr. Ware is interested. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 10, 1889

The Great Chess Match. Steinitz Wins Ten Games Out of Sixteen and is Declared the Victor. The great chess match which has been in progress at the Havana Chess Club since January 21 terminated on Feb 25 in a declared victory for Mr. Steinitz, who won ten out of the 16 games played. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 27, 1889

Steinitz, the champion chess player, yesterday played simultaneously against 19 persons in Havana and won all the games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 1, 1889

The Coming Sixth Congressional Meeting. A Brief Resume of the Previous Tourneys Held in This Country — Only Five Have Taken Place in Thirty Years. The sixth of the series of chess congress tourneys known in the history of chess in American will be commenced in New York on Monday, March 25, under the auspices of a special committee of members of the leading chess clubs of the Metropolitan District, of which the champion, Herr Wilhelm Steinitz, is the leading spirit, he having been the prime mover in organizing the congress and in bringing it to a successful issue.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 9, 1889

The Chess Congress Tourney. Mr. Steinitz Prevented by Ill Health From Entering the Contests. Mr. Steinitz will not be able to enter the chess congress tourney on account of his health and the arduous work he will have to attend to in getting up the book of the congress and in making his weekly reports for his chess magazine. ...Captain Mackenzie is not well enough now to enter, but may before the tourney starts. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 21, 1889

Entertaining Foreign Chess Players. English, Russian and German Champions at Columbia Club Rooms. There was a noteworthy gathering of chess experts at the rooms of the Columbia Chess Club in New York last night on the occasion of an informal reception given by the club to such of the foreign delegation of players who have entered the lists in the approaching chess congress tourney who had arrived during the week,... The entries up to last night were as follows: 20 players...The tourney will begin at 1 P.M. on Monday next as S. Union Square. Each player plays two games with every opponent, drawn games counting half a game in the first round, but not in the second draw. The limit of makes is fifteen per hour. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 22, 1889

The Chess Congress Tourney. Greeting the Foreign Delegations Who Will Take Part in the Contests. There was a noteworthy gathering of chess experts last night at the Manhattan Chess Club's rooms, on 17th street, New York, to greet the latest arrivals of the foreign delegation of contestants in the chess congress tourney which began its session today at 8 Union square, on the 4th avenue side. Among those present was the American champion, Captain Mackenzie, who made his first appearance at the club rooms since his illness, which was the result of typhoid fever. ...The schedule placed the ten contestants in the first round, which was commenced at 1 o'clock today, as follows; ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 25, 1889

A Big Victory. Mr. Blackburn Creates Surprise at the Chess Tourney. The Results of Yesterday's Opening Games of the Sixth International Congress — A Large Number of Spectators. The sixth chess congress tourney was inaugurated yesterday under the most promising circumstances for a successful issue. ...At the hour appointed for beginning the tourney Mr. S. Spencer Turner, as president of the congress, called the members to order, and he briefly referred to leading events of American chess history since the inaugural congress of 1857... Captain Mackenzie — owing to his recent severe illness — was obligated to withdraw from the lists. Mr. Showalter had not arrived at the hour for beginning play...1st round pairings. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 26, 1889

Tedious Games. Characterize the Second Day of the Chess Congress. Delmar Gets a Game on Account of His Opponent's Illness — The Canadian's Oversight and Major Hanham's Super-abundance of Confidence. The second day's play in the chess congress tourney saw the hall even more crowded with spectators than before... Mr. Bird was unable to attend, owing to sickness, and consequently Delmar, who was assigned as his opponent benefited by a forfeited game. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 27, 1889

Good Games. At Yesterday's Session of the Chess Congress. James Mason's Indiscretion Sets Him Back — Mr. Showalter's Quick Victory Over his Boston Rival. Surprising parties were the order of the day at the chess congress tourney yesterday, and one of them proved to be a very discreditable character. James Mason came to the hall in a condition which totally unfitted him for chess playing. He was assigned to play with Mr. G. D. Baird, but at the time appointed for commencing play the committee, seeing the condition he was in, refused to allow him to enter the arena, an moreover forfeited his game to Mr. Baird. Today he is scheduled to play Mr. Lipschutz, and a repetition of his offense of yesterday will debar him from further play in the tourney. ...- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 28, 1889

In A Clear Lead. A Foreign Chess Player at the Head of the List. The Kentucky Champion Lowers His Flag. How Yesterday's Games Terminated and How the Record Stands. There were some very fine play at the chess tourney yesterday, and the afternoon attendance was large, several ladies being among the onlookers. Messrs. Lipschutz and Burille had a good game in progress when it was discovered that the Boston player had exceeded his time limit through a mistake in scoring... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 30, 1889

Venerable Mr. Bird, of London, during the afternoon session yesterday of the International Chess Tournament, defeated Mr. Martinez, of Philadelphia, in a game which several of the experts among the spectators declared to be one the finest they had ever seen. ...- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 31, 1889

The first week of the 6th chess congress tourney resulted in the largest attendance of spectators seen at any of the 6 congress meetings, the contests exciting the utmost interest throughout the chess circles of the country. The sporting goods housed of the Metropolis have sold more chess boards and men the past week than they have done for the previous year. It will be seen that Gunsberg leads in the assault on the Yankee players, Blackburn and Weiss being next on the list. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 1, 1889

The second week of the chess tourney began yesterday, and the proceedings proved to be not only interesting, but exciting. An umpire had rendered a decision in the Judd-Tschigorin postponed game which the Russian champion objected to. An appear was made to the Judiciary Committee, who sustained the umpire's decision, whereupon Tchigorin kicked, got his dander up foolishly and stayed so long from the game he was engaged to play as to forfeit it, and he was about to resign from the tourney when the final court of appeal, the judges, decided to interpret the rule to mean that it is only necessary to show a win after 50 moves, and decided that the game should proceed. In the case of Delmar vs. Tschigorin Delmar objects to being obliged to mate in 50 moves, as required. Mr. Gossip objects to being rated as a foreigner, as he was born in New York. Clarence Murphy won the State chess championship of New Jersey on Saturday night.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 2, 1889

It was the Americans' day at the chess tourney yesterday, and the foreign element was temporarily at a discount. ...- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 3, 1889

Yesterday was ladies' day at the chess congress tourney, and no smoking was allowed, and for the first time since the tourney opened the atmosphere of the hall was breathable. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 4, 1889

The financial success of the congress has been such as to lead the committee to devote $500 of the receipts to a series of prizes for those who fail to win any one of the regular prizes and yet get near enough to make a creditable record. The leading scores are: Gunsberg and Blackburn, 7.5 wins each; Weiss, Lipschutz and Tschigorin, 7... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 5, 1889

Yesterday's Games and the Pairings for Monday.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 7, 1889

Defeat of the Vienna Champion. Some Wonderful Play at the Tourney Yesterday. There was some wonderful play at the chess tourney yesterday, it being the most interesting series of contests of the tourney thus far. The Vienna champion, Weiss, who up to yesterday had not lost a game, was handsomely defeated by Blackburn. But the event of the day was the defeat of Tschigorin by James Mason. The score now stands: Weiss 20.5, Blackburn 20, Tschigorin 19, Burn 19, ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 27, 1889

After today there will be no playing at the chess tourney until Thursday next. Today there will be a great chess battle in the international tournament between Weiss and Chigorin which will virtually settle the aspirations of those masters for the championship prize. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 29, 1889

The chess tourney is near its close. This week will end it. Yesterday all the leaders won or drew their games.... The rule counting drawn games as half a game is a bad one. There is but one fair rule for tourneys, and that is to decide the prizes by the record of the percentage of victories. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 16, 1889

Mr. Pollock, the Irish chess champion, will be the guest of the Brooklyn Chess Club on Friday evening next, when he will play 12 simulteneous games with members of the club, beginning at 7:30 P.M. A meeting was held at the Manhattan Chess Club rooms in New York last night at which the following officers of the Chess Congress were present:... $1,779.40 was received for admissions to the recent tournament, and among other receipts recorded is $350 for the rent of windows during the Centennial parades. The total receipts were $7,530, and the disbursements, including $3,750 paid in prizes, were $6,696.84. The estimated cost of the book of the congress to be published is $1,750, which has been subscribed. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 29, 1889

Chess Chat. President Gilberg Reads His Own Obituary. Mr. Gilley Must Look to His Laurels — Success of the Perpetual Tourney of the Brooklyn Club — End of the Sixth Congress. Mr. Charles A. Gilberg, the president of the Brooklyn Chess Club, having recovered from his recent serious illness, which obliged him to keep his room for several months, is now with the club again and on Friday night last had charge of the reception tourney at which Mr. Pollock was the star. An English chess journal had in its column recently a notice of the death of "the well known chess writer and problemist, Mr. Charles A. Gilberg, of Brooklyn, the editor of the Fifth American Chess Congress Book," etc. ...Weis virtually won the Congress championship, judging by his percentage of victories, which is estimated on the record of games won and lost, without counting drawn games at all. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 3, 1889

The annual meeting of the United States Chess Association will be held in St. Louis Feb 2. A national tournament for members of the association will be inaugurated. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 6, 1889

The New Orleans Chess Club has issued a challenge to the Manhattan CC to play a team of 15 men for $1,000 in New Orleans. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 20, 1889

Death of a Chess Player. Manuel Munoz, Formerly Secretary of the Brooklyn Organization. The sudden demise of Mr. Manuel Munoz, the former secretary of the old Brooklyn Chess Club of 20 years ago, calls to mind the oldtime history of the game in Brooklyn when Mr. Munoz was the leading spirit of that organization. It was in October, 1869, when the Brooklyn Chess Club had Mr. Charles A. Selking as its president, Munoz as secretary and F. E. Brensinger as treasurer... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 2, 1889

Of the Philidor Chess Club's Gatherings. The Fourteenth Anniversary of the Organization Celebrated in the Eastern District With Games and a Supper. The chess rooms of the Philidor Club, of the Eastern District, presented a very interesting scene last night on the occasion of the club's celebration of its 14th anniversary, it being the oldest existing chess organization on Brooklyn. The Philidor Chess Club was organized November 26, 1875 and it has been in successful operation ever since, having its headquarters at the Turne Halle, 67 and 73 Meserole street. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 27, 1889

The international chess tourney, 60 players a side, between Canada and the United States, conducted by correspondence, has been won by the Americans, the score standing 31.5 games to 19.5 games for the Canadians. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 29, 1889

Fifteen games of the series in the Havana tourney, between Messrs. Gunsberg and Tschigorin, had been played up to January 30, and of these three had been drawn, leaving Mr. Gunsberg credited with seven victories and Mr. Tschigorin with five... Last week an irreparable loss was sustained by the destruction by fire of the club house of the New Orleans Chess, Checker and Whist Club, the largest organization of the kind in the country. The club house had not long since been elegantly refurnished. The pecuniary loss to the club was not great, as the club was fully insured; but it lost all of is valuable chess collections, which had been accumulating for years; in fact it was the largest and most valuable collection of chess literature, treasures, relics and mementos of distinguished players in America. It included among other things Lequesne's bust of Paul Morphy, an artist's proof of the joint meeting of the St. George and City of London Chess clubs, a picture of the match between Steinitz and St Amant for the championship of England and France in 1843, photographs of Steinitz, Zukertort, Mackenzie, Anderson and other experts, with their autographs attached, a rare copy of the picture of the first American Chess Congress, and pictures of each succeeding congress, and hundreds of volumes and scrapbooks treating the game, collected from the four quarters of the globe; numbers of volumes relating to chess, which once formed part of the library of Paul Morphy. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 31, 1890

The Havana Chess Club tourney ended with yesterday's game in favor of the Russian player Tschigorin, who won eight games, to Gunsberg's seven, five of the twenty games being drawn. The winner of each game received $20 and the loser $10. In drawn games everything was equally divided. In addition to these sums each contestant received $250 and his traveling expenses. Tschigorin also takes the stake of $600, which was put up by the players themselves. There is a chance now for Tchigorin's meeting the world's champion, Steinitz, again in New York this Spring. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1890

The premature announcement of Mr. Tschigorin's success in winning the Havana tourney was due to the fact that the telegraph operator at the Havana end of the line had forgotten that the rules of this tourney were different from those of the Steinitz-Tschigorin match of a year ago, inasmuch as drawn games counted as half a game in that match, whereas in this contest they do not...The record of the St, Louis chess tourney up to February 14 is as follows: Showalter with 9 wins, Polack with 6 wins 1 loss, and 1 draw, Leipschutz with 5 wins, 3 losses, 1 draw... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 17, 1890

A very amusing incident occurred during Mr. Blackburne's simultaneous performance at Hanley on Wednesday. As one of the boards he left his Q en prise and was passing on to the next opponent when the player called him back, pointed to the perilous position of the Q and asked if he had not made a mistake. The peripatetic player put on an air of great surprise and heaved a characteristic Blackburnean sigh, but said that as he had made the move he would stick to it. The Hanley player then took off the queen, whereupon Mr. Blackburne's melancholy face suddenly brightened up and the local chessist became correspondingly depressed when he found himself mated in two moves. (The Manchester, England News) - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 31, 1890

Max Judd, of St. Louis, and James Showalter, of Kentucky, opened their series of chess contests at the rooms of the chess clubs in St. Louis last night for the American championship and a purse of $500. The man securing seven games first will be declared the winner. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 19, 1890

Max Judd last night won the 7th and final game in the chess tourney for the championship of the United States from J. W. Showalter, of Georgetown, Ky. The match was for $250 a side. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 4, 1890

The New Orleans chess and whist club, whose club house, with its contents, was destroyed by fire about a year ago, took possession of its house on Nov 15 and the club now occupies the finest chess club building in America, if not the world. The building cost over $800,000 and fronts on Canal street. The members number 700, being limited, and there are over 200 applications for vacancies.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 24, 1890

The third game in the match for the championship of the world between William Steinitz, of this city, and J. Gunsberg, of London, was played last evening in the rooms of the Manhattan chess club, 31 West 27th street, New York. The conditions are 10 games up with a maximum of 20 games, drawn games not to count, time limit 15 moves an hour, 4 games a week, for a purse of about $1,500 and the championship; the purse to be divided in the proportion of two to the inner and one to the loser. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 14, 1890

The well known composer and chess player, Walter Grimshaw, today committed suicide by cutting his throat with a razor. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 27, 1890

Stories of Steinitz. Steinitz, whose play with Tschigorin is now attracting the attention of all lovers of chess, is called sometimes the "Bohemian Casear." ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 28, 1890

Mrs. Worrall, a noted woman chess player, who last week attempted suicide during a fit of mental despondency, is in a fair way to recover. Mrs. Worrall was a great admirer and friend of Captain Mackenzie. The professional contest in progress at the Manhattan chess club, in New York, between Steinitz and Gunsberg, has reached the 8th game, the last ending in a draw, the third of the series. As the rules cut off any payment for drawn games after three have been recorded, the chances are that no more such endings will be seen in the series.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 29, 1890

The deciding game of the chess match between Steinitz and Gunsberg was played yesterday and resulted in a draw. As the champion has won the majority of the games that were not drawn, he remains champion of the world, a title which the Brooklyn expert has held for a quarter of a century. 19 games were played in the series. Of these, 9 were drawn. Steinitz won 6 and Gunsberg won 4. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 23, 1891

A match for the chess championship of the South will begin in the rooms of the Atlanta chess and checker club this morning. Professor A. F. Wurm and I. E. Orchard, both of Atlanta, will be the contestants. The former is a distinguished mathematician and musician. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 2, 1891

Prizes in the Lexington chess contest were distributed by Mr. Spencer Saturday morning. The representatives of Kentucky, Maryland and New York now occupy the same relative positions as they did at the close of last year's tournament at St. Louis, namely, Showalter of Kentucky, first; Pollack of Maryland, second, and Hanham of New York, third. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 9, 1891

Steinitz, the chess champion, succeeded in tying his rival, Tschigorin, in their match before the Havana chess club yesterday. Both men are in poor form, owing to the climate. The score to date is Steinitz, 5; Tschigorin, 5; drawn 4. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 4, 1892

The regret with which the announcement of Mr. Matthew Wilson's death on Tuesday last was received was by no means confined to this city. He painted the portraits of many distinguished men. At the time of his fatal seizure he was in the rooms of the Brooklyn chess club and was engaged in or had just finished a game. He was 77... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 28, 1892

Mr. Hodges, the president of the Staten Island club, won the New York state chess association championship... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 28, 1892

Yesterday the last game of the Steinitz-Tchigorin match was played in Havana, and it proved to be a scratch victory for Steinitz. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 29, 1892

The Chess Champion in Brooklyn. A reception to William Steinitz by the Brooklyn Chess Club. Last night the largest assemblage of chess experts and exemplars of the great game yet seen in the Brooklyn Chess Club parlors were present to greet the world's champion, Mr. William Steinitz, lately a resident of Brooklyn, but now of Montclair, NJ. ...- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 27, 1892

Steinitz has presented Dr. Mintz of the Manhattan CC with a locket set in diamond as a testimonial of gratitude for raising the Steinitz fund. The match for $1,500 between Lipschutz of the Manhattan CC and Showalter of Kentucky will commence on Monday next at the Manhattan club. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 6, 1892

Mrs. Steinitz, the wife of the great chess player, died last night at her residence in Upper Montclair, NJ. She was a native of England. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 29, 1892

Half a century ago, soon after her marriage, Prince Albert used to play chess on Sunday night. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 8, 1892

Emanuel Lasker, the great German chess expert, will pay a visit to the Brooklyn chess club, 201 Montague street, tomorrow night. Tonight Lasker will make his introduction to the Manhattan chess club, and, after visiting the Brooklyn and New York city clubs, he will begin a four weeks' engagement with the Manhattans, beginning on Monday next. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 6, 1892

The local chess season for 1892 and '93 opened with a reception for Emanuel Lasker, age 21...- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 8, 1892

The noted chess star, Lasker, began his American chess career yesterday afternoon at the rooms of the Manhattan chess club, where he played the first of his series of games with American experts, Mr. Ettinger proving to be the young foreigner's first victim.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 10, 1892

Emanuel Lasker played blindfold and simultaneous games with five chess players at the Manhattan Chess club, on West 27th street, New York, last night. He defeated them all. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 23, 1892

Herr Lasker will close up his exhibition series of games at the Manhattan chess club this week. Thus far he has played 21 games with the strongest players the Manhattan club can present, and out of these has lost but two, Messrs. Hodges and Simonson having each won one game out of the three they have played with him, while Mr. Delmar has drawn one of the two he has played. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 7, 1892

The oldest existing chess organization in Brooklyn is the Philidor club of the eastern district, which was instituted Nov 23, 1875. Among the players last night at the Philidor club was C.B. Smith, who is 80 years old and the veteran player of the club. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 30, 1892

Jackson W. Showalter defeated Herr Lasker at chess last night, at Logansport, Ind., in an 11 hour game. Lasker was so much exhausted by the contest that Showalter agreed to divide the purse. The result of these games is a probable match in the near future, when the two will play a match for $750 a side. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 17, 1892

The New Orleans Chess, Checker and Whist club is flourishing. The membership is limited to 700, with the roll filled. There are over two hundred applicants waiting to be admitted. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 25, 1892

The intercollegiate chess tournament between Yale, Harvard, Princeton and Columba, which has been in progress since Dec 27, was finally won by Columbia on Monday of last week. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 8, 1893

Although John Ruskin is said to be insane, he is still able to enjoy a game of chess. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 28, 1893

Shakespeare and chess. Quotes of Shakespeare after every move. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 3, 1893

A Boom in the Chess World. President Elect Grover Cleveland Offers a Prize for the Coming Tourney. President elect is a great admirer of chess. Cleveland offered a gift of a $500 gold medal as the championship prize for a grand international chess tourney this spring in New York. This is the first time in the history of American chess that the game has been honored by the gift of a prize for a tourney from the head of the republic. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 9, 1893

Chess Players Busy. Preparing for the Cleveland Championship Competition. The new "Cleveland Opening" in chess was discussed at the Manhattan Chess Club on Saturday afternoon, at a special meeting.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 13, 1893

Preparing for the Great Tourney. Everything is progressing favorably in the way of preparation for the coming grand gathering of the chess master of all nations in New York next May. The affair will be the seventh American chess congress [which didn't happen until 1904]. The individual to who the honor of projecting this congress is mainly due, and through whose personal efforts the President's patronage had the gift of the gold medal was brought about, is Mr. Cassel, the chess editor of the New York Staats Zeitung. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 16, 1893

Chess Championships. Seventh Annual Meeting of the State Association. The 7th annual meeting of the New York State Chess Association was held yesterday in the hall of the German masonic fraternity at 220 E 15th St., New York., and it brought together a large number of chess notables of the metropolis to compete for the chess championship of the state and the $500 silver cup which was given to the association by the Staats Zeitung as an emblem 3 years ago. The association really began its history as long ago as 1878; but then it was a duo state organization, combining clubs of Pennsylvania as well as New York. Now, however, its membership is confined to residents of the state of Nw York, and that rule began in 1886. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 23, 1893

A committee representing the leading chess clubs of New York and Brooklyn, have undertaken to arrange an international chess congress in connection with the Columbian exhibition to be held in May or June in New York. President-elect Grover Cleveland has already taken the initiative by pledging his support and a gold medal as a trophy for the champion. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 26, 1893

The International Chess Tourney. On Saturday night the Columbian chess congress committee met at the rooms of the Manhattan Chess Club in New York and decided upon the number of money prizes, exclusive of the Cleveland gold medal, which will be offered for competition at the coming international tournament.... One of the best things done by the committee was the making of the rule for the tourney requiring that all drawn games shall be played over again.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 27, 1893

Automaton story of the smoking amateur. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 4, 1893

Max Judd, the newly appointed American consul general to Vienna is the noted chess champion of Missouri. President Cleveland has emphasized his gift of a gold medal as the prize in the coming international chess tourney by the appointment of a popular American chess expert - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 25, 1893

Mart Anderson Navarro, when tired of writing her autobiography her favorite recreation is chess playing - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 21, 1893

Subscriptions to the Chess Congress. The Columbian chess tourney committee has nearly raised the $5,000 required to make the international tournament a success. The three special prizes thus far offered are the gold medal by President Cleveland, the Eagle's $100 prize and Mayor Gilroy's prize. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 9, 1893

Herr Lasker's challenge to the world champion, Steinitz, has come at last. The minimum stake to be $3,000 a side. The winner to be he who first scores 10 wins. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 2, 1893

It is a matter of regret that the arrangements for the International Columbian chess tourney, which promised to be the feature of the metropolitan fall campaign this month, have been so interfered with by the financial troubles of the period, as to oblige the tourney committee to defer further action until a more promising condition of the money market of the country prevails.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 19, 1893 [the Panic of 1893 began in 1893 and ended in 1897]

The international tourney, which was commenced at the rooms of the Manhattan Chess club on Saturday afternoon last, is now the attractive chess event in the metropolis. ...That Lasker will be the victor goes without saying. It will be excellent training practices for his coming match for the championship of the world with Steinitz.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 5, 1893 and Oct 7, 1893 [Lasker won, with a perfect 13-0 record]

The statement that the City Chess club of New York was about to disband and to amalgamate with the Manhattan Chess club is thus denied by Mr. Cassell. The City club will soon remove to their new headquarters over the Cafe Manhattan, on Second avenue. The Manhattan club has the finest suite of chess rooms of any chess club in America. They are located on the 7th floor of the building corner of 21st street and 4th avenue. Beside their regular club room they have a special room for tourneys as also a committee room. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 24, 1893

Charles A. Schleren, the candidate for mayor, is quite a chess player, and is about to join the Brooklyn chess club. The proposed match for the world's championship between Messrs. Steinitz and Lasker has been canceled from lack of funds. It is a noteworthy fact that while hundreds of so called athletic clubs are willing to hang up purses of thousands of dollars to see two pugilists pound each other, all the chess clubs of the country combined fail to contribute the small purse of $3,000 to bring about a grand contest at the game of chess between two of the greatest players of the world. Lasker said, "We have been waiting for some club to come forward and offer a purse, and unless that is done we shall certainly not meet. Why shall we risk out reputations, and why shall we work hard for two or three months and spend our own money? Such a thing was never heard before. Suppose I lose. Who will compensate me for my time and mental exertions?" The Manhattan Chess club would have undertaken the match but for the heavy outlays the club has incurred within the past year in fitting up their new club rooms and in paying the expenses of seven tourneys and special contests arranged under the club auspices. The Havana club would doubtless put up a purse, but neither of the contestants desire to play there, certainly not Lasker. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 30, 1893

The continental chess congress, advertised to open here in Terre Haute, Indiana, Feb 27, has been declared off. The treasurer, who was the general manager and promoter of the scheme, it is claimed, has gotten the club here in such a position that nothing else can be done than to drop it. It was advertised that the money for the prizes was already in hand, when it now turns out that it Is false. The only reason for such deception appears to have been to secure entrance. Elegant quarters had already been secured for the congress. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 18, 1894

Jackson W. Showalter won the first game in the series against A. B. Hodges for $200 and the chess championship of America. The match is seven games up, draws not counting, time limit 17 moves an hour. Play in the match began yesterday at the Manhattan Chess club. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1894

The Steinitz-Lasker match for the championship of the world and $2,000 stakes, finally got under way last week, and the first game of this great contest was commenced on Thursday at the Union Square hotel in New York.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 21, 1894

Lasker won his 4th victory, the score of games now standing 4 to 2 in Lasker's favor, with two games drawn. The contestants now have a week's rest before resuming play, and the scene of the next game will be the rooms of the Franklin Chess club in Philadelphia, the finishing games of the match having to be played in Montreal. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 7, 1894

The 11th game of chess between Steinitz and Lasker, played today in the Union League club, was won by Lasker, Steinitz resigning after the 38th move. The score now stands: Lasker, 7; Steinitz, 2; drawn, 2, and finishes the Philadelphia part of the match. It will be resumed in Montreal, where ten runs will finish it. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 22, 1894

Showalter and Hodges Begin Their Match at the Brooklyn Club. While Montreal has the distinction of being the final battle ground in the word's championship contest between Steinitz and Lasker, to Brooklyn will belong the honor of having the match between J. W. Showalter and A. B. Hodges for the championship of the United States. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 15, 1894

Emanuel Lasker is chess champion of the world, Steinitz resigned the 19th game on the 52nd move. The score stood: Lasker, 10; Steinitz, 5; drawn, 4. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 27, 1894

Hodges is Champion. He Defeats Showalter in the Final Game at Chess. By winning the 9th game of his match with Showalter at the Brooklyn Chess club last evening A. B. Hodges of Staten Island captured the title of chess champion of the United States, which has been held by the former for a number of years. Total — Hodges, 5; Showalter, 3; drawn 1. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 26, 1894

It is not generally known that chess champions needed to subject themselves to physical training similar to that of a pugilist, but Steinitz blames his recent defeat by Lasker to the fact that he was not in good physical condition. After the match, he says he went to a Turkish bath and had himself deluged with ice cold water for 10 minutes at a time to learn if he had any affection of the heart. ...- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 2, 1894

Champion at Odds. Lasker and Steinitz in Trouble Over a Return Match. The Veteran Chess Expert Will Claim the Title if the Present Holder Does Not Hurry Matters — Two Communications Showing the State of Affairs. ...Mr. Steinitz now takes a stand that s specified time had been agreed upon between himself and Lasker, and claims that he has a letter from the latter in his possession in which he positively fixed the beginning of the match. ...He has gone so far as to give his rival until the middle of March, 1895, to come to time, after which, so Steinitz intimidated to Mr. De Visser, he would claim the championship... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 8, 1894

A Reply From De Visser. Steinitz's Charges Ably Refuted by Lasker's Second. Steinitz questioned Mr. de Visser's good judgment in accepting the office of second when Lasker had no intention to play at the time Steinitz claims had been agreed upon. Mr. de Visser in reply, which is given below, refutes the charges of unfairness and forcibly expresses some views of his own in the matter. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 29, 1894

On Oct 20, 1894, the second masters chess tournament will begin at the Union Square hotel, New York. Ex-champion Steinitz will probably compete with Messrs. Albin, Pillsbury, Showalter, Taubenhaus, Delmar and Hanham. Four prizes amounting to $250 will be offered. This will be the first appearance of Steinitz in a tournament since 1883. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 9, 1894

Two Chess Champions. Steinitz and Lasker, Do a Corbett-Fitzsimmons Act. Each Lays Claim to Championship Honors. Since the publication last week in this column of Champion Lasker's latest epistle Mr. Steinitz has claimed the world's championship and therefore, since the former showed no inclination whatever to relinquish the title we have the unusual occurrence of two masters holsing the championship at one and the same time... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 18, 1894

The second international chess tournament, under the auspices of the City Chess club, was begun at the Union Square hotel, New York, yesterday afternoon. ... Samual Loyd, the celebrated problemist, was appointed referee. After 18 moves, Hymes, the inter-collegiate champion, forced Steinitz to accept a draw.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 21, 1894

At a meeting of delegates from the different chess clubs in the vicinity held at the Manhattan CC in New York last night, the Metropolitan chess league was launched into existence and a board of officers elected. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 25, 1894

For the women's championship a match will be commenced in this city on Monday which is of peculiar interest in that it is one between two women. Both are strong players, anxious to demonstrate their respective merits over the board, and incidentally to lay claim to the chess championship of their sex in America. The contestants are Mrs. Harriet Worrall, a well known Brooklyn player, and Mrs. J. W. Showalter, the wife of the famous expert of that name. The match is for seven games up to be played alternatively at the principals' home at the rate of two each week with a time limit of 12 moves an hour... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 1, 1894

Yesterday play began in the chess match for the women's championship of America at the residence of Mrs. Favor, 30 Hanson place. The two aspirants for championship honors were Mrs. H. Worrall of this city and Mrs. J. W. Showalter of New York. Mrs. Showalter won the first game. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 6, 1894

With 9 rounds completed and with but two more to play, the final disposition of first prize in the City Chess club's international tournament in New York is now hardly a matter of doubt. Steinitz is a sure winner. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 11, 1894

Steinitz polished off Jasnogrodsky in the 10th round, thereby making his score 7.5 games won out of 9, one which none of his competitors can now reach. Albin is reasonably sure of second place... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 14, 1894

Steinitz defeated Pillsbury in the final round of the international tournament. Albin captured 2nd place. Showalter and Hymes tied for 3rd place. Steinitz won $125, Albin won $60, and Showalter and Hymes divided $65. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 16, 1894

Chess Champion Helms. He wins first prize in the Brooklyn tourney. 2nd place went to Tatum. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 16, 1894

Harvard is Champion. Crimson Wins the Inter-Collegiate Chess Cup. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 2, 1895

Mrs. John Showalter, who was until recently competing with Mrs. Harriet Worrall of this city for the woman's championship of the United States, stated that she discontinued the match at the urgent request of her husband, she being also ordered to do so by her doctor. The severe strain consequent upon a contest of this nature has begun to tell upon her and she was forced to seek a change of scene and action. Mrs. Showalter spoke highly of the courtesy of her opponent, Mrs. Worrall, in consenting to wait when properly the latter was entitle to claim the match by forfeit. Lasker is still in England and is now engaged on his book on mathematics. Until it is finished he will not engage in any serious play. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 3, 1895

The Cable Chess Match Begun. Play in the great cable chess game between the Manhattan CC and the British CC of London got under way promptly at 11 o'clock this morning... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 9, 1895

Great Chess Match a Draw. American and English Experts Fight an Indecisive Battle. The Early Closing Law in London Is Alone Responsible for the Unfinished Condition of the Contest. The moves had to be translated from the English to the German notation which, for the sake of brevity, was used on the wire, and this took considerable time. For unfinished games, world champion Emanuel Lasker adjudicated the games. The first and only actual result of 10 games was reached on board No. 4, D. C. Baird agreeing to a draw with Mills. By 6:30 pm it was hard to say where the advantage lay. At that time all play stopped, it being 11:30 pm in London when the public hall had to close, according to law. Lasker proposed that d draw be offered on all boards. This offer being cabled over, was accepted by the local club's officials, and the great match was declared drawn... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 10, 1895

Brooklyn Won at Chess. New York City Club Defeated by One Point in the Metropolitan championship. The Brooklyn CC beat the City CC, scoring 4.5-3.5... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 24, 1895

A question much discussed on Tuesday was that of sending American representatives to the chess congress at Hastings, and it was stated that a practical business proposition had been made to W. Steinitz to that end, which would no doubt result in his going, as already partly arranged. J. W. Showalter's friends, also, have taken some steps in the same direction, and S. Lipschutz seems likely to be sent as the representative of the Manhattan Chess club. That leaves a clear field for the Brooklyn CC to send its crack player, Harry N. Pillsbury, to the English tournament as the city's representative. It will be but a question of securing $200 or $300 for the purpose of defraying the necessary expenses to enable Brooklyn to put her champion in the field, and a champion sure to be her credit. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 18, 1895

Harry Nelson Pillsbury, the expert, who will represent the Brooklyn Chess club at the big tournament at Hastings, England, sailed this morning on the steamer New York for the seat of international warfare. Pillsbury said, "With reference to the players selected by the tournament committee, Mr. Herbert Dubell, its honorable secretary, writes that they were obliged to decline nearly one-half of the tendered entries... This will be the first time an Italian master [Vergani] has taken part in an international tournament..." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, July 24, 1895

Delmar is champion. Richardson second and Hodges Third in the Chess Tourney. Eugene Delmar is the state chess champion and winner of the Staats Zeitung cup, held in Skaneateles, NY. Delmar scored 4.5, Richardson scored 3.5, and Hodges scored 3. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 2, 1895

World Champion Pillsbury. He Wins First Place in Hastings Chess Tourney. Harry N. Pillsbury, the Brooklyn chess expert, won first prize in the international chess tournament here today. His opponent was Gunsberg, whom he easily disposed of. Brassery's institute, where the tournament has been held, was crowded with spectators and the excitement was intense during the contest. Pillsbury has now met and defeated every chess expert in the word and will take the world's championship back to Brooklyn with him. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 2, 1895

Pillsbury at the London Metropolitan club last evening played simultaneous games with 14 women, giving to 13 of them odds of a knight. Mr Pillsbury scored 11 wins, 2 losses, 1 draw and 1 unfinished. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 6, 1895

Pillsbury is Home Again. He Brings With Him the World's Chess Championship. He said, "Of course Tschigorin was much the strongest opponent I had. I lost to him at first and if I may offer an excuse for defeat I should say that it was partially due to the stage fright, if you like, of a young player competing with a veteran....By the way, some English newspapers published rather erroneous but not ill meant references to me. One said I was tall and sallow and smoked green cigars and another stated that I had been an infant phenomenon and played chess at the tender age of 6." ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 28, 1895

Toasted the Chess Master. Pillsbury, the Champion, Honored by His Brooklyn Friends. A Fine Gold Watch Was Presented to the Young American Who Won Laurels at Hastings. Addresses by Mayor Schieren... Harry N. Pillsbury, the young chess champion of the world, was honored by a reception and banquet last night at the Pouch mansion. Mr. Marean, president of the Brooklyn CC, was the toastmaster. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 16, 1895

The chess match for the championship of the United States between Jackson W. Showalter and S. Lipschutz began this afternoon at the Manhattan CC. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 21, 1895 [Showalter won]

Governor-elect John W. Griggs of NJ is president of the Patterson Chess Club. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 7, 1895

Chess Experts Have a Row. Over The Proposed Match With England. The demand of the Franklin CC of Philadelphia, that it shall be consulted before any arrangements for an international match are made, is causing much amusement and not a little indignation among the members of the Brooklyn club. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 9, 1895

British Chess Club Formally Accepts the Challenge for a cable match. The cable math would be the United States of America vs. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The teams would consist of 10 players a side. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 19, 1895

D. G. Baird yesterday won the deciding game from Jasnogrodsky and thus became champion of the Manhattan CC. He is at present likewise the holder of the New York state championship. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 21, 1895

Pillsbury wins the first game in the St. Petersburg chess tourney. It was played at the rooms of the St. Petersburg Chess club, on the Munsky Prospect. The rooms were crowded with a brilliant assemblage of notables, among them Prince Kantakugin, the honorary vice president of the club, whose devotion to the game is well known all over Europe.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 14, 1895

An Interview With Steinitz. On his journey from Paris to St. Petersburg, Steinitz decided upon staying in Berlin for a few days in order to give a simultaneous exhibition to local chess players and to attend a dinner given in his honor by the Berlin chess fraternity. In an interview, he said, "In Paris I received the highest fees that were ever paid to a chess master, namely, 1,500 francs for a five days' engagement." ... Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 15, 1895

Harvard Wins the Championship. Harvard, last year's champion, again captured the intercollegiate trophy. Columbia has had the cup two years also, while neither Yale nor Princeton have yet won this honor in the field of chess. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 2, 1896

The great international chess tournament at the St. Petersburg Chess club is half over. Pillsbury is the clear leader by one point over Lasker. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 3, 1896

J. W. Showalter, the new chess champion of the United States, whose recent victory over S. Lipschutz is fresh in the minds of all followers of the game, was last night the guest of the Brooklyn Chess club at its rooms on Montague street. ...- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 12, 1896

Pillsbury has been suffering from a severe attack of influenza ever since the second half of the tournament, which has seemed not only to impair his usual dashing play, but has caused his power to form correct combinations to fail him. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 15, 1896

Mr. Showalter said that Pillsbury had gone into some wild scheme with Steinitz to copyright the games played in the tournament outside of St. Petersburg. Steinitz has not head for business, and Pillsbury is a young man who can not afford to lose much money. Yet Steinitz persuaded Pillsbury to enter into an arrangement which was wild and foolish on its face. The scheme was one by which Pillsbury was to buy from the St. Petersburg Chess club the exclusive rights to publish outside of St. Petersburg, the full reports of the games played in the club. It was the plan to secure copyrights of the game, but the whole scheme naturally fell through, because in a club like St. Petersburg Chess club, where the games are semi public, it is impossible to keep things out of the hands of other people. Pillsbury lost $600. His recent failure to win games is due, in part at least, to his unfortunate and unbusinesslike venture. Pillsbury is paying his own way in the present venture. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 18, 1896

Trouble Among Players and Managers at St. Petersburg. The interest which was at first shown in the international tournament in this city has considerable decreased, because so much has occurred to make things unpleasant for the players, the committee and the spectators, let alone the adverse comments which are daily being made in the newspapers, of which the Novre Vremya is excepted. Without giving notice to any of the papers in the city, the St. Petersburg CC sold the right of publishing the games to the Novre Vremya. Two relatives and editors of the Novre Vremya are on the tournament committee. The other papers ridiculed the contest, abused the players and did their best to spoil the success of the affair. Another reason which contributed toward much unpleasantness was the betting element introduced in the club. Tschigorin has been backed to an enormous extent and among others there is one bet involving the sum of 5,000 roubles. It is known how Pillsbury was done out of a considerable sum by buying the sole right of publishing the games in England and America. Steinitz, his partner in this business transaction, is also much annoyed for he, too, will lose money. To prevent the local papers from getting anything in the shape of news they increased the fee of admission to one rouble; even members had to pay. They would not allow anybody to make any notes, and as soon as a poor reporter was found penciling, the representatives of the Novre Vremya protested, the reporters kicked out, and there were some pretty lively scenes in the club-rooms. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 19, 1896

A Chicago manufacturer, who is evidently as advertising genius, has just registered "H. N. Pillsbury" as a name for a new brand of cigars. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 23, 1896

Lasker Wins First Prize. Steinitz is Second, Pillsbury Third and Tschigorin Last. The international chess tournament is at an end, the last two games having been played yesterday. There is much dissatisfaction among the chess playing public of Russia and, in fact, all over the world, over the result. The players were invited to the Russian capital to play chess and not to engage in outside speculation. The fact that they did so and thus distracted their attention from the game itself, throws the blame entirely on themselves. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 28, 1896

No Notes of Triumph to be Sounded on Pillsbury's Home Coming. He is expected back from St. Petersburg next month, but the joyous outburst that followed the Hastings' victory will not be repeated. It was difficult to foresee how these two respectively winners of first and second prizes at the memorial Hastings congress, could be defeated. Yet they landed third and fourth, permitting even the veteran Steinitz, who came in 5th at Hastings, to outfoot them easily... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 30, 1896

Emil Kemeny and Jackson Showalter will begin a match for the United States chess championship at the Franklin club, Philadelphia, on February 24. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 14, 1896

Jasnogrodsky is Champion. He Wins the Tournament of the New York State Association. He defeated J. M. Hanham in a tiebreak game, thus becoming the state champion for this year. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 24, 1896

Brooklyn's Chess Champion. Herman Helms Wins the Title for the Second Time. ... Lasker and Steinitz are to meet in a match for the championship of the world at Moscow next September. An offer of 5,000 roubles, made by a prominent citizen of that place, was sufficient to induce the two experts to play the match there instead of at Hastings, England. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 1, 1896

Baron Alfred de Rothschild of Vienna has accepted the office of referee for the cable match and will be on hand in London a week from Friday to officiated in that capacity. Leopold Hoffer, the well-known chess player and writer, has consented to act as the American umpire in London, as has Professor Isaac L. Rice, who will look after British interests in Brooklyn... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 5, 1896

The Big Cable Chess Match. Men Who Will Represent Brooklyn in the Contest for the Sir George Newnes' Cup. Great Britain and the USA will contend for the $800 trophy, the gift of Sir George Newnes. The Commercial Cable company has arranged to put the Brooklyn and British Chess clubs in direct communication with each other by means of special wires joined to its cable system. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 8, 1896

Chess Match by Cable Begun. Pillsbury Leads the Way in the International Contest With First Move for Brooklyn. Pillsbury plays Blackburne, Showalter plays Burn, Burille meets Bird. The trophy for the winning team is a massive silver cup presented by Sir George Newnes, president of the British chess club. ... - - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 13, 1896

America Wins the Chess Cup. Exciting Finish of the International Cable Match. Barry was Hero of the Day. Score was 4.5 to 3.5. The American end of the game was played in Remsen hall, while the Englishmen fought by cable from the Pillar hall of Cannon hotel, London. Pillsbury was beaten by Blackburne, and it was left to John F. Barry from Boston to put the finishing touches to victory for the cup. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 15, 1896

Showalter Still champion. He wins the deciding game at chess from Kemeny. Showalter is still the chess champion of the United States. He maintained his title yesterday by defeating Kemeny in the 15th game of the series at Philadelphia, the score then standing Showalter 7, Kemeny 4, drawn 4. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 7, 1896

The Pillsbury National Correspondence Chess association was formerly organized last week, when officers were elected at Chicago and a constitution and bylaws adopted. There are over 200 members and it is expected that the one thousand mark will be reached before long.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 12, 1896

Mr. Showalter will meet J. E. Barry in a chess match of 7 games up for $2,000 and the championship of the United States on May 20. The match will be played in Boston. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 8, 1896

Steinitz defeated Schiffers with 6 wins, 4 losses, and 1 draw. The match was played in Rostow, Russia. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 10, 1896

Henry Nelson Pillsbury, vice president of the Brooklyn Chess club, who was also a member of the Manhattan CC, has suddenly resigned from the latter organization. It would take full effect on July 1, 1896. His resignation was due to the extraordinary attitude of the Manhattan directors toward him. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 18, 1896

Showalter Still Champion. He wins the deciding game at chess from Barry - $2,000 goes with the title. By winning the 13th game, Showalter also retained the championship of the United States and the $2,000 stakes. .. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 21, 1896

The Newnes Chess Trophy, to be received by the Brooklyn Club tomorrow night. Pillsbury, Showalter, Burrille, Barry, Hymes, Hodges, Delmar and Baird, the American team of the Brooklyn Chess club, all in town and will assist at the reception, to which all lovers of chess are most cordially invited. The trophy weighs about 40 pounds. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 24, 1896

The Brooklyn CC is threatened with a serious rupture in the near future. John D. Elwell, a member of the club, has been reported as accused of arranging international cable matches with European organizations in the name of the Brooklyn CC without the sanction of that body. In consequence of this, a number of the members and at least two officers would sever their connections with the local organization, as the action of Mr. Elwell in attempting to arrange cable matches without authority and in sending letters and cablegrams in the club's name without the permission of the board of directors, has caused a strong feeling of dissatisfaction. ...- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 30, 1896

The Nuremberg tournament, scheduled to commence on July 20, will not only be, like last summer's battle at Hastings, but will, likewise, attract a far greater interest in America than any other European chess tournament has heretofore secured. The Brooklyn Chess club has sent Pillsbury and Showalter, US champion, strong in the hope that one or other will return home with the Prince of Bavaria's cup as a token of America's supremacy in chess. To win first prize in such company will be the greatest chess feat of modern times. Indeed, no such equally great gathering of the masters has ever taken place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 2, 1896

Josiah T. Marean Wearies of Strife, and resigns as President of the Brooklyn Chess Club. In two years, under Mr. Marean's Administration, the club has risen to the front rank, but of late members have begun quarreling and he will no longer assume responsibility for its direction... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 2, 1896

The effect of chess. Josiah T. Marean has reached the conclusion that chess and he do not agree. There has also been trouble in the Manhattan Chess Club over the loss of an umbrella. Pillsbury resigned from the club because he discovered that his umbrella was not safe in the club house. Chess ought to develop patience and endurance. It seems to develop petulance and bickerings in the summer. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 3, 1896

The strife of the Brooklyn CC, which threatened to disorganize that prosperous and eminent organization in the world of chess, was settled last night at a lively special meeting in the Montague street club rooms, called for the purpose of taking action in regard to an article in the New York Herald. This was In the nature of an interview with a director of the club, Dr. L. D. Broughton, in which he severely criticized the actions of a fellow member, John D. Elwell, and stated that Elwell had involved the club in matches with foreign chess clubs without the sanction of the officers or the executive committee. The bickerings which ensued resulted in the resignation of President Josiah Marean, Secretary William De Visser and Director W. L. Eno. At last night's meeting an effort was made to recommend the expulsion of Brougton to the executive committee. The motion was lost on a vote of 14 to 28. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 8, 1896

Nuremberg tournament to begin next Monday. ...The chief honor of the tournament is the splendid cup of the prince regent of Bavaria, which will go to the first prize winner, together with the $750. All told there are nine prizes, including the special trophies offered by the Baron von Rothschild and the Baron von der Lasa. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 16, 1896

With the resignation from the Brooklyn Chess Club of the minority of 14 who objected to Dr. Broughton's unclublike action in airing the opinions of his childlike faction on club matters in a newspaper, the club would appear to have lost all its source of strength. The defecting members include its late president, Mr. Marean, Duval, the treasurer; Helms, Elwell, Pillsbury, Showalter, Hodges, Barry, Hynes and Burilee. These gentlemen intend to form a new club, the object of which will be the promotion and encouragement of chess playing... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 18, 1896

Play in the great international chess tournament between 19 of the foremost experts of the world began at 9 o'clock this morning. Pillsbury drew the first bye.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 20, 1896

Dr. Broughton Resigns. As a result the chess club is expected to resume its former prosperity. The resignation of Dr. L. D. Broughton, Jr., as director was accepted. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 21, 1896

The State Chess Meet. Two Rounds of the Tournaments Played. Lipschutz and Tatum Fighting for the Cup. Chess enthusiasts from all over the state are gathered here [Rochester] for the 8th annual midsummer meeting of the New York State association. 30 players are entered for the different events, the Staats-Zeitung cup match of course attracting the most attention. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 29, 1896

Lipschutz Wins the Cup. The Staats Zeitung trophy will this year go to the Manhattan CC of New York, thanks to the fine play of ex-United States Champion Lipschutz. Delmar took 2nd place. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 31, 1896

State Chess Meet Ended. Young Marshall wins the Junior Championship for Brooklyn. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 1, 1896

Lasker Lands First Prize. Defeats Tarrasch at the Nuremberg Chess Tournament. World's chess champion Emanuel Lasker achieved the feat of landing chief prize in the great international tournament in Nuremberg. The first prize is valued at $750 and with it goes a silver cup and salvar, donated by his royal highness, the Prince Regent of Bavaria. Maroczy slid into second place... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 9, 1896

Pillsbury and Tarrasch tied. They divide third and fourth prizes at Nuremberg. Showalter is a tail ender. Maroczy of Buda-Pesth lands second prize. Pillsbury defeated three of the greatest players in the world in succession, Lasker, Tarrasch, and Tschigorin in the 8th, 9th, and 10th round. He also defeated Steinitz in the 19th round. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 11, 1896

Why Showalter Lost. Chess at Nuremberg began too early to suit him. Pillsbury was ill at the beginning, losing 3 of his first 5 games. Showalter said, "The clocks were started at 9 o'clock every morning and that involved my getting up at about 6 o'clock, an hour at which I had much rather retire than rise. The force of long continued habit would not permit me to sleep before 1 AM and, as a consequence, I was irresistibly drowsy during the early hours of play each day and was generally beaten at an early stage." ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 27, 1896

Ex-champion Steinitz is at present undergoing the Kneipp cure at Woerishofen, Bavaria. His match with Lasker has been postponed, by consent of the Moscow chess club, until November. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 4, 1896

Chess Match Begins Monday. Nearly all the masters entered at Budapest. Lasker's presence is doubtful. Pillsbury to represent America. Steinitz will enter only if Lasker enters. Owing to the proposed Lasker vs. Steinitz match, to be played in Moscow in November, it is still very doubtful whether Lasker can be induced to enter this tournament. One of the prizes is a silver statuette, presented by his majesty, Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 29, 1896

Josiah T. Marean Re-Elected. Consents to Serve Again as President of the Brooklyn Chess Club. The 11th annual meeting of the Brooklyn CC was held last night at 201 Montague street. Marean was nominated for president and received all 27 votes.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 4, 1896

Pillsbury is the favorite. Experts think he will win the Buda Pesth chess tourney. President Lehner of the Hungarian Millenial Chess association welcomed the players, assembled here at the hall of the congress, yesterday afternoon, in an eloquent address delivered to the chess masters in the presence of many interested spectators. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 5, 1896

Second Victory for Napier. The Boy Champion Again Defeats Marshall at Chess. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 12, 1896 and Oct 15, 1896

Mr. John D. Elwell certainly appears to be unfortunate in his chess relations. With the best of motives, he indirectly brought about the fracture in the Brooklyn Chess Club. Now that that unpleasantness has been satisfactorily concluded, Mr. Elwell is placed in the still more disagreeable position of being obligated to sue the Manhattan Chess Club for expelling him on charges which were entirely unsustained. These charges were to the effect, first, that he opened an envelope directed to the president of the club, and second, that in forwarding the letter enclosed to the Chess Club, he substituted one of his own envelopes for the original one. Mr. Elwell avers that the letter was directed to him, and the writer of the letter acknowledges that he is not sure that the letter was directed to the president of the club, and thinks it very probable that it may have been directed as Mr. Elwell says it was. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 17, 1896

Pillsbury's Rich Prize. He receives the trophy for the best game in the Nuremberg tourney. Baron Albert von Rothschild's prize of 300 marks, offered for the most brilliant game of the Nuremberg chess tournament, has just been awarded to him for his game with Lasker, played July 29. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 19, 1896

Pillsbury's Third Prize. He loses the final game of the chess match. Unable to secure a victory, he permits Tarrasch to win, the latter thereby getting a share of the money. Budapest's international chess tournament came to an end with yesterday's 13th and final round and another great meeting of the masters has gone into history. Charousek (winning 2,500 crowns) and Tschigorin, both of whom won and thereby tied for 1st place. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 22, 1896

Won by Tschigorin. The Russian defeats Charousek in the chess match. The 4th game of the tie match between Charousek and Tschigorin for the first prize of the international chess masters' tournament was played in Budapest today. Charousek was beaten after 46 moves. Tschigorin, therefore, takes first and Charousek the second prize. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 28, 1896

Lasker and Steinitz Ready. To battle for the World's chess championship in Moscow. Match will begin this week. The one who first scores 10 games will be declared the winner. The Steinitz-Lasker match for the chess championship of the world and a purse of 5,000 roubles, offered by the Moscow CC, will begin at Moscow this week, both players having arrived at this city today. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 1, 1896

First Blood for Lasker. He defeats Steinitz easily in 45 moves... Napier defeats Marshall, the junior state chess champion with 7 wins, 1 loss, and 3 draws. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 8, 1896

E. E. Southard, '97, has won the Harvard chess tournament with 9 games out of 10 to his credit. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 3, 1896

Harvard a Sure Winner. Cannot be overtaken by her opponents in the inter-collegiate chess tourney. Harvard has already won for the third time the intercollegiate championship, as her total; of 8 victories cannot be reached by any of her competitors. Harvard has won 8 and lost 2. Columbia, Yale, and Princeton have won 4 and lost 6....- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 2, 1897

Harvard's Easy Chess Victory. 10 of the 12 games captured by the Crimson. The Cup Already Awarded. Southard Repeated Hymes' Record by Winning all 6 Games. In 1892, Edward Hymes won all his games for Columbia. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 3, 1897

Showalter in Town. He hopes to win his chess match with Pillsbury. The match will commence here on January 25 and will be played at the Hamilton club, the Crescent club and the Brooklyn chess club... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 12, 1897

Lasker Wins the Match. Lasker won the 17th and final game of the chess championship match in Moscow. The final score: Lasker 10, Steinitz 2, drawn 5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 15, 1897

Cable Chess Match Begins. America and England Battling for the Newnes Cup. Showalter has an advantage. The American team is playing at the Academy of Music... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1897 Chess Cup Goes to England. American team defeated in a stubbornly contested fight. By the Margin of One Game. America has lost the Newnes chess cup. Great Britain scored 5.5; the USA scored 4.5. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 14, 1897

A report of the death of A. F. Mackenzie, the Jamaica problemist, has gone the entire rounds of the world's chess columns and now it turns out that it was not the famous composer, but a brother of his, likewise a resident of that island, who died. The Mackenzie known to the chess world recently lost his eyesight, but continues to derive his customary enjoyment from his favorite pastime and has composed several problems. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 22, 1897

Delmar is Champion. Victorious in the New York State Chess Tourney. W. E. Napier wins the general contest. The 19th annual meeting of the New York State Chess association held yesterday in the United Charities building on 22nd street, New York City, proved to be a most successful and satisfactory one in every respect. Eugene Delmar, member of the Brooklyn and Metropolitan Chess clubs, landed the championship and with it first prize. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 23, 1897

The Morning Post of London published a news agency dispatch from Moscow denying the report from Paris of the death of William Steinitz, who was recently placed in an insane asylum in Moscow. The dispatch adds that Steinitz still remains in the asylum. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 24, 1897

A Fund for Steinitz. Lasker has written a letter to the Standard, asking the paper to start a fund in behalf of Dr. Steinitz, the chess player, ill and insane at Moscow. Lasker himself offered to contribute 10 guineas to the fund. Addressing the chess clubs of Brighton, Lasker attributed the serious illness of Dr. Steinitz to the unsuitable medical treatment which, it is claimed, he has undergone at Moscow. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 26, 1897

The Moscow correspondent of the London Standard telegraphs that Steinitz has been released from the asylum in which he has for some time confined owing to his mental troubles. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 16, 1897

Legislatures to Play Chess. Negotiations Under Way for Another International Cable Match. Several members of the house of representatives who are chess enthusiasts held an informal meeting today to consider a proposition from the English house of commons for a cable chess match between representatives of the two bodies. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 4, 1897

Napier's latest success. Score of the game that won for him the Brooklyn chess club championship. First and second places were secured by Napier and Helms, respectively. ...- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 5, 1897

Pillsbury Cannot Lose Now. 20th game of the chess match won from Showalter. A final tie is possible. Should Showalter win the next game the contest will be a draw. Pillsbury won the 20th game of his match at chess with Showalter last night and now cannot lose the match. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 13, 1897

Pillsbury is Now Champion. Great chess match won by a score of 10 to 8. Showalter misses a draw. The chess match between Pillsbury and Showalter was won last night by Pillsbury at the Hamilton club, by virtue of his victory in the 21st game, which was then played. The result of the match makes Pillsbury champion of the United States, a title which Showalter held for some time. The final score was Pillsbury 10, Showalter 8, drawn 3. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 15, 1897

Chess Tourney for Women. International Competition In London Next June. America and Brooklyn will probably be represented in the contest by Mrs. Worrall. The Ladies' Club of London, an influential organization and the leading one of its kind in the world, is promoting the enterprise. The tournament will be held under very distinguished patronage, the list being headed by Princess Charles of Denmark ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 18, 1897 and April 24, 1897

Count Tolstoi, who now resides in St. Petersburg, has become an ardent devotee of chess and the fascination the game has for him seems to have spread to his family, so much so that his wife and children are daily engaged in its practice. They have marked all the tables in the house as chess boards and named their dog and other pets after chess pieces. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 20, 1897

The British Chess Team. Men chosen to represent the House of Commons in the coming cable match. The arrangements for the chess match by cable between teams representing the British house of commons and American congressmen has been somewhat delayed, but the date has been fixed finally for June 1. There will be 5 players for each team. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 23, 1897

Ready for Cable Chess. The match between Congress and Parliament begins tomorrow. American Team Complete. Three Democrats, a Republican and a Populist selected to defend American chess prestige. Austrian Minister Baron von Hengervar to act as referee. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 30, 1897

Is It a Money Making Scheme? The cable companies were asked to transmit the moves free of charge, the Associated Press was also approached on the subject. Upon the AP declining, the exclusive right after repeated delays, was sold to the London Times and an attempt will be made to exclude all other newspapers. Some of the English players a fortnight ago, declared that if things were not immediately settled, they would decline to pay at all. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 31, 1897

Chess Match a Draw. British and American Legislators Divide Honors Evenly. The core was 2.5 to 2.5. Each side won 2 games, lost 2 games, and drew 1 game. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 2, 1897

Women Experts At Chess. Opening of the Great International Tourney in London. The first round of the international women's chess tournament, which was played today at the Hotel Cecil, resulted in Mrs. Sydney defeating Mrs. Stevenson. The congress is due almost entirely to the energy of Mrs. Rhoda A. Bowles, secretary of the Ladies' Chess Club who organized the club in January, 1895. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 23, 1897

Miss Rudge is First Place, with 16 victories and 2 drawn games out of 19 played. Mrs. Worrall and Miss Thorold divide second and third money. The final round of the Ladies International Chess Congress was played this evening. Miss Rudge takes first prize, $300; Mrs. Worrall and Miss Thorold divide second third, each receiving $225. Prizes will be presented Monday evening by Lady Newnes, president of the British Ladies' Chess Club. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 4, 1897

Mrs. Worrall Was Fourth. Corrected Score in the Women's Chess Congress. The corrected reports show that Miss Rudge won 18 games and drew 1 with Mrs. Bounefin, not losing a game in the women's chess congress. Mrs. Fagan's 2 games were won by here and she held her position in second place. Miss Thorold's score as given was correct, but Mrs. Worrall's score suffered by the mistake and the corrections placed her fourth. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 6, 1897

Cup Match Undecided. Steinitz and Lipschutz draw on the play off. End of the chess meet. New York wins the interstate contest with Pennsylvania by a close margin, besides capturing most of the individual prizes. Late last night Steinitz and Lupschutz drew the first game in the play off of the tie for possession of the challenge cup, whereupon the latter claimed to have secured the trophy for the Manhattan CC. This morning, however, the managers of the New York State Chess Association decided that another game will have to be played to decide the contest. Steinitz now proposes to play a short match for a purse. The committee has not settled this matter as yet. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 7, 1897

No Game for the Cup. Another Dispute in the Tie between Steinitz and Lipschutz. Manhattan Club's Stand. It claims that the first win should decide the possession of the cup on the strength of a letter from Secretary Hodges, while the Chess Association's committee rules that best two in three must count. The match between Steinitz and Lipschuts, which was looked forward to with so much interest, has been indefinitely postponed and will not be played until the executive committee of the NY state chess association has passed upon an issue raised by the officers of the Manhattan CC as against the terms of the written notice issued by the association on August 7. Secretary Hodges of the association inadvertently volunteered the statement that the first win would conclude the match. This statement, was, of course, an error, as Mr. Hodges later saw, and he tried to withdraw his letter, but was refused that privilege. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 12, 1897

Both Claim the Trophy. Tie for the Staats Zeitung Chess Cup Still Unsettled. Counter forfeits filed. Staten Island and Manhattan Clubs score the recent unplayed game as a victory for their respective representatives. Steinitz appears at the Manhattan Club, makes his move and claims the second game. The latest developments in the dispute over the contest for the possession of the Staats-Zeitung cup, which the recent state chess meeting at Murray Isle failed to determine, do not point to a speedy settlement of the unfortunate affair. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 19, 1897

Major W. C. Wilson, who was the victim of the recent mysterious murder in Philadelphia, was a vice president of the Franklin Chess Club... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 26, 1897

Match Declared a Tie. New York State Chess Association retains possession of the Staats-Zeitung Cup. Inasmuch as the contest was not decided at the time and place fixed for the same, the contest for 1897 be considered a tie and that the cup remain in the custody of the association during the coming year... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 5, 1897

Mrs. Worrall Home Again. Brooklyn's representative in the recent women's chess tourney talks of her trip abroad. She said, "...the tournament was a severe strain. Two games a day under a time limit of 20 moves an hour and with the necessity for keeping one's score and watching two clocks was most trying. I lost hours of time by not stopping my clock when it was my opponent's turn to move and lost one game in this way. Miss Hertzsch, the youngest contestant, was only 18 and could not speak a word of English. Lady Thomas was afflicted with a nervous ailment which caused her hands to shake constantly when she made her moves; her hair was white and she is nearly 70 year old. Mrs Hartung of Germany talked constantly while she was playing with me. Conversations were unrestrained while the games were in progress and during the tournament, the weather in London was so oppressive that fans were kept in constant motion in the playing room. The jubilee crowds made the rooms uncomfortable..." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 10, 1897

Berlin Chess Tourney. The first round of the international chess tournament was played at the Architect Building in this city today. At 1 o'clock, the time of the first adjournment, only one game was concluded, Metger and Bardeleben having drawn. Play was resumed at 4 o'clock. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 13, 1897

Charousek the Winner. Finish of the chess masters' tourney at Berlin. The 19th and final round of the international chess masters' tournament was played at the Architekten Haus, Berlin, yesterday. Rudolph Charousek defeated Tschigorin. Charousek takes 1st prize and Walbrodt second. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 5, 1897

Harvard's Chess Trophy. Yale Players Clearly Outclassed by Cambridge Cracks. Southard takes 6 straight. Southard has won 16 out of 18 games played. Harvard scored 10-2. Columbia scored 6.5-5.5, Yale scored 4.5-7.5, and Princeton scored 3-9. Harvard has now won the cup 4 times in succession, Columbia having captured it twice.... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 2, 1898

The International Tourney at Vienna to Be Held in June and July. The local chess club of Vienna, Austria, has announced that the International Masters Chess Tournament will be held in that city during the months of June and July. There will be 16 prizes in all to the value of 20,000 kronens, about $4,100. Baron Albert de Rothschild will give three prizes of 400, 300 and 200 kronens for the 3 most brilliant games, while Leopold Trebitsch will award 3 prizes to non-prize winners having done the best work against the prize winners. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 15, 1898

Charles A. Gilberg dead. A well known chess expert found lifeless in his bed this morning. He probably suffocated. He was at one time the president of the Manhattan CC. He had the second best library on chess in this country. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 21, 1898

Koehler Now Champion. He wrests state chess honors from Eugene Delmar. The 20th annual New York State championship was held in the United Charities Building in Manhattan. Gustav Koehler, who recently won the chess championship of the Cosmopolitan Chess Club and is now tied with Baird in the Manhattan Club's tournament, went through the first 3 rounds with a clean score. Delmar shared 2nd place with Otto Roething, also of the Cosmopolitan Club. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 23, 1898

Big Chess Match Begins. Pillsbury and Showalter playing for the championship. Promptly at 12:30 o'clock this afternoon, Harry N. Pillsbury, chess champion of the United States, and Jackson W. Showalter, challenger, sat down to the first game of their retun match in a room set apart for the players by the Postal Telegraph Company, in its building on Broadway, Manhattan... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 25, 1898

Marshall Now Champion. Defeats Napier and wins the Brooklyn Chess Club's tournament. Boy expert outplayed. The new champion is Frank J. Marshall, not yet 21 years of age. ...- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 5, 1898

British Team Wins the Chess Match. Newnes Trophy will remain in Great Britain another year. The British lion will guard the Newnes trophy for another year. By the same score made in the contest last year, Great Britain came out victorious last evening in the international chess match which for two days was waged in the Academy of Music, and the American representatives laid down their lances in defeat. Great Britain won 5.4 to 4.5. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 20, 1898

Pillsbury is Champion. He wins the deciding game with Showalter in Quick Time. The 12th game in the US chess championship match between Pillsbury and Showalter brought that interesting event, which has been in progress since February 25, to a close, and left the former undisputed champion of America. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 2, 1898

Cable Team Criticized. Ever since the conclusion of the big international cable chess match last month criticisms and comments, both favorable and otherwise, have been plentiful. John Galbreath of New Orleans came in for the lion's share of it. Galbreath traveled a longer distance to play a single game of chess than any other player on record. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 25, 1898

Chess Chapionship Decided. Exchange Club carries off the league trophy with flying colors. By winning their last match at the Dutch Arms last night the Exchange Chess Club's clever team completed its schedule and at the same time succeeded in landing chief honors in the Brooklyn Chess League's tournament and becoming league champions for 1898. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 27, 1898

Pillsbury Wins. He defeats Caro in the opening round of the chess tourney at Vienna. Play in the international chess congress in honor of Emperor Franz Josef I, which was formally opened yesterday by Baron Albert von Rothschild, began this morning at 10 o'clock, when the 20 masters, gathered from all parts of the world, faced each other for the first time. Lasker and Charousek were not there. Lasker opposed to a two round tourney, which he considered too great a strain. Charousek was suddenly taken ill. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 1, 1898

Chess Prizes Decided. Janowki, Steinitz and Schlechter all placed at Vienna. Three of the league prizes in the big International Chess Tournament which ends here on Monday, were determind by today's play in the 37th round. These were the 3rd, 4th, and 5th and the masters fortunate enough to secure them are Janowski, Steinitz, and Schlechter. The chief prize meanwhile remains as much in doubt as ever, for both Pillsbury and Tarrasch succeeded in getting the upper hand of their opponents. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 24, 1898

Pillsbury and Tarrasch Tied. The last round of the Vienna chess tournament was finished on Monday, leaving Henry N. Pillsbury and Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch of Nuremberg tied for first place. The committee of management has decided that the usual match of 4 games shall break the tie, play beginning tomorrow. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 26, 1898

German Not His Superior. Pillsbury thinks he can beat Tarrasch in a set match. Home from Vienna tourney. He stated that a tournament lasting 38 rounds was a little too much to expect a player to last through, although he favored the two round tourney plan, providing the entries are limited to 15 or 16. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 11, 1898

Final Round at Cologne. Burn has a chance to win the chess tourney. This morning the chess players met in the 15th and final round of the international chess tournament. Burn, Cohn, and Tschigorin all have 10.5 points. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 19, 1898

Amos Burn Wins at Cologne. Englishman carries off first prize in the German chess tournament. Showalter gets a prize. The international masters' tournament in connection with the 11th annual congress of the German Chess Association came to an end here yesterday, when the 15th and final round was contested. Charousek, Tschigorin, and Cohn all tied for 2nd-4th. Steinitz took 5th. Burn won 9, lost 1, and drew 5. .. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 20, 1898

Last month the Texas Chess Association was organized at Dallas. Otto Monnig was elected president. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 25, 1898

Tarrasch's Last Tourney. Winner of the Vienna chess contest announces his retirement. Report has it from Nuremberg that Dr. S. Tarrasch, upon the occasion of his welcome home by the local club, of which he is the president, announced his positive intention to stay out of all future tournaments and matches and apply himself strictly to the duties attending his profession as physician. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 28, 1898

First prize in the big continental correspondence chess tournament, which was started in 1894 with 70 entries has been awarded to Charles W. Phillips, the Chicago expert, who has completed his quota of 17 games. Mordecai Morgan of the Franklin CC also finished his schedule and is sure of 2nd place. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 30, 1898

Match Goes to Janowski. French chess master wins the deciding game from Showalter. The Janowski-Showalter chess match at the Manhattan CC, began in November, came to a conclusion yesterday, when Janowski won the 13th game and thereby gained a signal victory over the American ex-champion by a final score of 7 games to 2 and 4 drawn. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 13, 1899

Steinitz Makes Some Denials. Was not influenced in resigning from the Manhattan Chess Club. Ex-champion Steinitz spent Monday evening in the New York Turn Verein of Manhattan as the guest of the chess club connected therewith, with which the Metropolitan Chess Club was recently merged. In several of the papers which published the announcement of his resignation from the Manhattan CC the veteran was made to appear as having taken the step on purely personal grounds, but this he strenuously denies, as also the statement that he had been influenced in his action. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 18, 1899

Tie for Martinez Cup. De Visser and Lipschutz finish on even terms for the State chess championship. The 21st annual winter meeting of the New York State Chess Association, held in Manhattan yesterday, again proved one of the most successful events of the year. W. M. de Visser tied ex-United States Champion Lipschutz in the masters' class. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 23, 1899

Lipschutz defeated. De Visser of Brooklyn is State Chess Champion for 1899. After a second hard fought contest at the Manattan CC yesterday, W. M. de Visser, the Brooklyn chess expert, finally succeeded in beating S. Lipschutz, thereby securing the title of state champion for 1899 and with it the valuable Martinez trophy, the first prize of the contest. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 6, 1899

Americans Will Win Cable Chess Match. Victory over the English team assured as a result of today's play. Showalter and Hodges Win. Pillsbury, Baird and Newman have all got drawn positions in hand. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 11, 1899

America's Chess Team Wins the Newnes Cup. Fourth annual cable match results in a signal victory for the United States. The score six to four. Champion Pillsbury the only American to suffer defeat — number of victories now even. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 12, 1899

Chess Players to Form a National Organization. The first general meeting for the organization of the Chess Association of the United States will be held at the Manhattan Chess Club on April 24, immediately following the international cable match between the American and English universities. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 12, 1899

Cable Chess Play Between Universities. American and British students are fighting today for a silver trophy. The first contest at chess between collegians of two different countries was begun promptly at 10 o'clock this morning with the aid of the Atlantic cable, when a team of 6 players, representing 4 American universities, Columbia, Harvard, Princeton and Yale, faced an equal number standing from Oxford and Cambridge. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 21, 1899

Britons Win At Chess. The Cambridge and Oxford players too much for the four American colleges. The British team won 3.5 to 2.5 and winning the Rice Trophy. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 23, 1899

Chess Association Formed. National Body Organizes with 22 charter members. A well attended meeting of representative American chess enthusiasts was held last night, at the rooms of the Manhattan Chess Club. The association was duly set on foot with 22 clubs as charter members, comprising in all 1,087 members. Chairman J. Mona Lesser presided. The officers were: President, J. Mona Lesser of Boston; vice presidents, Isaac Rice and Sidney Johnston, treasurer, Walter Penn Shipley; secretary, Georg Walcott. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 25, 1899

Steinitz' Fine Score. Plays 16 games of chess simultaneously, winning 14 and losing but 2. He was a guest at the Brooklyn Chess Club. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 28, 1899

London's Chess Tourney. Play in the first round begins today. Pillsbury pitted against Cohn. The international congress of the world's chess masters, the sixth of its kind ever held in this city, was opened this morning in St. Stephen's Hall, adjoining the Royal Aquarium, Westminster. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 30, 1899

Winner of First Prize in Minor Chess Tourney. Frank J. Marshall, the Brooklyn Chess Club's Champion, Takes Rank as a Master. Beat A Strong Field. He carried off chief honors in the London minor tournament. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 15, 1899

Lasker's Position Sure. Defeats Pillsbury and is certain of winning the chess masters' tourney. Though beaten Pillsbury still remains in second place. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 2, 1899

Chess Masters Finish Their Long Contest. Lasker wins first prize, with Pillsbury, Janowski and Maroczy in Second Place. Showalter also a winner. With the conclusion of the 13th and final round of the chess masters' tournament last night, another of the series of annual international events has gone into history. Ex-champion Steinitz (tied for 10th-11th), who emerges for the first time from a tournament without being placed, fairly excelled himself yesterday in his final game with Janowski and was the means of snatching 2nd prize from the Frenchman, just as it lay almost within his grasp. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 11, 1899

Amos Burn retired from the London tournament after entering because of his objection to the committee keeping the pairing of each round secret until the day each round was played. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 6, 1899

Baron Von Heydebrand und der Lasa, the German diplomat and celebrated chess player, is dead. ... He was famous as the possessor of the largest and most valuable collection of chess literature in the world. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 7, 1899

New York Team Won. Windup of the chess tourney at Saratoga. All the contests of the New York State Chess Association summer meeting, at Saratoga, were wound up yesterday. By fine work in the 6th and 7th rounds the New York players succeeded in pulling out well ahead of their Pennsylvania rivals with a total score of 26.5 games, as against the latter 22.5. The final cup game, between S. Lipschutz of the Manhattan CC and Frank Marshall of the Brooklyn CC, resulted in the former's favor, and the cup becomes the property of the Manhattan CC, which has won it 5 times. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 2, 1899

Chess Champions at Odds. Lasker and Janowski still disputing over the much talked of match. Number of games the hitch. The Frenchman wants to play ten and the champion 8. Janowski, the challenger for the world's chess championship, has declined to agree to one of Lasker's conditions. The hitch occurs over the champion's proposition to limit the contest to 1 of 8 games up instead of 10, the number that has latterly attained in similar matches. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 14, 1899

It Is Harvard's Chess Cup. Half a game decides the college tourney in the Crimson's favor. Sixth Successive Victory. Harvard captured the intercollegiate championship for the 6th successive time. The final scores totaled up 9 points for Harvard as against 8.5 to Columbia's credit. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 31, 1899

Maroczy First At Vienna. The noted Hungarian Emerges winner of the Kolisch Memorial chess tourney. Geza Maroczy, of Budapest, captured chief honors in the Kolisch Memorial tournament between 12 Austrian and Hungarian masters at Vienna. He scored 9 out of 11. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 4, 1900

Death of Thomas Frere. Veteran chess player and organizer dies at Bay Ridge. He was 80. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 20, 1900

Steinitz in a Hospital. William Steinitz is again domiciled in an institution because of mental disabilities, he having been place in the insane ward at the Harlem Hospital last night. This step was of his own seeking and that he went to the hospital, owing to his nervousness about his own condition. This morning it was stated by the surgeon in charge that he was in no serious danger and that hopes were entertained for his speedy recovery. It is more likely that extreme poverty was largely responsible for the present condition of the famous old expert. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 8, 1900

Steinitz's Case Not Hopeless. According to Dr. Roberts, in charge of the insane ward at Bellevue Hospital, Steinitz is not hopelessly deprived of the use of his faculties. A couple of months would readily demonstrate to what extent the veteran's mind was really affected. Unless friends provide for his being placed in a private asylum, Steinitz will be sent to Ward's Island within a week. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 9, 1900

Steinitz Goes to the State Hospital. William Steinitz was taken to the Manhattan Hospital for the Insane on Ward's Island this morning, without any word having been received from his friends. His wife is unable to provide for him in a sanitarium or private institution. Steinitz is 62 years old. He was of nervous temperament. His mind shows sign of failing in 1897, when a dispatch was received from Moscow that he had been placed in a sanitarium there. Steinitz was carried down to the boat to be taken to Ward's Island. He retained his little pocket chess board and some few effects which he had when he arrived at the hospital. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1900

To Aid Steinitz's Family. A year ago, Steinitz resigned from the Manhattan Chess Club and in so doing had antagonized many of his former friends. His family is quite destitute. It consists of his wife and two small children, ages 5 and 2. The Manhattan CC has taken the initiative in the matter of a subscription fund for their benefit. They are trying to contribute $300 for the benefit of his family. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 15, 1900

There will be one notable absentee from Paris. Poor old Steinitz. They have caged him again. Yet it may all be for the best. It is a somewhat pathetic incident that among the few personal effects he took along with him to Ward's Island was a pocket chess board. He believed that his book on the Sixth American Chess Congress reached a value of $500 apiece. However, a second hand copy had recently been purchased by a local amateur for $1. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 18, 1900

Quick Response to Steinitz Fund. The fund being raised by the Manhattan Chess Club for the benefit of Steinitz's family is growing at a remarkable rate. The minimum amount of $300 (worth over $8,000 in today's currency) has already been raised through individual voluntary contributions on the part of members calling at the club during the past two days. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 19, 1900

An incident in Steinitz's early life is brought out in his belief in telepathy, or thought transference. In his early years, Steinitz was quite destitute and seriously contemplated ending all in the waters of the Danube. At this same time, he received a letter from Herr Leopold Popper, who was two years his junior, said: "Something impels me, I cannot tell what, nor give any reason for it, to send you the inclosed ten guilden ($4, or about $80 in today's currency)." Steinitz said, "Never had I asked him for one kreuzer, nor could he know of a fact which I kept absolutely secret for over 40 years afterward; it was a case of telepathy." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 11, 1900

Victory for America Likely in Chess Match. At the time of adjournment this afternoon the local forces had the advantage. Pillsbury may score a win. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 23, 1900

Chess Trophy Won in an Exciting Finish. Showalter and Hymes endangered America's chances, but Hodges came to the rescue. Final score, Six to Four. USA secured permanent possession of the Newnes Trophy. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 25, 1900

Steinitz Soon to be Free. The ex-chess champion, now in a sanitarium, likely to regain his liberty. Only Technically Insane. He declares his incarceration is unjust — anxious to be released. At present the veteran is domiciled in Astoria, at the River Crest Sanitarium, to which he was recently transferred at the request of some of his friends. His case, as diagnosed, is one of paranoia. Steinitz's ailment was equivalent to the possession of biased ideas. Some of the symptoms the doctor cited was intense egotism, a desire for marked attention or deference, querulousness and morbid suspicion, as well as fear of persecution. The doctor stated that Steinitz would not be detained against the wished of his friends, and that his dismissal could be secured by a certificate, signed by a physician, his wife and another friend, assuming responsibility for his safe keeping. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 5, 1900

Steinitz To Be Released. The Rivercrest Sanitarium of Astoria, Long Island, has consented to liberate William Steinitz, having been furnished with guarantees for his future safe keeping, and upon the further understanding that the sanitarium will not be held responsible in case the disorder re-asserts itself. He will be taken away by his wife tonight. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 6, 1900

College Chess Teams Playing By Cable. Second Annual Match for the Rice Trophy began this morning. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 20, 1900

Chess Match Lost by American Team. English Collegians Lead by Three Games to One and Sure to Win. When play ceased last night, the Americans had two clearly lost games on hand and boards 2 and 4. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 21, 1900

Rice Trophy Stays Abroad. Oxford and Cambridge Outclass Our Colleges at Chess and Win Hands Down. Harvard Players Alone Score. Great Britain won 4.5 to 1.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 22, 1900

Steinitz Still Insane. Ex-chess champion develops violent symptoms and is taken to Bellevue. William Steinitz, who was discharged from the River Crest Sanitarium in the custody of his family and friends on April 6, is again an inmate of Bellevue Hospital where he was taken at 9 o'clock last night upon a commitment from Magistrate Mott in the Harlem court. He wandered about his apartments at all hours of the night, turned on all the faucets, and bathed himself with ice water. During the day he developed great irritability, called upon absent people, whom he knew, to come to him, and harangued the crowd on the street from the open window. Though he bemoaned the fact that his friends had all deserted him, he refused to listen to those who did come to see him and in several instances ordered them out. The same treatment was accorded his wife and her brother, who could not control him. Once he went so far as to clutch his little boy by the throat, though he did not injure him. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 27, 1900

Steinitz Goes to State Hospital. William Steinitz, 64 years old, of 155 East One Hundred and Third street, was removed from Bellevue Hospital this morning to the Manhattan State Hospital on Randall's Island. This is the third time that Steinitz has been declared insane, once a short while ago in the city and another some years ago in Russia. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 1, 1900

Teichmann the Winner. Anglo-German chess expert captures chief honors in London tourney. Next to Teichmann come Gunsberg, Mason and Ward. Teichmann majored in modern philology. Since 1892 he has been a resident of London, where he is now a teacher of languages - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 4 and May 6, 1900

William Steinitz' Condition. The doctor at Ward's Island says that Steinitz has improved somewhat since his admission; he is quiet and orderly, but is childish and demented and unable to appreciate his condition, surroundings, etc. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 11, 1900

The final round of the Paris international chess tournament was played to a conclusion here last night. Lasker won the event, followed by Pillsbury, who took second, and Marshall, who tied for 3rd with Maroczy. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 20, 1900

Triple Tie at Munich. Pillsbury, Maroczy and Schlechter bunched for chief chess honors. Will Play Off. The three will have a play-off and the winner will receive the trophy presented by Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria, in addition to the first prize of 1,000 marks. Maroczy dropped out of the tiebreak due to illness - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 11, 1900

Chess Player Steinitz Dead. Has been an inmate of the insane asylum on Randall's Island since February. William Steinitz died on Sunday in the Manhattan State Hospital on Randall's Island. He married a woman who was 28 years old when he was 63. They lived in Harlem. He astonished his wife early in February last by telling her it was electricity that governed the health of children, and that bolts of electricity kept him well. He said he was in electrical communication with the chess players of the world. He sat in a rocking chair in his Harlem flat, and imagined he talked with his friends in all the capitals of Europe. He was pronounced insane, taken to Bellevue and then to Randall's Island on February 8. His wife had no money to pay for private treatment. The Manhattan Chess Club raised $300 and transferred him to the River Crest, a private asylum. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 14, 1900

Unrivaled Chess Record. Steinitz was champion for 28 years and was placed in 14 tourneys. Lasker his only conqueror. Steinitz was buried in Evergreen Cemetery on Tuesday. In his lifetime, he won 203.5 games and lost 98.5 games. In matches, he won 140 games and lost 64 games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 16, 1900

Second Tie at Munich in big chess tourney. Pillsbury and Schlechter draw their 4th game and divide the prize. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 19, 1900

In Memory of Steinitz. Story of the famous master's career to be published in book form. A tribute to his genius. There was also the establishment of a fund for the support of his family, a wife and two small children. The editing of the book will be entrusted to Charles Devide, well known as a writer and competent analyist. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 6, 1900

Columbia's Chess Team Triumphs Over Harvard. Crimson's long list of successes finally broken by the Blue and White. Won by a handsome margin. Harvard, champion for 6 years, was easily distanced, there being a margin of 2.5 points in favor of the New Yorkers - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 30, 1900

Chess Champion Married. Pillsbury's wedding at Chicago a surprise to his friends. The bride was a Miss Mary E. Bush of Philadelphia. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 18, 1901

Janowski's Safe Lead. Frenchman may be declared winner of Monte Carlo chess tourney tonight. Marshall completes his schedule. M. Didier scored 1Å’ point. He failed to put in an appearance with Marshall, who won on default. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 27, 1901

Marshall is Salta Champion. Frank J. Marshall won 3,000 francs in the international-salta tournament at Monte Carlo. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 12, 1901

6th Annual Cable Chess Match Ends in Drawn Battle. At 6:30 o'clock last evening the international cable chess match was declared a drawn battle. The final result was a 5-5 tie. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 21 and 27, 1901

Champion Lasker is Greatly Changes. Former friends of the chess champion scarcely recognize him upon landing. Seven years' absence from America has made a decided difference in the appearance of the world's chess champion, Emanuel Lasker. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 25, 1901

3rd Annual College Cable Chess match Results in Draw. American college players, despite early lead, fail to beat Oxford and Cambridge. Rice Trophy remains abroad. The score was 3-3. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 28, 1901

Lasker Challenged. Pillsbury will meet the chess champion before retiring. Lasker says he has been challenged to a match by Harry N. Pillsbury, the American champion. Not long ago Pillsbury announced his intention of retiring from the chess arena in about 18 months and at the time stated that before doing so he would play Lasker. Pillsbury challenged Dr. Lasker to one final struggle for the chess championship of the world. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 8, 1901

Yale Triumphant In The Chess Tourney. Clean sweep against Princeton in final round gives cup to old Eli. Columbia one point behind. Yale made a clean sweep on all four boards in the match with Princeton, and thereby emerging victorious, one point ahead of Columbia. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 29, 1901

College Chess Match Is Won by Columbia. Cornell, winner last year, beaten handily by 8 points to 4. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 5, 1902

State Chess Honors for Dr. B. Lasker. Brother of the world's champion wins the New York Association Tourney. Dr. Berthold Lasker made his debut in American chess yesterday by capturing first prize and the championship of the State of New York in the annual tournament of the New York State Chess Association at the United Charities Building in Manhattan. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 23, 1902

Pillsbury Takes The Lead. American now favorite for first prize in Monte Carlo Chess Tourney. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 3, 1902

Geza Maroczy First At Monte Carlo. Hungarian chess champion wins international tournament. Pillsbury Second. Marshall is not placed. Janowski and Teichmann Third and Fourth. Pillsbury took 2nd place by the smallest possible margin — a quarter of a point. First prize was 5.000 francs. Maroczy was educated at the Polytechnic School of Zurich, where he became librarian of the Hungarian Society. Later he was appointed to a government position at Budapest and he is now a civil engineer. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 12, 1902

Americans Win Cable Chess Match. Helms and Howell of Brooklyn carry off honors and win deciding games. Marshall badly defeated. USA won 5.5 to 4.5. Pillsbury and Marshall played over the board in London. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 16, 1902

Stranded On Continent. Brooklyn Chess Player Loses All at Monte Carlo and Wants Passage Money. At the Monte Carlo tournament, Frank Marshall finished just inside the money, receiving about $60 for his share of the consolation prize. If Marshall had been satisfied to let well enough alone he might have returned. But his presence in London was required to compete in the international cable match. He decided that $60 was not enough and went with Maroczy, the winner of the tournament, to the rouge et noir tables with the full intention of increasing his wealth. At the close of the evening the two chess players walked 3 miles to their hotel, and it was only through the generosity of Pillsbury and other more frugal members of the chess fraternity that Marshall reached London in time for the cable match. Several appeals have been received from him by members of the Brooklyn Chess Club, but Brooklyn is an unresponsive town, and the globe trotter is still waiting for his answer. One of the heartless members of the local club recently sent him a postal card advising him to borrow money from Baron Rothschild, who is a patron of the game of kings. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 25, 1902

First Chess Prize Goes to Janowski. French champion wins in semi-final round at Hanover today. He has won 12. And lost 3.5. Pillsbury is second with 11 wins and 5 losses. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 9, 1902

Final Chess Games in Hanover Tourney. Third and fourth prizes went to Atkins and Mieses, while Napier shared 5th and 6th equally with Wolf. Frank Marshall finished just below the list of prize winners as he did at Monte Carlo. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 9, 1902

Pillsbury Will Retire. American Chess Champion Will Practice Law in Philadelphia. H. N. Pillsbury, in conversing with friends, said he had resolved to abandon championship matches and settle down to the practice of law in Philadelphia, playing occasionally with friends. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 31, 1902

College Chess Trophy Won By Columbia. Yale's ex-champions finished half a point behind — Harvard Third. Columbia emerged was winners of the 11th annual intercollegiate tournament. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 2, 1903

Tarrasch Wins At Chess. Maroczy a point behind the German at Monte Carlo. Pillsbury finishes third. Dr. Siegbert Tarrasch scored 20 points as against 19 points for Maroczy. Harry N. Pillsbury finished in 3rd place, half a point below Maroczy. Colonel Moreau of Paris has established a record, losing 26 games in succession. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 17, 1903

Dr. Lasker, in a recent interview, declared that chess playing, not carried to excess, improves a man's health. He said, "Most of the prominent players live to an advanced age. But nervous people shouldn't play chess at night. If they do they can't sleep. Nor in the morning, or they can't work. They shouldn't play at all, if fact. Chess is beneficial to a normal man, just as athletics is good for him. The chess player lives longer than the athlete." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 21, 1903

Honors Even In Cable Chess Match. American Collegians Make Uphill Fight and Win a Tie. Result is with Pillsbury. The 5th cable chess match between the American and British universities, for the Rice Trophy, came to an end today without a final verdict having been reached. The 6th game proved too much for Harry Pillsbury to decide off hand, and he wired that he would hold his decision until Monday. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 29, 1903

The Rice international challenge trophy for competition at chess between the British and American universities was won back by the Britons after a match in which the deciding unfinished game was so evenly balanced that Pillsbury took a day to decide it in favor of the Englishmen. Last year the American universities captured the trophy for the first time, in the previous year it was a tie and in the two years preceding that the Britons won, so that they have 3 victories against 1 for our side. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 4, 1903

Cable Chess Match and Newnes Trophy Won By Americans. Barry and Helms score brilliantly and turn defeat to victory. Final score is 5.5 to 4.5. Marshall, Voigt, Helms and Barry Win. Pillsbury, Delmar and Hodges Draw. The British team played for the City of London Chess Club. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 5, 1903

Tschigorin Winner In Gambit Chess Tourney. American Champion's Play Disappointing — Both Leaders Improve Their Records. Vienna's international gambit tournament, in which 10 of the leading chess masters have been engaged for a month past, came to an end yesterday, with M. I. Tschigorin of St. Petersburg, in first place, and Frank J. Marshall of Brooklyn, a good second. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 27, 1903

Roosevelt A Patron Of Big Chess Congress. Noted Masters will compete for President's prize at Cambridge Springs. Reception at White House. Chief Executive Interested and signifies approval of international event. President Roosevelt yesterday placed the stamp of his unqualified approval upon the international congress of chessmasters, to be held at the Hotel Rider, in Cambridge Springs, Pa., next April, announcement of which was made last night. Mr. Roosevelt authorized the announcement that he would offer a trophy to be awarded to the winner of the tournament. The exact nature of this prize will be determined upon later. While regretting his inability to go to Cambridge Springs during the tournament he expressed his intention of tendering the competitors and committee a special reception at the White House. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 19, 1903

Famous Chess Masters Will Visit White House. President's reception to Cambridge Springs Competitors set for April 19. The managing directors of the international chess masters congress, to be held at Cambridge Springs, received a communication this morning from William Loeb, secretary to Mr. Roosevelt, stating that the President had set apart the afternoon of Tuesday, April 19, 1904, for the reception to be tendered the Americans and foreign competitors in the tournament at the White House a few days prior to the opening of the contest. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 21, 1903

Schwab a Chess Student. Steel king aspires to proficiency and will attend Monte Carlo tourney. Charles M. Schwab, the steel magnate, is taking a lively interest in the game of chess. With a view of becoming proficient he has engaged a tutor. On Sunday he had Harry N. Pillsbury, the American champion, and A. B. Hodges, an ex-champion, as guest at his house. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 12, 1904

Chess by Wireless. A game of chess was played by wireless telegraphy between teams on the Hamburg American liner Auguste Victoria and the Cunard steamship Saxonia on Friday and Saturday last. The Saxonia's team were the winners. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 25, 1904

Maroczy's First Prize. Marshall beaten in final chess round at Monte Carlo. Schlechter Second; Brooklynite Third. With victory in the international chess tournament at Monte Carlo almost within his grasp, Frank Marshall had his hopes rudely shattered by Geza Maroczy, the Hungarian champion, in the final round yesterday. First prize was $1,000. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 19, 1904

Chess Tourney Ends. Marshall and Swiderski divide first and second prizes at the Monte Carlo Rice Gambit tournament. Marshall and Swiderski each received $170. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 4, 1904

Chess Championship at Cambridge Springs Captured by Marshall. Brooklynite defeats Fox in final round of Cambridge Springs Tourney. Marshall offered a draw to Fox after 16 moves, but under the rules, no games can be drawn in less than 30 moves, and the two players were ordered by the directors to go on. Marshall won the game and became the winner of the first prize of $1,000 and the Cambridge Springs championship. Marshall played 15 rounds without a loss. Janowski and Lasker tied for 2nd-3rd place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 19, 1904

Chess Prizes in Doubt. Schlechter may tie Bardeleben and Swiderski in Coburg, Germany tournament. On present figures Curt von Bardeleben and Swiderski are tied for 1st place at 7.5 to 4.5 - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 2, 1904

Napier Invincible In London Tourney. Youthful chess master played through 16 rounds without a loss. Marco's feat surpassed. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 14, 1904

Controversy Over Chess Championship. Seventh American Congress Committee questions Pillsbury's right to his title. Max Judd defends action. The action of the 7th American Chess Congress committee in offering the title to the American competitor winning the masters tournament at St. Louis next month has started an interesting controversy. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 25, 1904

Chess Prizes Decided. Marshall First, Judd Second and Uedemann Third in Masters Tourney in St. Louis. Marshall won 8.5 — 0.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 27, 1904

Napier Wins Trophy. Brooklyn chess expert defeats Shoosmith for British Amateur Championship. A series of four games for the possession of the Newnes amateur chess trophy between W. E. Napier of Brooklyn and H. W. Shoosmith of Brighton was concluded here last night and resulted in favor of Napier on totals of 2 to 0 and 2 drawn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 2, 1904

Rothschild Prizes For Chess Brilliancy. Schlechter Awarded Chief Honors for Game with Lasker at Cambridge Springs. Second Prize for Napier. Janowski and Delmar also selected for distinction. Baron Albert de Rothschild's brilliancy prize of $100, donated by the Vienna millionaire to the Cambridge Springs Chess Congress, has at last been distributed among 4 of the 16 players who participated in that historic event. Carl Schlechter, a townsman of the baron, and champion of Austria, gets chief recognition for his splendid victory over Dr. Emanuel Lasker, the world's champion. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 20, 1904

Harvard Team Wins College Chess Tourney. Quadrangular championship goes to Cambridge for the 8th time. Princeton in 2nd Place. Harvard easily emerged winner of the 13th annual intercollegiate chess tournament. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 25, 1904

Marshall The Winner Of Paris Chess Match. French Champion, Janowski, Vanquished by Brooklynite After 17 games. Score 8 to 5; 4 Drawn. Frank Marshall emerged victor over D. Janowski, French chess champion, in their great match, begun at the Cercle Philidor on January 24, and secured the stakes of $1,000, as well as the purse furnished by Professor Isaac Rice, of New York. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 8, 1905

Pillsbury Delirious. No serious consequence expected to result from chess champion's mishap. Harry N. Pillsbury, the United States champion, attempted suicide at the Philadelphia Presbyterian Hospital, Thursday night, while temporarily deranged. It has since transpired that it was merely a case of delirium consequent upon his feverish state following a delicate operation earlier in the week. While his mind was wandering, the champion acted strangely, much after the manner of this class of patients, and wound up by making a bee line for one of the windows on the 4th floor. The presumption was that he contemplated hurling himself to destruction below, but the timely arrival of Mrs. Pillsbury served to quiet him, and he returned to his room to obtain much needed rest. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 1, 1905

Pillsbury Doing Well. Chess champion may yet play in cable match. Walter Penn Shipley declared that Pillsbury's mishap on Friday were overdrawn and that there is no cause whatever for alarm as to the champion's condition. Shipley wrote: The statements in the papers in reference to Mr. Pillsbury's condition have been grossly exaggerated. Pillsbury enter the hospital for a slight operation for a trouble from which he has been suffering for the past two years. Pillsbury is expected to be around again in about a week. As a result of the lack of nourishment and the effects of ether, Mr. Pillsbury had a delusion Thursday night that he must be present at an entertainment given for him in Philadelphia, and that he must be on hand promptly. Pillsbury got up and dressed himself and started to leave the hospital when he was interfered with by the nurses. He attempted to force his way out of the hospital. He was, however, aroused in the course of about half an hour, realized where he was and retired peacefully to bed. His wife was not at the hospital at the time. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 3, 1905

Break In Atlantic Cable Delays The 9th Cable Chess Match. Western Union Tell of a "Terrible Accident," but gives no explanation. Chess Players Disappointed. News came just before the Americans and Englishmen were ready to start play. It was known to all the players and followers of the game that the company did not care particularly about renting its cable for the chess match. At the last moment it was announced that Champion Harry Pillsbury had been forbidden by his physician to engage in play. Word was likewise received from Jackson W. Showalter, who has recently lost his mother, that he positively declined to play. Marshall was prepared to take Pillsbury's place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 14, 1905

Cable Match Off. Annual contest indefinitely postponed. The international cable match was indefinitely postponed in consequence of the announcement of the Western Union company that it would be impossible to make repairs to the broken cables in less than a week. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 15, 1905

Geza Maroczy The Winner at Ostend, Belgium. He was the winner of the first prize of 5,000 francs. Frank Marshall lost his final game to Alapin and tied for 7th place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 19, 1905

As a result of Maroczy's defeat of Gottschall in the deciding game of the international chess masters tournament at Barmen yesterday, the Hungarian champion emerged on equal terms with Janowski, of Paris, for first and second places, while Frank Marshall had to be content with the third prize. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 1, 1905

Cable Chess Match Gets Under Way. Contest over 6 boards between New York and Berlin last two days. Trophy from Roosevelt. President donates copy of his photograph, to go to winning club. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 11, 1905

Manhattan Victorious in Cable Chess Match. Experts of Berlin chess society beaten handily by 4 points to 2. A message was sent to President Roosevelt, apprising him of the victory, and thanking him on behalf of both clubs for his trophy and interest in the match. The only win on the Berlin side was from Dr. Emanuel Lasker. Caro and Schallopp drew their games. . - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 13, 1905

Pillsbury Near Death. Beset by apoplexy and paralysis — his case hopeless. Harry N. Pillsbury lies at the point of death in a hospital in the Quaker City. The report stated that he had suffered a stroke of apoplexy and that this was followed by partial paralysis, making his case practically a hopeless one. He is given at most but a few more weeks to live. Earlier this year he returned from a 2-month trip to Bermuda, where he sought to obtain benefit from a thorough rest and change of scene. Pillsbury has a wife, but no children. = Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 15, 1906

Chess Stars Matched. Lasker and Maroczy will play for world's championship in October. The announced that a championship match would begin Oct 15 was made last night at the dinner in celebration of the formation of the Rice Chess Club, held at the Café Boulevard in Manhattan. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 7, 1906

Max Judd is Dead. Noted St. Louis chess master succumbed to heart disease after a busy career. Max Judd, one of the best known chess experts in America, and at one time United States consul at Vienna under the Cleveland administration, died suddenly yesterday of heart disease at the Monticello Hotel, St. Louis. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 8, 1906

Mrs. Frey Chess Champion. Newark Representative Successful in Women's Congress — Miss Burgess a Winner. The first American Women's Chess Congress concluded at the Hotel Martha Washington in Manhattan yesterday, and won by Mrs. Charles P. Frey, of Newark, NJ. Miss E. H. Burgess, of Garden City, Long Island, won the first prize in the general tournament without the loss of a single game, her nearest rival being Miss Eliza Campbell Foot, president of the Woman's Chess Club, and the most active in organizing the congress. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 10, 1906

Pillsbury Dead, Chess World Mourns. Greatest American player since Morphy, dies at Philadelphia hospital. Harry Nelson Pillsbury died at the Friends Asylum, at Frankfort (Frankford), yesterday. He was ill for many months. Since undergoing an operation at a Philadelphia hospital last year, Pillsbury was on the decline. On that occasion, during an attack of delirium, he was reported to have made an attempt to throw himself from a window, but was prevented. His recent trip to Bermuda, where he spent two months with Mrs. Pillsbury, did not result in the benefit that had been hoped for. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 18, 1906

Not Willed to Science. Family of Pillsbury denies report regarding his brain. The body of Harry Pillsbury was shipped to Somerville, Mass., where his funeral will take place Thursday. It was emphatically denied by his family today that Pillsbury's brain had been willed by him to an institution or scientists for any purpose of scientific investigation. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 19, 1906

Brooklyn Mourns Death of Pillsbury. Deceased chess master brought success and fame to local organization. Condolences from Ostend. Marshall regarded as logical heir to Pillsbury's title of American champion. Mrs. Pillsbury accompanied her husband's remains to Somerville, Mass., his birthplace, where the funeral occurred last Wednesday. Pillsbury's last message to the chess world, sent out from Frankford over his own signature, was addressed to the American Chess Bulletin, which prints it in its June number: "I am very much alive" During the Nuremberg tournament, he suffered intensely until relieved by a surgical operation. This great handicap did not prevent Pillsbury winning his games with Lasker, Steinitz and Tschigorin on successful days. With regard to the American championship, while Marshall may possible claim it, such players as Showalter, Hodges and Napier among others, are likely to dispute his title. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 24, 1906

Carl Schlechter wins Ostend chess tourney. Maroczy second and Marshall seventh. Schlechter became the winner of the first prize of the 4,000 francs and the gold medal indicative of the tournament championship. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 12, 1906

Tourney Proposed for Pillsbury's Title. Western Chess Association arranging contest to decide American championship. At Chicago, Aug 20-25. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 29, 1906

Marshall Captures Chief Honors in Tournament at Nuremberg. 16 games were played by Marshall and not one of his opponents were able to defeat him. His score was 12.5 points. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 17, 1906

Silence of Maroczy Embarrases Lasker. Hungarian chess master in default with forfeit for championship match. Hitch cause uneasiness. Upon inquiry by Dr. Lasker, it has developed that Mr. Maroczy's deposit of $500, which was to server as a forfeit, has up to the present not been made. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 26, 1906

Chess Match Is Off. Geza Maroczy will not be able to keep his engagement with Dr. Lasker to play a match for the world's championship next month. Maroczy gives as his reason that he is too much engrossed in politics at the present time to think of meeting Lasker, but asserts his readiness to play under the same conditions next year. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 11, 1906

Columbia Quartet Wins Chess Tourney. New Yorkers whitewash Princeton and finish 11.5 out of 12. Yale blanked by Harvard. Columbia emerged winner of the 15th annual intercollegiate chess tournament with Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 23, 1906

Capablanca's attack in his game with Captain Q. A. Brankett of Harvard netted him a distinct advantage in pawn position, which he turned to account in most approved style (Capablanca-Brackett, French Defense). - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 6, 1907

Capablanca won all 3 of his games (Capablanca-Ward, Sicilian Defense). - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 27, 1907

Newnes Ches Trophy Regained by British. American lose 9th cable match, after uphill struggle in final session. First defeat by Barry. The British won 5.5 to 4.5. Great Britain recaptured the silver trophy of Sir George Newnes, which had been in the custody of the Brooklyn Chess Club since 1899. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 24, 1907

Mrs. Burgess, Champion. St. Louis expert defeats Mrs. Frey in deciding game for U.S. chess title. Mrs. S. R. Burgess, by winning the 6th game of her match for the woman's chess championship of the United States, wrested the title from Mrs. C. P. Frey, at the Hotel Martha Washington, in Manhattan. Her score was 4.5 to 1.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 11, 1907

I. L. Rice chess trophy remains in England. Cable match between American-British colleges results in a draw. J. R. Capablanca, board 1 and playing for Columbia, was very fortunate to escape with a draw. The score was 3-3 between the two teams. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 24, 1907

Big Chess Match Ended; Lasker's Title Clear. Marshall succumbs to World's Champion without winning a single game. Score 8 to 0. 7 drawn. With the 15th game of the series decided in favor of Lasker, at the Everett House, in Manhattan, yesterday, the match for the chess championship of the world, which was begun in Brooklyn on January 26, at last came to a conclusion, and with it ended for the time being Frank J. Marshall's dreams of conquest. Lasker surpassed Dr. Tarrasch's record of defeating Marshall by the score of 8 to 1, with 8 drawn. Lasker last defended his title in 1897, against Steinitz. After the match, Marshall said, "In two years I expect to challenge for a return match and hope then to be ina position to back myself. Had all the games been played in one place and we could have avoided journeying about the country, the chances of my holding my own would have been much improved. The privacy afforded by clubs would have suited me much better than playing in public, as we did on most occasions." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 9, 1907

When Leo Tolstoy was a young officer in the Caucasus, he was promised a St. George's Cross for bravery. One evening, absorbed in a game of chess, he failed to go on duty that night before the awards were distributed. The commander of the division visited the guns which should have been in Tolstoy's charge, and, not finding him at his post, ordered his arrest. The next day, when the crosses were distributed, Tolstoy was a prisoner, and missed the honor. Tolstoy's eldest son, Count Sergei Tolstoy, was a better chess player than his father and once won a correspondence game against Tschigorin. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 18, 1907

Ostend Chess Tourney. Unfinished games point to Dr. Tarrasch winning the championship. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 13, 1907

Ostend Chess Tourney won by Dr. Tarrasch. Nuremberg physician captures world's championship and gold medal. Carl Schlechter Second. Marshall defeats Janowski and ties Frenchman for third place. Tarrasch scored 12.5 — 7.5 and won $430.20. Dr. Tarrasch received a gold medal, together with a diploma of championship, recognizing him as the tournament champion of the world. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 14, 1907

Dr. O. S. Bernstein and S. Rubinstein share chief honors as Ostend masters tourney. Both scored 19.5 — 8.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 26, 1907

Chess Championship Still Held by Atkins. H. E. Atkins, chess champion of Great Britain, has once more demonstrated that he is king of players in the United Kingdom by winning 1st prize in the annual championship tournament of the British Chess Federation, held this year at the Crystal Palace in London. He successfully defended his title in a very strong field, including Blackburne, but missing Amos Burn of Liverpool. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 8, 1907

Dr. Tarrasch Retires From Tourney Chess. German champion determined to limit his activity henceforth to set matches. Most likely to meet Lasker. He is the honorary president of the Nuremberg Chess Club. In a speech, Dr. Tarrasch stated that he did not contemplate participating hereafter in any more tournaments, but he would not be averse to playing serious matches for stakes. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 15, 1907

Carlsbad tournament won by A. Rubinstein. A. Rubinstein of Lodz, Russia, emerged winner of the international congress which has been in progress at Carlsbad, in Bohemia, since August 19. Rubinstein won 3,000 crowns, followed by Maroczy, who won 2,000 crowns. Frank Marshall won 10 and lost 10 to finish in 12th place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 18, 1907

Columbia chess team won annual tourney. Columbia emerged winner of the 16th annual intercollegiate chess tournament, Tuesday night, the final score being 9.5 out of a possible 12. Yale finished in 2nd, Princeton 3rd, and Harvard 4th. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 26, 1907

Capablanca, the young Cuban chess prodigy and the champion player at Columbia University, at Brooklyn Chess Club wins 21 games. He won 21, lost 1, and drew 4. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 2, 1908

America Wins at Chess; Newnes Trophy Returns. Score is 3 won games and 5 draws — British 5 draws. Two games not decided. America won the 10th cable chess match decisively for the Newnes challenge trophy by 3 won games and 5 draws. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 15, 1908

Manhattan Chess Handicap. The annual handicap tournament has begun at the Manhattan CC. A rapid transit tourney was won by Jose Capablanca. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 12, 1908

Triple Tie at chess in Vienna tournament. Oldrich Duras, Prague; C. Schlechter, Vienna, and G. Maroczy, Budapest, the Victors. Marshall shares minor prizes with Leonhardt and Mieses. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 18, 1908

Demise of H. E. Bird. Chess players mourn death of master at the age of 78. Word comes from England that H. E. Bird died there on April 14. By profession he was an accountant. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 3, 1908

Quakers Lose At Chess. Manhattan CC captuyres Martinez Trophy by defeating Franklins in Decisive match. Manhattan CC had 10 points and Franklin CC had 6 points. J. R. Capablanca was the referee. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 31, 1908

Tie in chess tourney after close struggle. O. S. Duras divides honors of first place at Prague with C. Schlechter. Third prize for Vidmar. Marshall shared 7th place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 13, 1908

Ajeeb, the famous automaton chess and checker player has been one of the features of the Eden Musee for the quarter century of its existence. The popularity of this wonderful piece of mechanism is as great as ever. Champion chess and checker players from all parts of the country have visited the Musee to try their skill against the figure. Parties from different states bet expenses of the trip that the local player could not beat Ajeeb. In every instance the visitor was defeated. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 18, 1908

Cable Chess Match Costly. Britons spent $550 to defend the Newnes Trophy, which they lost. In the annual report of the London Chess Club, there appeared a statement that the club spent $550 on the cable match, of which the greater part was raised by donations. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 8, 1908

Why Tarrasch Lost. Dr. Tarrasch ascribes his lack of success in the world championship series at Duesseldorf to the climate. The weather was rainy and foggy and was generally depressing, at least to the temperament of the challenger. This was his complaint also at Hastings in 1895, when he said the sea air affected him. .. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 20, 1908

Chess Match is Over. Supremacy of Dr. Lasker established in 16th game — Score, 8 games to 3. By winning the shortest and most decisive game of the match with Dr. Tarrasch, and the 16th of the series, Dr. Lasker emerged, yesterday, the victor in the contest which has been in progress at Duesseldorf and Munich since August 17, and retained his title of chess champion of the world. The final score was 8 games to 3 in the champion's favor, with 5 games recorded as drawn. Carl Schlechter of Vienna is now the favorite as opponent of Dr. Lasker in the next championship match. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 1, 1908

Capablanca Will Tour. Intercollegiate chess this year will suffer the loss of its strongest exponent in consequence of the decision of Jose Capablanca, who, for the past 3 years, has been identified with chess at Columbia University. His skill at chess will enable him to make an extensive tour of the United States, Canada, Mexico and Panama. It is asserted by his enthusiastic admirers in this city that it will not be long before Capablanca may be a candidate for world's championship honors. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 15, 1908

Old Penn Gets Trophy. William Hughes and Norman Whitaker score 6 straight games in Tri-Collegiate chess tourney. The representatives of the University of Pennsylvania obtained permanent possession of the Isaac L. Rice trophy. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 30, 1908

Columbia the Winner. Blue and White chess team defeated Cornell by the odd game. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 2, 1909

Capablanca a Wonder. Cuban chess prodigy establishing a world's record on western tour. Since leaving New York on January 11, Capablanca has played 168 games. He has won 167 and drawn 1, with no losses. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 24, 1909

A total of 354 games have been contested by Jose R. Capablanca while on tour. He has won 345, lost 5, and drawn 4. The latest advices gave him clean scores at Des Moines and Newton, Iowa, where he defeated 25 and 17 opponents, respectively. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 7, 1909

Jose R. Capablanca spent last week in New Orleans, where an annual carnival is in full swing. So far he has made a record of 436 wins, 10 losses and 10 drawn games since leaving New York. He has played in 20 cities. On March 2, when the Pittsburg Chess Club will formally open its new headquarters, Capablanca will be pitted against a team of 50 opponents. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 26, 1909

Return of Capablanca. After an absence of nearly 2 months Jose R. Capablanca returned to New York, Saturday, completing what is undoubtedly the most remarkable chess tour on record. He visited 27 places, going as far west as St. Paul and south as far as New Orleans, in which city he remained a week. Since he opened his itinerary at Troy, NY, a total of 657 exhibition and single games were contested by Capablanca, and of these he won 621, lost 14, and drew 19. Capablanca wound up his tour with a simultaneous exhibition against 49 players, the largest number that has ever faced an expert in this country at the same time. Capablanca played until 2 am, and emerged with a score of 42 wins, 2 losses and 5 drawn games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 8, 1909

Tie in St. Petersburg Tourney. Rubinstein draws with Tartakower and Lasker Overtake him. A. Rubinstein, Russia's chess champion, yesterday missed his opportunity of winning an international tournament with Dr. Lasker, the world's champion, as a participant. Such a feat has been accomplished only twice, and both times by an American, Pillsbury in 1895, and Marshall in 1904. Rubinstein and Lasker both scored 14.5 out of 18. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 13, 1909

Jose R. Capablanca defeated Frank J. Marshall by a score of 8 games to 1, with 14 drawn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 27, 1909

Chess Title Disputed. Owing to a protest lodged by Capablanca and objections from other sources, the management of the New York State Chess Association has eliminated the match for the US chess championship from the programme of the mid-summer meeting to be held at the Fort Lowry Hotel in Bath Beach the last week of July. Capablanca takes the stand that, in view of his decisive defeat of Frank Marshall, he must be considered in any contest involving the title of champion of the United States. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 11, 1909

Capablanca Claims Chess Title. According to some authorities, Capablanca cannot hold the US chess champion title because of the circumstance that he is foreign born and is not a citizen of this country. Capablanca, however, had made up his mind that, in view of the fact that he is the undisputed champion of Cuba, and the further circumstance of his one-side defeat of Marshall, who is credited with the best chess record of any living American player, he is justly entitle to be regarded as American champion. Furthermore, he is prepared to defend his position against all comers within a year, and for the stakes of not less than $1,000 a side. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 26, 1909

Another match for the chess championship of the world is about to begun according to advices received from Europe, which are that Dr. Emanuel Lasker, the champion, and Carl Schlechter of Vienna, challenger, have agreed to play 30 games for the title. A condition suggested by Lasker and accepted by Schlechter, was that in order to win the match one of the players must emerge with a final advantage of at least two points. It was planned to begin play in Vienna this month, after which the scene of the contest will shift to Munich and Berlin, and wind up in St. Petersburg, where the last 6 games will be played. The match was to have taken place in America, according to the original plans of the champion, but the energetic efforts of the patrons of chess in the Russian capital resulted in depriving this country of that attraction. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 10, 1909

Marshall vs. Showalter. Frank Marshall and Jackson Showalter will begin a match for the United States chess championship on Tuesday next. Articles have been signed and 15 games will be played at the rate of one a day. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 7, 1909

Marshall and Showalter will go to Louisville today where several games are scheduled. Marshall has won 3 of 5 games. Showalter one, and one was a draw. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 16, 1909

Once again has Dr. Emanuel Lasker, the chess champion, proven that he is practically invincible by defeating D. Janowski, the French champion, in the series of 10 games, which has been concluded at Paris, resulting in a one-sided victory for the former by the score of 7 games to 1, with 2 drawn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 26, 1909

To regain the laurels lost to Marshall in the recent United States chess championship match at Lexington, Jackson W. Showalter of Georgetown, Ky., is willing to come to New York next spring in order to play his conqueror the return match to which he has been challenged. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 5, 1909

Chess Champion Dined. Frank Marshall, just home from Lexington, Ky., where he clinched his title to the US chess championship by defeating Showalter by the score of 7 to 2 and 3 drawn games, was the guest of honor, last night, at the annual dinner of the Rice Chess Club of Newark. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 9, 1909 Lasker and Schlechter have finally agreed to start their match for the chess championship of the world, in Vienna, tomorrow. Contrary to expectations, only 10 games will be played — 5 in Vienna, the home of Schlechter, and 5 in Berlin, where Lasker had made his home for the past year. The contest will extend over 4 or 5 weeks. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 5, 1910

The remarkable achievement of Dr. Lasker in winning the 10th game of the chess championship with Carl Schlechter of Vienna, at Belin last week, thereby tying his rival's score at the 11th hour and saving his title, is the talk of chess circles at present. Schlechter did share in the honors of the match and divided the stakes with Dr. Lasker. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 13, 1910

The British won the 12th international cable match. The British won by a score of 4.5 to 2.5, with 3 games pending adjudication. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 13, 1910

Of all the American players who have taken part in more than one of the international cable matches since 1896 only one remains with an unbeaten record and he, Albert B. Hodges of Staten Island, is the only one who has played in every one of the 12 matches of the series. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 14, 1910

Cable Match Ended. Americans resign games and British score chess victory by 6.5 to 3.5. The Brooklyn CC cabled the London CC the resignations of board four and board nine. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 28, 1910

Not having fully recovered from his indisposition to sail by the Barbarossa on Thursday, Jose R. Capablanca yesterday abandoned his contemplated European trip to play in the Hamburg chess tourney. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 9, 1910

By his victory at Hamburg on Saturday, Carl Schlechter of Vienna figured for the 6th time in his career at the top of an international chess masters tournament. He scored 8 wins, 1 loss, and 7 draws. Duras took 2nd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 8, 1910

Dr. E. Lasker to Marry. Chess champion will spend honeymoon in America. In addition to the information that Lasker and Janowski are about to begin their match of 8 games up for the world's chess championship at Berlin, comes the report that Lasker contemplates marriage soon after the match, and will spend his honeymoon in America. 10 games of the match will be contested in Berlin, the Berlin Schachgesekkschaft having subscribed the sum of 2,500 marks toward the fund for the contest. At the conclusion of this series of 10 games, the match will be continued in Vienna and concluded in London. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 6, 1910

Lasker holds championship. Dr. Emanuel Lasker, of New York, today retained the world's championship by defeating the challenger, D. Janowski, of Paris, with the score of 8 games to none. Three games were drawn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 9, 1910

Invincible at Chess, Lasker Outranks All. One-side defeat of Janowski is champion's latest and greatest feat. Lasker won the last 5 games in succession. Capablanca, who will make his debut in international chess at San Sebastian, is now looked upon as the one player likely to place the champion's position in jeopardy, provided the Cuban develops the strength indicated by his talents. Lasker has now played 88 world championship games, winning 45, losing 11, and drawing 38. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 11, 1910

Columbia Chess Team Wins Annual Tourney. Harvard succumbs to Blue and White by 2.5 to 1.5 in final round. Yale is placed second. Columbia has now won 7 times in 19 events. .. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 25, 1910

National Chess Tourney Begins This Morning. Capablanca, making debut, and Marshall are the favorites. The national tournament will begin at the Café Boulevard in Manhattan. The tournament has been arranged under the patronage of such men as John W. Griggs, former Attorney General (former governor of New Jersey) and past president of the Brooklyn CC and Paterson CC. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 22, 1911

Marshall wins National Chess Masters Tournament. Went through the tourney without losing a game. The event was in session 13 consecutive days. He scored 10 out of 12 (8 wins, 4 draws). Capablanca finished a close second, winning 7 games in a row. He scored 9.5 with 8 wins,1 loss (to Roy Black) and 3 draws. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 4, 1911

Off to San Sebastian. Capablanca bound for scene of Masters tourney. Following 4 days after Marshall, Capablanca, Cuba's chess champion and holder of the title of New York State champion, got under way for San Sebastan, Spain, on board the Lusitania yesterday. It will be the first visit to Europe and at San Sebastian he will have his first experience in an international tournament against the leading masters of the world. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 9, 1911

Capablanca Triumphs At San Sebastian. Cuban chess champion winner of first place of one thousand dollars. The tournament opened on Feb 20, on which day he started out with a brilliant victory over Dr. Bernstein of St. Petersburg. Capablanca scored 9.5 — 4.5. Rubinstein and Vidmar tied for 2nd-3rd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 17, 1911

British win chess match ending Newnes Cup series. American team defeated in 13th and deciding encounter, 6 games to 4. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 23, 1911

Both Governor Dix and Mayor Gaynor are chess patrons. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 3, 1911

Richard Teichmann wins Carlsbad chess tourney. Teichmann, the Anglo-German chess master and instructor of languages, who enjoys the distinction of having been born on the same day as Dr. Lasker, Christmas Eve, 1968, today won the first prize in the international chess masters tournament at Carlsbad, Bohemia. He did not lose a single game. He score 18.5 out of 24. He had 11 drawn games. Rubinstein and Schlechter tied for 2nd and 3rd. Marshall placed 5th. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 24 & 26, 1911

After an absence of 16 months, Dr. Emanuel Lasker, chess champion of the world, arrived here, yesterday, as a passenger on board the steamship, America, of the Hamburg-American Line. He was accompanied by Mrs. Lasker, who visits this country for the first time. The latter suffered greatly from sea-sickness as the passage was unusually stormy. He will remain about 2 months. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 8, 1911

On a par with the recent performance of Dr. Emanuel Lasker at the Manhattan CC, the world's champion made a score of 23.5 out of 24, are the feats of Capablanca. At Breslau he played 35 opponents and won 34 and drew 1. At Allenstein, he scored 39.5 out of 40. An exhibition of living chess was the feature of his visit to Denmark. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 22, 1911

College chess trophy retained by Columbia in the 20th annual intercollegiate chess tournament. Harvard defeated by 3-1. Princeton placed 3rd by downing Yale. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 24, 1911

Mahlon Pitney was selected to be on the Supreme Court by President Taft. He is a keen admirer and patron of chess, with a chess library of considerable proportions. Other talented chess players include John W. Griggs, former Governor of New York, and Edward C. Stokes, chess champion of New Jersey, and Governor or New Jersey. Another chess player is Governor John Shaforth of Colorado. Bonar Law, the new power in British politics, counts chess among his diversions. General Nelson A. Miles was recently elected president of the Washington Chess, Checkers and Whist Club. President Arthur T. Hadley of Yale is a chess player. For several years, he was the champion of the Graduates Club of New Haven. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 22, 1912

An eleventh-hour victory on the part of A. K. Rubinstein, Russian chess champion, over Rudolph Spielmann of Munich, gave the former the first prize in the second international chess masters tournament at San Sebastian. Rubinstein's final score was 12 to 7. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 23, 1912

Titanic sinks. Chess champion Frank J. Marshall reported missing. Marshall may have been on the Titanic. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 18, 1912

Chess Champion Safe. Marshall not among the Titanic ill-fated passengers. It transpired that it was Henry Marshall, and not Frank, who was in the list of missing passengers. Frank Marshall was in Paris at the time. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 20, 1912

Rubinstein won the international chess masters tournament at the Hotel Royal in Poestyen. Spielmann took 2nd, followed by Frank Marshall. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 12, 1912

Capablanca has challenged Lasker for the world's championship, but Lasker has given the opportunity to A. K. Rubinstein, winner at San Sebastian and Poestyan, to play him for its possession. Capablanca, however, maintains that the title has already been forfeited by Dr. Lasker. And arranging a New York-Havana international championship. The top 12 players in the world are invited. It is planned to follow up this tournament with another, limited to the four finishing highest in the congress, the winner to be declared champion of the world. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 27, 1912

A. K. Rubinstein of Warsaw and O. S. Duras of Prague tied for first at the international chess masters tournament at Breslau. Frank Marshall took 6th place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 6, 1912

Capablanca quits Manhattan Chess Club. There was trouble between Capablanca and the directors of the club in consequence of the readmission of a certain former member. Capablanca will said tomorrow, accompanied by Mrs. Capablanca, on board the steamship Saratoga for Havana. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 6, 1912

R. C. Griffith won the British Chess championship, succeeding H. E. Atkins, who did not play. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 12, 1912

Announcement was made yesterday by Charles R. Macauley, president of the New York Press Club, that the forthcoming New York-Havana international championship tournament will be formally opened in the assembly room of the Press Club on Nov 30. Governor Dix and Mayor Gaynor are both honorary patrons of the congress. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 15, 1912

Prohibitive Terms By Chess Champion. Dr. Lasker demands guarantee to insure his participation in the New York-Havana chess championship tournament. Lasker is asking for a guarantee of $5,500 (equivalent of $132,000 today). The total prize fund was $2,000. Lasker also demands that the championship shall not be at stake in the tournament. Dr. Lasker also calls for an apology from Capablanca for the latter's reference to the alleged unfairness of Dr. Lasker when the Cuban replied to the conditions laid down by Dr. Lasker to govern the match for the championship between them. Further, Dr. Lasker wished that the players in the forthcoming tournament be restricted to 12 masters and that there by two rounds. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 15, 1912

Easy for Marshall. Marshall takes match from Janowski by 6 to 2. Marshall beat Janowski, the French champion, recently concluded at Biarritz, France, by the score of 6 wins, 2 losses and 3 drawn games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 29, 1912

The New York-Havana tournament has been called off. Capablanca has severed all business relations with F. D. Rosebault. Mr. Rosebault laid the blame on certain patrons, who, although their subscriptions were perfectly good, declined to pay the amounts into the treasury until they had positive assurance that the tournament would take place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 21, 1912

Louis Uedemann, 3 times Western chess champion and chess editor of the Chicago Tribunre, died at his home yesterday of Bright's Disease. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 23, 1912

New York-Havana Congress. Nothing new has transpired during the past week with regard to the unhappy situation in which the management of the New York-Havana Congress finds itself. Dr. Lasker suggests that the foreign masters, who were humbugged by the dilatory action of the management of the Congress, should be compensated for the loss of time involved in training for the anticipated ordeal, and for the loss of other engagements. The champion also suggests that the Manhattan, Brooklyn and Franklin chess clubs act in concert in an effort to rehabilitate the Congress. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 27, 1912

Capablanca won the American national chess masters tournament with 10 wins, 1 loss, and 2 draws. Frank Marshall took 2nd place. Capablanca won his first 10 games in a row before losing to Jaffe. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 6, 1913

Marshall finishes first at Havana, outplaying Capablanca. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 7, 1913

There are 6 "grand masters" of the game — Lasker, Capablanca, Marshall, Rubinstein, Tarrasch, and Schlechter. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 13, 1913

Dr. Lasker states his case. The chances of Emanuel Lasker of Berlin ever again appearing in a tournament are of the slimmest. Lasker, so far as tournaments are concerned, must be regarded as on the retired list. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 8, 1913

A vote of censure has been passed by the directors of the St. Petersburg Chess Club with regard to an article written by Dr. S. Tarrasch of Nuremberg about M. I. Tschigorin, the late Russuan champion, and published as a part of the German master's lasts book, "Die Moderne Schachpartie." It seems that Tarrasch ascribed Tschigorin's demise at a comparatively early age to his fondness for alcohol. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 18, 1913

Frank Marshall, the US chess champion, filled an engagement at the San Francisco Club yesterday, giving an exhibition of simultaneous chess against 31 opponents. After 4 hours of play, the Brooklyn master had won 25, lot 1, and drawn 5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 2, 1913

Frank Marshall filled an engagement at the San Francisco Club yesterday against 37 opponents. He won 26, lost 6 and drawn 5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 5, 1913

Jose R. Capablanca has been appointed Cuban Vice Consul at St. Petersburg. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 6, 1913

Marshall's Chess Tour Brought to Sudden End. Strain of simultaneous play too much for the champion. He ended his tour in Denver. He was force to cancel all other tournament engagements, owing to the strain of his past matches. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 19, 1913

Capablanca, who equaled Dr. Lasker's record last week, by winning 13 straight games in the masters' tournament at the Rice Chess Club, has decided to visit Cuba again, and will sail for Havana next Saturday. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 3, 1913

The only game lost by A. A. Alechine, the winner of the masters tournament at Scheveningen, was the one with D. Janowski in the final round. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 4, 1913

The followers of Capablanca have expressed their indignation over the change of front on the part of Dr. E. Lasker, the world's champion, as shown by the agreement the latter entered into with A. K. Rubinstein, the Russian champion. In that agreement there appears nothing about a $2,000 forfeit, as required of Capablanca, nor does the champion insist that the advantage of one game be conceded to him, in case there is a difference of only one point in the final totals of the match under certain prescribed conditions. Lasker has waived purse, forfeit and stakes in the case of Rubinstein and consents to play as soon as the sum of $2,500 is in sight as the result of subscriptions to the proposed book of the match. In the matter of the time limit, too, he has withdrawn from the firm stand he took against Capablanca, with whom he demanded a rate of 12 moves an hour, whereas now he is willing to play at 30 moves in 2 hours. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 21, 1913

The Berlin CC has put in a bid for the first portion of the forthcoming championship match between Lasker and Rubinstein. The Anderssen CC of Frankfurt and two Russian clubs have also bespoken games of the match. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 9, 1913

When Zeppelin's military airship, L-2, was destroyed with a loss of 28 lives, at Johannisthal, on October 17, there went down with her to tragic death one of the strongest members of the Berlin Chess Club, the famouse "Berlin Scachgegellschaft," in the person of Captain Max Behnisch, in command as "Korvettenkapitaen." Captain Behnisch enjoyed the distinction of having been the only player in the past year who had been able to wrest a game from Dr. E. Lasker, the world's champion, in any of the exhibitions of simultaneous play given by the latter in that time. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 16, 1913

Lsker, Capablanca, Rubinstein, Marshall, Tarrasch, Alekhine all in the same ring at St. Petersburg. This was the first time in 5 years that Lasker has played in a chess tournament. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 23, 1914

Marshall qualifies for chess finals. Brooklynite and four other masters to play for Czar's prize. The other qualifiers are Capablanca, Lasker, Tarrasch, and Alekhine. Capablanca had 6 wins and 4 drawn games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 8, 1914

Dr, Lasker Captures Czar's Chess Prize. Lasker had 13.5 points to 4.5 points in 18 games played, 10 of these having been in the first stage and the remaining 8 in the second. Capablanca took 2nd place, followed by Alechine. . - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 24, 1914

With wars and rumors of wars all about them and general mobilization momentarily expected, the chess masters at Mannheim continue their peaceful battles in the mimic warfare of the international tournament of the German Chess Association. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 30, 1914

Grim War Stops Chess Maters. Players evidently isolated. The cable has been silent concerning the doings of the players. It is recalled that during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, an international chess congress was in progress at Baden-Baden, which was not interfered with, but played through to a finish. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 2, 1914

Marshall Wins Prize at Mannheim. Brooklyn master hopes soon to leave Germany. Alechine placed first. 11 of the 17 rounds were contested, after which the committee of management decided to have play stop on account of the mobilization of the Germany army and the consequent state of war which was declared to exist. This was evidently done to enable the chess masters to get away to their homes before the situation in Germany became too intense. Marshal shared the 4th-6th prizes with Breyer and Reti. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 4, 1914

Chess champion Frank J. Marshall safe. Frank Marshall informed his wife that he had gone with Leon Nardus, the well-known Parisian artist and chess patron, to his country seat at St. Malo, in northwestern France. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 12, 1914

Frank Marshall wrote that he was in Amsterdam, then went to London, then crossed back to France. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 19, 1914

No word of Capablanca since he won the 2nd prize at St. Petersburg. He was expected to be transferred from the Cuban Embassy at St. Petersburg to the one at Berlin. He may have sailed for South America. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 23, 1914

In the course of his international career, which opened with the tournament at London in 1899, Frank Marshall, who is on board the steamship Rochambeau, due here tomorrow, having sailed from Havre on August 30, has taken part in 33 important tournament, and in the majority of these he has been a prize winner. 8 times he has carried off the first prize and on two other occasions he tied for first and second. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 6, 1914

After the Mannheim tournament, Frank Marshall was the only foreigner allowed to escape. His baggage was stranded at Emrich. Marshall was in Mannheim when mobilization was ordered. As quick as the facilities would permit, he headed for Holland. He then crossed over to England and subsequently recrossed the Channel to France. The one French representative, Janowski, and the Russians — Alechine, Flamberg, and Bogoluboff — were promptly placed under arrest. The other players were invited to make themselves scarce. The Germans at once joined the colors, and these included Krueger, Carls and John. Dr. Tarrasch, one of whose sons died a year ago, saw 2 other sons depart for the front. Shortly after leaving the English shore there was a scare on board the boat over the report that a mine, laid by the English themselves, had been narrowly missed. The ship to American carried more than double her usual complement of passengers and supplies began to run dangerously short. Marshall mourns the loss of a considerable amount of manuscript which he had prepared for his next book. It is with his baggage somewhere between Cologne and Emrich, where, too, are marooned the many presents he received in St. Petersburg and elsewhere. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 8, 1914

Wochenschach, the well-known chess weekly publication in Germany, has not been heard from recently, but Schachwat, for August, has come to hand. This is the organ of the Berlin Chess Society, and the editor-in-chief is Dr. Emanuel Lasker. In addition, Deutsche Schachblaetter, the organ of the German Chess Association, published at Coburg, under date of August 23, reached here yesterday. Only half of the entire prize fund at Mannheim was divided among the leaders as prizes, and among the others as consolation money. The balance was kept at hand for a later day, for a national contest among German players, "when our Fatherland has been led to glorious victory." In addition to Alechine, Flamberg and Bogoljuboff, the Russian, who participated in the masters' tournament and were arrested when war broke out, B. Maljutin, president of the St. Petersburg Chess Club, Romanovsky, Kopelmann, Weinstein, Rabinowitsch, Sselesniew and Bogatyrtscuk who played in the minor tournaments, were also deprived of their liberty in Rastatt, en route to Baden-Baden. Later, however, a report was received that they had all been released, and that they had reached Baden-Baden safely. St. Petersburg has been renamed Petrograd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 10, 1914

J. H. Blackburne, age 73, tied with F. D. Yates in the British chess championship. Both scored 9.5-1.5. The tie will be played off before the end of the year. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 13, 1914

After St. Peterburg, Lasker went to Switzerland with Mrs. Lasker, to take a much needed rest and has arrived back in Berlin. He got away barely in time, for the Swiss army was being mobilized for the purpose of maintaining the country's neutrality and, besides, financing the journey was anything but a simple matter. Along with most other Germans, Dr. Lasker, who was born in Berlinschen, 46 years ago, is sanguine that the Fatherland will triumph over all of her foes. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 17, 1914

Count Zeppelin spent his time playing chess with Major Baden Powell during visits. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 27, 1914

Eduard Lasker of Berlin and a German subject, but latterly a resident of London and at present champion of the City of London Chess Club, has it in mind to come to this country and to this end thinks he can obtain the permission of the authorities to leave Great Britain. Aside from being a chess expert and the author of a well-known book on the subject, he is an engineer by profession. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 15, 1914

The Berlin Chess Club, over a hundred years old, has weathered the storm and will continue its existence, thanks to well-time support on the part of several influential members. The Hamburg Chess Club donated the sum of 1,000 marks to a fund for war sufferers, sent a contribution to members at the front and provided boards and chessmen for the wounded in the hospitals. The Munich Chess Club also gave 200 marks to the fund. It is announced that the Arbeiter Schachzeitung, devoted to the interests of the working-men's chess clubs in Germany, will suspend publication until the end of the war. From Russian sources it is learned that A. Alechine of St. Petersburg (now Petrograd), winner of the first prize in the Mannheim international tournament, which was cut short by the outbreak of war, has made his way back to his native land and expects to join his regiment. E. Snosko-Borowski, another Russian chess master, is reported to have been severely wounded at the front. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 27, 1914

Eduard Lasker, Berlin chess expert and champion of the City of London Chess Club, arrived here on board the steamship Cedric, after having obtained his release as a prisoner of war through the courtesy of Haldane Porter, His Majesty's Inspector, under the Alien Act. He owed this special dispensation to his chess connections, however. Being an electrical engineer by profession and having made mathematics a special study, Lasker now seeks his fortune in this country, but will keep up his chess as well. Although a prisoner since the outbreak of the war, he enjoyed practically all the privileges of a free man in England, as long as he accounted for his whereabouts to the authorities and renewed his permits. According to Lasker, A. Alejchin made his escape from Germany with a false pass, and came to London by way of Switzerland and Paris. He was bound for home by way of Sweden to take up arms in behalf of Russia. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 31, 1914

Miss Elizabeth Campbell Foot, president of the Women's Chess Club of New York, was run down and instantly killed by a speeding automobile at the corner of 7th avenue and 59th street, Manhattan, between 8 and 9 o'clock last Sunday evening. She had been the head and front of the Women's Chess Club for about 20 years. Her untimely death may possibly cause a postponement of the women's chess congress planned for Jan 10. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 10, 1914

Unable to effect their escape from Germany, as did Alekhine and P. P. Saburoff, former president of the Perograd Chess Society, the other 7 Russian chess experts, who were made prisoners of war when the outbreak of hostilities stopped the congress preferred to, decided to make the best of their unpleasant situation and arranged a tournament among themselves. One of the prisoners is Boris Maljutin, now president of the Petrograd Chess Society. Flamburg won the tournament. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 20, 1914

Leaving no time after his arrival here, following an absence of over a year, Capablanca will make his bow before a public appearance next Tuesday evening, when he will give a lecture on chess, with simultaneous play against all comers to follow, at the Carnegie Dining Hall, below the headquarters of the Manhattan CC, 56th street and 7th avenue, Manhattan. Capablanca was full of his experiences at sea on the way to South America from Europe, where he left shortly before the outbreak of the war. He departed from Paris on July 23 (World War I broke out on July 28) and sailed from Lisbon, on board the German ship Cap Villano, three days later. In mid-ocean, they learned the dire news and then there were anxious days for all aboard. Finally, it was deemed the part of wisdom, to steam into Pernambuco, Brazil where they tarried two days. Here Capablanca transferred to the British ship Amazon. The British skipper charged him more than double price for the balance of the voyage and, in order to reach his destination, he was muleted in the sum of 35 British pounds. The war came as a complete surprise to Capablanca, even with diplomatic connections. - - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 21, 1915

Capablanca broke the American record when he played 84 players simultaneously on 65 boards in 7 hours. He surpassed Frank Marshall's record at Pittsburg on April 19, 1913, by 8 boards. His recorded opponents were as stated, but if all of those who offered advice were counted, there would have been 150 opponents. He won 48, drew 12, and lost 5. Marshall had won 46, drew 11, and lost none out of 57 he played. Fully 500 people were in evidence at the hour scheduled for the start. The event had held at the Eagle newspaper auditorium. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 13, 1915

Capablanca Plans Big Tour. Amused over shifting of pieces by one of his winning opponents. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 14, 1915

A. Kupchik, champion of the Manhattan Chess Club, added to his long list of laurels, by annexing the title of New York State champion. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 23, 1915

Frank Marshall broke all American records for simultaneous chess playing at the Portland Chess and Checker Club last night when he matched himself against 92 opponents at one time, playing 92 boards, winning 71, drawing 11 and losing 4. The exhibition lasted 6 hours and 34 minutes. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 24, 1915

Capablanca won every game in a simultaneous display on 34 boards at the Washington Chess Club last night, the most remarkable exhibition ever seen at the Capital. His opponents included General Nelson A. Miles and Representative Johnson of South Carolina. The games were played at the rooms of the Washington Chess and Whist Club, the oldest organization of its kind at the capital. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 2, 1915

New Record for Cuban. In 243 games Capablanca has lost but one. He has won 236, drawn 6 and lost only 1. This record has never been equaled by any master of chess. The game Capa lost was to E. B. Adams, in his 2nd appearance at the Washington Chess and Whist Club. Perhaps the finest single effort was the first exhibition in Chicago, when he met 51 opponents, winning 48 and drawing 3. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 1, 1915

Capablanca established a new record on his last tour, playing 404 games in simultaneous play, with a total of 388 won, 14 drawn and only 2 lost, one each in Washington and New Orleans. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 14, 1915

Yesterday's second round of the chess masters tournament, contested at the Hotel Grenoble in Manhattan, was not without its untoward incident. On the opening day, a framed photograph of Capablanca came crashing down to the floor of the Manhattan CC, directly next to where the great Cuban player sat. State champion Kupchik was unable to play after the sudden death of his father. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 21, 1915

A. Kupchik, New York State chess champion, has emerged for the second time in succession as winner of the annual championship tournament of the Manhattan CC, with a score of 10 points out of a total of 12 games played. Magnus Smith, former Canadian champion, and Eduard Lasker tied for 2nd-3rd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 9, 1915

Capablanca took 1st in the chess masters tourney, followed by Marshall. Capablanca won 13 and lost 1. Marshall won 12 and lost 2. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 10, 1915

F. G. Naumann, one of the passengers who went down with the Lusitania, was a prominent supporter of chess in England, having been a resident of London for many years. Shortly before sailing, he visited the Manhattan CC while the masters tournament was in progress. He was a patron of that tournament, as well as of the Cambridge Springs International tournament, which Marshall won. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 16, 1915

London Club Disowns German Chess Players. At the last annual meeting of the City of London Chess Club, a resolution was passed to strike the names of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, Dr. Emanuel Lasker, the world's champion, and Dr. S. Tarrasch, the champion of Germany, from its list of honorary members. The directors also sent a request to all members of German and Austrian birth, whether naturalized British subjects or not, not to frequent the club during the war. 10% of the members of the club are on active service, including G. A. Thomas, the club champion, who succeeded Eduard Lasker, now champion of the Metropolitan Chess League of New York, as title holder. Owing to the war the club lost 38 members, and in the Murton Cup handicap tournament there was only one section, where formerly there have been as many as 12. Chess players include General Joffre, General von Hindenburg and Count Zeppelin. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 18, 1915

The Manhattan Chess Club has received notification of the recent death of Otto Roething (1865-1915), former New York State champion and long in the front rank of Metropolitan players. Before coming to this country, he was an expert on the trapeze and professionally engaged in a German circus. This career was cut short by a serious accident, which compelled his retirement. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 15, 1915

Prof. Isaac L. Rice Dies Suddenly. Pioneer in development of the submarine and a patron of chess. He was president of the electric boat company. He was 65. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 3, 1915

War Ridden Europe No Place for a Chess Master, Says Janowski. French champion, who is here for the Rice Memorial tournament, declares international play abroad is dead for at least 20 years — had a hard time getting to America. David Janowski of Paris, known as the French chess champion, although he still retains his Russian citizenship, arrived on board the S.S. Lafayette of the French Line, reported to have been marked for destruction by submarines, from Bordeaux, yesterday. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 12, 1916

Masters Qualify for Chess Finals. Capablanca, Kostic and Kupchik to play for prizes. Janowski, too, has a chance. They all qualified for the final stage of the Rice Memorial Chess Masters tournament. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 4, 1916

Capablanca Wins First Chess Prize. He was ahead of Janowski, Kostic, Kupchik, and Chajes. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 9, 1916

David Janowski of Paris emerged last night as winner of the second prize from the Rice Memorial at the Café Boulevard in Manhattan. 3rd place went to Chajes. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1916

Marshall Shatters Records at Chess. Brooklyn Master engages 105 opponents simultaneously, fixing new world's figures. Marshall played at the National Press Club in Washington, DC, and was opposed by members of the official staff, newspaper correspondents and local experts. Marshall played 105 games, winning 82, losing 8, and drawing 15. He started play before 8 pm and wound up the exhibition after 3 am this morning. He beat the record of R. Fahrni, the German expert, who conducted 100 boards at Munich 10 years ago. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 22, 1916

Masters of Chess In Legal Battle. Discuss merits of Rice Gambit in the case of Jaffe vs. Cassel. Charles Jaffe brought suit to recover the sum of $700 for work alleged to have been done in analyzing the Rice Gambit. Harwig Cassel, of the American Chess Bulletin, denied any responsibility of liability for the activities of Jaffe undertaken without any authorization. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 5, 1916

Boris Kostic, the Serbian master, who recently won the Rice Progressive Chess Club championship, played 20 opponents blindfolded, winning 19 and drawing 1 game. It is a new record for New York City. Pillsbury played 23 in Hanover. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 5, 1916

A recent chess game was played between French and German Soldiers in opposing trenches. The game lasted a whole day and hostilities in that immediate vicinity ceased till it was finished. During a lull in a battle, a German soldier shouted through a megaphone in French to the French soldiers in the opposite trench, "Let's have a game of chess." The challenge was immediately accepted and the horrors of war were forgotten for a whole day by the contestants in a match that proved fascinating. The moves were transmitted in French through a megaphone and in the end the German troops won. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 14, 1916

Edward Lasker added still another to his list of titles, which include the Metropolitan of New York and the Chicago championships, by winning the Western Chess Association tournament, concluded at the Kenwood Chess Club yesterday. He scored 16.5 to 2.5. Showalter scored 16-3. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 24, 1916

Paul Johner, a Swiss musician and chess master, who won the championship of the Manhattan Chess Club during his stay here several years ago, took the first prize in the national chess tournament recently concluded at Copenhagen. The field included players from Denmark, Holland, Sweden and Switzerland. None of the countries embroiled in the war was represented. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 31, 1916

Frank Marshall set a new record in Philadelphia when he played 129 boards, winning 97, losing 9 and drawing 23 of the contests. During the course of the afternoon and night, he walked 18 miles, puffing, the while, on long, black cigars. He wore a pedometer during the entire series. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 27, 1916

Frank Marshall created a new record for simultaneous playing in Buffalo when he met 144 local players. He won 131, drew 12, and lost 1. It was played in two sessions, afternoon and evening. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 9, 1917

Members of the Brooklyn Chess Club are already falling into line for Uncle Sam. First and foremost comes Frank K. Perkins, last year's club champion, who has made application for a commission in the officers' reserve of the engineering corps and awaits the verdict as to his physical examination. (the USA joined its allies on April 6, 1917) - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 5, 1917

Frank Marshall played 101 boards (and 125 players) at the New York City Chess Club in Manhattan. It is the largest number of games ever contested at one time within the limits of Greater New York. Marshall won 69, drew 25, and lost 7. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 13, 1917

A. A. Alechine of Petrograd, visited Odessa for the purpose of giving a series of exhibitions. Against 20 players, he won 17, drew 2, and lost 1. In blindfold play, he won 7 and lost 1. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 15, 1917

Announcement was made yesterday of a dissolution of partnership between Hartwig Cassel and Hermann Helms, publishers of the American Chess Bulletin for the past 13 years, the former retiring on account of advancing years. Mr Helms will continue the publication of the Bulletin, of which he is now the sole owner. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 3, 1917

Frank K. Perkins, ex-champion of the Brooklyn CC, has been commissioned as first lieutenant in the U.S. R. Engineers Corps and is now at the Madison Barracks of the Reserve Officers Training Camp. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 14, 1917

Chess Players in Service. Walter Olsen of the Brooklyn CC is in the service, having joined the 13th New York Regiment. F. K. Perkins and H. K. Mount have both received their commissions as first lieutenants at Plattsburg. J. H. Taft joined a regiment in Montclair, NJ. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 9, 1917

For the 6th time since its organization, 44 years ago, the Manhattan CC changed its place of abode yesterday, removing from Carnegie Hall Building and taking up its quarters in the Hotel Sherman Square, Broadway and 71st street, Manhattan. .. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 30, 1917

Albert B. Hodges, ex-US chess champion, has made a number of appearances on the screen, notably as a member of the Russian Duma in "War Brides," the police inspector in "The Auction Block," the coroner in "Empty Pockets," and the butler in the new Brennon play, "False Faces." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 24, 1918

Women chess players may hereafter invade sacred precincts of the Manhattan CC, which, for over 40 years of single blessedness, has decided to open its doors to the fair sex. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 7, 1918

Members of the Brooklyn CC, yesterday, heard with pleasure of the safe arrival on the other side of Lt Frank Perkins, former club champion. Sgt Louis J. Wolff, Brooklyn CC tournament chairman, sent his best regards from France. Corporal Walter Olsen is with the American Expeditionary Forces. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 23, 1918

J. H. Blackburne, age 76, and his wife were severely shaken up in a recent air raid. Mrs. Blackburne was thrown down by the force of the explosion and Mr Blackburne was rendered temporarily deaf. Both are recuperating from the effects of their experience in a quiet country town. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 22, 1918

Sgt. Benjamin H. Marshall, a younger brother of the present champion, is with the Quarter-master's Corps in Bordeaux. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 26, 1918

Frank Percival Boynon, formerly very active as a member of the Manhattan CC and of Marshall's Chess Divan, is the first chess player of prominence to give his life for the cause of the Allies. He died in action on Sep 2. He was 29. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 29, 1918

On Tuesday, Hermann Helms will have completed a cycle of 25 years of chess writing for the Eagle. He will give a simul at Marshall's Chess Divan, 118 West 49th st, Manhattan. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 10, 1918

Temperament Halts The Chess Tourney. First international round postponed until today. Four of the experts gave notice at the last minute, yesterday that they were not prepared to go on with the tournament. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 23, 1918

Capablanca First In Chess Tourney. Kostich sure of second. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 9, 1918

Capablanca scored 10.5 — 1.5 (three draws) and Kostich scored 9-3. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 11, 1918

William Rismiller, who held the championship of the Rice Chess Club in Newark and also of the State of New Jersey, was one of the recent victims of the influenza. He was also a member of the Brooklyn CC. J. C. Kelly, another well-known member of the Rice Club of Newark, succumbed to the epidemic recently. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 14, 1918

About the middle of January, Marshall's Chess Divan will move to 57 West 51 st, Manhattan, a private residence, the lease of which has been taken by the US chess champion, in whose behalf a fund of about $2,999 is being raised by a committee of his friends in order to establish a permanent home for Marshall and his family, and hereafter to be known as Marshall's Chess Club. .. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 2, 1919

Carl Schlechter Is Dead. He passed away at Budapest on Dec 27 at the age of 45. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 6, 1919

The 5th and last game of the Capablanca-Kostich chess match at Havana, which was won by Capablanca with a score of 5-0, lasted only 15 moves. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 13, 1919

Ten players from the Manhattan CC will play 10 players in Washington, DC by telegraph. Justice Mahlon Pitney of the US Supreme Court will be the referee of the match. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 29, 1919

Capablanca won at Hastings. Boris Kostich, Serbian champion, took second place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 22, 1919

Capablanca scored 10.5 — 0.5 at Hastings victory tournament. Kostich scored 9.5 — 1.5. Capablanca and Kostich drew their game. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 24, 1919

After a lapse of 19 years, or since Pillsbury performed here, Uncle Sam's Military Academy witnessed an exhibition of simultaneous chess playing stage at the officers' club last night. Hermann Helms, chess editor of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle, and former State champion, played 21 officers and professors. He won 19 and drew 2. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 7, 1919

According to a letter received in this city from Sweden, yesterday, Akiba Rubinstein, Russian chess champion, was recently married there, and had completed arrangements to come to this country. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 4, 1920

Dr. Southard Dead; Expert At Chess. He was assistant professor of psychology at Harvard. He was 44. He was the most brilliant player who ever represented Harvard in the annual tournaments with Columbia, Yale and Princeton. The Danvers Opening, 1. e4 e5 2. Qh5, was originated by him during the period of 1906-9, when he was assistant physician and pathologist in the Danvers State Hospital for the Insane - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1920

Chess Pact Signed For World Title. Dr. Lasker and Capablanca reach understanding for match 10 months hence. They signed an agreement at The Hague. The masters agreed that the match should be one of 8 games up, but if, after 30 games, neither has reached that total of wins, then the one with the best score at that juncture will be declared the winner. The purse will be $8,000. With 60% to the winner and 40% to the loser. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 15, 1920

According to Jacques Mieses, an 8-year-old boy has made his appearances in Berlin chess circles, where he is astonishing the natives. His name is S. Rzeschewski. He played 20 in Berlin, and won 10, drew 9, and only one loss. Half the games were adjudicated by Mieses and Post. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 15, 1920

Rzeschewski, the Uncanny. Some needlessly exaggerated accounts are coming across the water concerning the activities of Samuel Rzeschewski, the Polish child prodigy. He is accomplishing feats neither Morphy nor Capablanca undertook to do until much older. In an exhibition in Berlin, he conducted 20 games with a score of 16 wins and 4 draws. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 17, 1920

A Paul Morphy medal was recently found through a mere chance by Arthur J. Souweine, ex-champion of the Brooklyn CC, in an antique shop. On the face of it Morphy is referred to as the "American Chess King" and on the back is the inscription: "He has beaten Harrwitz at chess playing and Staunton in courtesy." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 24, 1920

Chess followers here were greatly astonished, not to say disappointed, when they heard of the action of Dr. Emanuel Lasker in renouncing the world's championship title in favor of Jose R. Capablanca. The Lasker-Capablanca match, for which an agreement had been signed last January at The Hague, was planned for the early part of 1921, and chess players the world over had been looking forward to witnessing the greatest match of all time. Lasker is reported as saying, "I must infer that the chess world does not like the conditions of our agreement. I cannot play the match knowing that the rules are widely unpopular." Havana has bid the sum of $20,000 if the match should be held in that city. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 29, 1920

Capablanca Back; Would Play Lasker. Cuban to negotiate by cable before finally accepting chess title. If Capablanca can't play Lasker, he would welcome an encounter with Rubinstein, the Russian champion. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 1, 1920

Marshall wins Pillsbury Prize. Finishes first at the Atlantic City Chess Congress. Marshall scored 5 wins and 5 draws. Charles Jaffe of New York took 2nd. An 8th American Chess Congress was organized. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 21, 1920

Lasker and Capabanca met once more at The Hague. Lasker had changed his mind and consents to play the match at the Cuban capital in Havana. The games, however, will be limited to 24 and not 30. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 12, 1920

At the annual business meeting of the New York State Chess Association, held in Albany on Aug 4, the members discussed the proposal to form a United States Chess Association as well as endorse an International Chess Federation, which was suggested by the British Chess Federation. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 12, 1920

Samuel Rzeschewski was at the Gambit Chess Rooms in England on Aug 10, and gave an exhibition against 20 opponents. He won 18 and drew 2. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 26, 1920

A report comes from Gothenburg that the masters held a meeting on Aug 8, the day before Lasker and Capablanca agreed to play a match. The masters voted not to recognize Capablanca as the world's champion, unless he met Dr. Lasker in a match and defeated him. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 26, 1920

Rubinstein of Russia and Maroczy of Hungary are in line for the championship as soon as Lasker and Capablanca are through with their match, now scheduled to take place in Havana in January. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 2, 1920

The origins of Rzeschewski's earliest chess experiences are set forth in a pamphlet of 32 pages printed by Bernhard Kagan of Berlin. He was born in November, 1911, the 6th child of poor, but strictly orthodox parents in Ozierkow, Government of Kalisch, Poland. At the age of 4, he began to take an interest in chess after observing his father play friendly games with a visitor. By the time he was 6, no players in the vicinity were a match for the child. The family moved to Lodz, where Salwe, the master player, took a keen interest in the boy prodigy. Rzeschewski defeated the German Governor-General of Warsaw, von Beseler, then said to the general, "You can shoot, but I can play." He first appeared in Berlin in Dec, 1919. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 2, 1920

Confirmation of the determination of Lasker not to regard himself longer as the world's chess champion, was received yesterday in a letter to The Eagle, in which he says: "I shall no more be champion. Should I win the title in the contest at Havana it will be only to surrender it to the competition of the young chess masters." It appears therefore that the report that the famous master had abdicated in favor of Capablanca and recognized the latter as the titleholder is quite correct. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 9, 1920

Rzeschewski contested a blindfold game with R. C. Griffith, former British champion, and won. It was played in London. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 21, 1920

Rzeschewski is sailing to the USA from Southampton aboard the Olympic. While in England, he won 18 and drew 2 at the Gambit CC. He won 11, lost 1, and drew 3 at the Leeds CC. He won 14 and drew 5 at the Hampstead CC. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 28, 1920

Sammy Rzeschewski Chess Wizard, Here. While aboard the Olympic, he played 11 players at one and won all his games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 3, 1920

Sammy Rzeschewski Gives Convincing Demonstration. He made his debut at the Marshall Chess Club in the company of Charles Azenberg, his manager, and Max Rosenthal, an American relative of the family. He solved 3 chess problems handed to him. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 3, 1920

West Point Calls For Rzeschewski. Polish chess prodigy to play 20 Army officers next Wednesday. The officers and professors have organized a flourishing chess club there. The boy's managers concluded the negotiations over the telephone with Chaplain C. E. Wheat, one of the leading organizers up the Hudson River. 20 years ago, Pillsbury visited West Point and gave a blindfold exhibition there. Last November another visit was paid by H. Helms, editor of the American Chess Bulletin, who made a score of 19 wins and 2 draws. He has been invited to officiate as referee during Sammy's performance on Wednesday. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 7, 1920

Chess Prodigy Conquers 19 At West Point. Little Smuel Rzeschewski encountered 20 opponents, winning 19 and drawing 1 after 3 hours of continuous play. Col. Gustav A. Fieberger, professor of mechanical engineering, was able to draw after 85 moves. There was a crowd of over 500 people watching from floor and gallery. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 11, 1920

Drawn Game With Rzeschewski, Well Played by Col. Fieberger. The game was drawn after 85 moves. (partial game score) - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 18, 1920

Samuel Rzeschewski Faces Trying Ordeal Tomorrow. Tickets for the first of the two exhibitionists, booked for tomorrow evening at the Lexington Theater, 51st Street and Lexington Ave, have sold so well that there is every likelihood that Sammy will play to a capacity crowd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 24, 1920

After a little over 3 hours, Samuel Rzeschewski won 15, drew 4, and lost 1. A. Sinchow, the champion of the Brownsville Chess Club in Brooklyn, fell the distinction of being the only one of 40 players opposed to Sammy since his arrival in America to be credited with a victory over him. He drew with Marcel Duchamp among others. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 26, 1920

Rzeschewski Opposes 20 at Chess. Sammy made his second bow before a Metropolitan audience at the Lexington Theater last night, when an equal number took boards around the horseshoe alignment in the center of the stage. 10 clubs were represented. For the first time, several women chess experts cane to the front to try conclusions with the little marvel. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 28, 1920

It lacked 5 minutes of midnight Saturday when Samuel Rzeschewski ceased making his rounds at the Lexington Theater. At the time the score stood 15-0 in favor of Sammy, age 9. The rest of the games were adjudicated by Frank Marshall, with 1 loss, 2 draws, and 2 wins. Final score: 17 wins, 1 loss, and 2 draws. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 29, 1920

Two Brooklyn players who were successful against Rzeschewski on Thursday were A. Simchow of the Brownsville CC, the only one to win his game, and Dr. Morris J. Clurman, whose game was among those adjudicated by Referee Marshall. (game) - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 2, 1920

Sammy Rzeschewski Is Equal To Test. Brooklyn Varsity, Crack Succumbs to Chess Prodigy in 40 moves. Sammy won his first test match game in this country against Morris Schapiro of Brooklyn, champion of Columbia University. The game was played in the apartment of Mischa Elman, famous violinist. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 8, 1920

Capablanca in Farwell At Manhattan Chess Club. He will give his last performance of simultaneous chess before his departure, at the rooms of the Manhattan CC, on Thursday evening, Dec 16. Capablanca commented om the Rzeschewski-Schapiro game, saying, "The boy played the game very well." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 9, 1920

Boy Chess Prodigy a Boxer; May Become Great Singer. Sammy Rzeszewski is a devotee of roller-skating, bike riding, boxing and any sport that calls for action and opposition. He is a "regular" kid in his recreations. Sammy is a very strict orthodox Jew. He studies the Talmud every day. Sammy is a woman hater. He will not allow a woman even to touch him if he can avoid it. He can hold his own in this neighborhood. In fact, they are afraid of him. He loves roller skates, but his parents did not want him skating. He understands but does not speak the language, although he has mastered Yiddish, French and German. He recently beat Abe Shapiro, the champion of the Manhattan CC. Sammy insisted that Mr. Elman sing while he played his match. Sammy loves music and has a really excellent voice. Mr. Elman feels that he has the makings of an operatic star, and has offered to procure him a tutor. His manager said that Sammy Rzeschewski was born May 26, 1912, at Ozorkov, near Lodz, Poland. His father is a cloth manufacturer. One source said that his father was a past chess champion of Poland. His two older brothers are not especially gifted mentally. One of them is a soldier in the Polish army. Sammy played his first chess when he was 5 after watching his father in games with village friends. Two weeks later he astounded his parent by defeating him. When the champion of the village succumbed to the boy's genius the father was convinced he was a prodigy. A year later he astounded all Poland by playing, simultaneously, 35 of the best chess experts in Kalish, winning 31, drawing 3, and losing 1. A tour of Europe followed. In Germany he played a draw with Rubinstein the champion. Also a draw with Baderleben, Germany's second best, with whom he played blindfolded. These successes he repeated in Vienna, Constantinople, Rumania, Bulgaria and Paris. In Paris, about half a year ago, he played 20 simultaneous games against famous academicians. He won 19 and drew 1. In England he defeated, while blindfolded, W. G. Griffith, the British ex-champion. In Vienna, a representative from the Emperor called with the information that His Majesty desired to play a match with Sammy. The diplomat explained that it was the part of tact to permit the Emperor to defeat the lad. Sammy turned the offer down. The match was never played. Warsaw had fallen into German hands. The German Governor General prided himself on his skill at chess. He lost a game against Sammy. Sammy's American tour was for the express purpose of obtaining funds for his education. As yet he had had no schooling except for some private tutoring. The boy wants to become a professor in mathematics or some sciences. But he first expects to become world chess champion. It may be decided that his real future lies in the cultivation of his voice. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 12, 1920

Rzeschewski, Blindfolded, Scores Against Canaanite. He defeated Edmund Hilliard blindfolded at the residence of the Rev. Josef Rosenblatt, famous Jewish Cantor, in Manhattan. Hilliard is superintendent of the Berkshire Boys Farm, in charge of 100 boys and an estate of 1,100 acres. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 14, 1920

Capablanca, New Champion, Meets All Comers Tonight. He will step out into the hollow square as the new chess champion of the world, recognition of which title is given in the printed postal card notice to Manhattan CC members, sent out over the name of Robert Raubitschek, chairman of the club's tournament committee. Dr. Lasker, after agreeing to go to Havana for the world championship match, set up objections and made demands of a financial nature not set forth in the original bond. This did not in any way affect Dr. Lasker's resignation of his title and it was understood that if the match were played Dr. Lasker should hold the role of challenger. Walter Penn Shipley, president of the Franklin Chess Club in Philadelphia is the referee of the Lasker-Capablanca match. He believes that Lasker was entitle to some reasonable sum like $1,500 for travelling expenses and hoped that Havana might find a way to meet the requirements of the great player. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 16, 1920

Rzeschewski Is Preparing to Move on Philadelphia. He is to make his debut in Witherspoon Hall. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 23, 1920

Capablanca and Lasker Matched for Chess Title. A match for the chess championship of the world and a purse of $20,000 will begin at Havana, on March 10, between J. R. Capablanca of Cuba and Dr. Emanuel Lasker of Berlin. The match will consist of 8 to 24 games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 4, 1921

Dr, Lasker, former chess champion of the world, has sent a cable dispatch to the Union Club of Havana, fixing March 10 as the date for the commencement of a match for the championship with Jose Capablanca, the Cuban player, who now holds the title, says a dispatch to the London Times from Rotterdam. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 7, 1921

Rzeschewski Defeats Dane; Recalls Capablanca's Feat. Rzeschewski defeated Einar Michelsen, the Danish expert, and 4 others in a simul. 100 guests were gathered upon invitation of Dr. Henry Keller to witness the exhibition. When asked about his school work, Sammy replied, "I've got a teacher at home; that's all." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 10, 1921

Rzeschewski Is Appeased By Judgment of Solomon. Sammy Rzeschewski claimed a simul game when his opponent made two moves at once. His opponent, Samuel Mishook, wanted to retract the last move and play on. The referee, Jaffe, declared the game drawn instead. Reshevsky won the other 4 games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 17, 1921

Brownsville Outgenerated By Rzeschewski at Chess. Sammy played 12 opponents at the Stone Avenue Theater in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn. He won 10, drew 1, and 1 games was adjourned. It was Sammy's first visit to Brooklyn, which drew a record crowd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 19, 1921

Samuel Rzeschewski started out on his first long tour of this country last night, when he, with his father, and Charles Azenberg, his secretary, entrained for Cleveland, Ohio, where he is booked to give an exhibition against 20 opponents at the City Club of Cleveland, this evening. Cleveland has a well-organized league with half a dozen clubs. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 27, 1921

Rzeschewski won 17, drew 2, and lost 1 against 20 opponents at the City Club of Cleveland. There were 800 spectators at the simultaneous exhibition. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 30, 1921

According to latest accounts from Washington, Dr. Emanuel Lasker is not at all sure of getting his passport to this country vised through authorization of the State Department, without which it would be impossible for him, still technically an enemy, to land here on his way to Havana, where he is due to play his match with Capablanca on March 10. In the view that President Menocal of Cuba is one of the subscribers to the purse for which Lasker and Capablanca will play, it would be an act of courtesy toward Cuba if the US were to permit Dr. Lasker to land here en route to Havana. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 3, 1921

Rzeschewski Plays Blindfold. Sammy came back to New York from Cleveland to play a blindfold game at the annual meeting of the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, held at the Hotel Pennsylvania in Manhattan Tuesday night. He defeated Samuel C. Lamport, counsel of the Federation. He won the game after nearly an hour's play, when, owing to the lateness of the hour, Mr. Lamport, with a pawn behind, resigned. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 4, 1921

Newell W. Banks Stars at Chess and Checkers. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 7, 1921

Dr. Lakser will be permitted to visit the United States on his way to Havana to meet Capablanca in a match next month. The Manhattan CC received a message from Secretary Colby stating that the case had been reconsidered and that the American Commissioner in Berlin had been instructed to grant Lasker a visa. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 8, 1921

Having made definite arrangements to sail from Amsterdam on Feb 16 before receiving word concerning the favorable action of the State Department at Washington in the matter of the vise of his passport, Dr. Lasker will journey direct to Havana. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 10, 1921

Samuel Rzeschewski returned to Cleveland and gave a 10 board simul at the exclusive Union Club. He won 8, drew 1, and lost 1. His loss was to Irving Spero, the city champion. This evening he will play 20 opponents at the University Club of Manhattan. Frank Marshall will be the referee. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 10, 1921

Samuel Rzescheski surpassed himself last night at the University Club in Manhattan in his first exhibition given since his return from Cleveland. He took on 20 of the members and in the space of 2 hours and 21 minutes, he won all his games. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 11, 1921

Samuel Rzeschewski, who left New York for Buffalo on Monday, will visit a variety of cities before returning here. His next trip will probably take him to the Far West and will keep him fairly busy until the close of the active season. Appended is the score of his game with Col. Dunn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 24, 1921

Chess Giants Even After 4-Hour Play. Match leaves Capablanca and Lasker in a deadlock. They adjourned their first game after the 32d move with the result remaining very doubtful. The two masters will play each night after 9 pm until 1am and will continue until 24 games are played, or one wins 8 victories. Should the limit be reached without either having an advantage in games won, the tournament will be declared drawn and Capablanca will be considered the winner, as Dr. Lasker is technically the challenger. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 16, 1921

By Spurning Conservatism Lasker Loses First Game. The score is 1-0 with 4 drawn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 31, 1921

After 9 games, Lasker and Capablanca are abreast of the record made in the match between Dr. Lasker and the late Carl Schlechter. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 7, 1921

Capablanca Makes New Chess Record. Cuban leads Lasker by 2 to 0. With 8 drawn. Defense Perfect. Capablanca has accomplished what no chess master before him has been able to do in all the 27 years that Lasker has held the championship of the world — play 10 match games with him in succession and not lose one. Schlechter lived through 9 such games without losing, having won one and drawn 8, and then lost the 10th. Capablanca won the 10th games, increasing his score to 2-0 with 8 drawn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 11, 1921

Capablanca Opens Big Gap At Chess. Lasker's thired defeat apparently due to anxiety to avoid draw. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 15, 1921

Dr. Lasker, Indisposed, Halts Chess Match. Since Thursday evening when Capablanca won the 14th game, giving him a lead of 4-0, with 10 drawn, there has been no further play in the chess championship match at Havana. On Friday Dr. Lasker took off the last of the 3 days to which he was entitled under the conditions and Saturday he felt too indisposed to play, but Capablanca declined to accept a point by forfeit. This time, however, the cable was silent on the subject and no reason for the additional delay was advanced. It is understood that the money, or at least not all of it, will not be paid over until 24 games have been played or a player reaches 10 wins. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 25, 1921

Lasker's Desire to Quit Match Gives Committee Knotty Problem. Conflicting reports have come over the cable regarding the championship chess match in Havana. The first was to the effect that Lasker had forfeited the 15th game and resigned the match to Capablanca. A later report stated that Lasker expressed the wish that he might resign the match on account of illness. Aside from reducing the match by 10 games, the important thing to be taken into serious consideration is the question of paying out the sum of $25,000 (over $311,000 in today's currency) due to the players upon completion of the match. Lasker, if he so wished, might forfeit 4 games, thereby giving Cabablanca a total of 8 points, but whether such a procedure would satisfy the committee is a bit doubtful. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 27, 1921

Capablanca Chess Champion; Third Incumbent in 55 years. 55 years have passed since, in 1866, Adolf Anderssen of Breslau, after losing by a score of 8-6, conceded the world's chess championship to Wilhelm Steinitz, an Austrian Jew and founder of the "modern school" of chess. In 1894, after Steinitz reigned for 28 years, Lasker, a German Jew, held the title for 27 years. Yesterday, Capablanca became world chess champion. Lasker lost the 14th and what turned out to be the last game of the historic match on April 21. The decision came yesterday when the match committee at Havana, of which Judge Alberto Ponce was chairman, announced its acceptance of the proposal of Dr. Lasker to resign the match in view of his illness. Dr. Lasker netted a total of $13,000, less his expenses ($3,000), or equivalent to 650,000 marks. Capablanca earned $12,000. There were 24 actual playing days, during which a total of 576 moves were made. Capablanca regarded the 10th game as his best. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 28, 1921

Dr. Lasker sailed today for Spain, where he will remain 2 months before returning to Berlin. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 30, 1921

Formal Chess Negotiations Concluded Dram at Havana. Short and sweet and without reasons or explanations of any sort offered or required were the communications that passed between Lasker and the match committee last week. Judging by the cabled report, the action of Lasker was due to indisposition or downright illness, but not a suggestion of either is contained in the letters that were exchanged. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 5, 1921

Capablanca Incomparable? A Veritable Chess Machine. New world champion has never lost a match, won 7 tournaments and has been placed second three times. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 8, 1921

Samuel Rzeschewski in Line For Chess Championship. He returned from Detroit where he won 15, drew 3, and lost 2 in a simultaneous exhibition. Upon arrival in Detroit, he was received by Mayor Cousens, former partner of Henry Ford, who offered to Sammy the keys to the city. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 12, 1921

Heavy Strain and Overwork Sapped Dr. Lasker's Energies. Hartwig Cassel just returned from Havana where he was present for the 37 days of the championship match between Lasker and Capablanca. According to Mr. Cassel, Lasker's failure to measure up to his one-time standard of efficiency was due in some measure to the privations the ex-champion underwent while hemmed in behind the lines of the Central Powers during the World War, but even more so to his utter lack of training of any sort, either before or during the match. Lasker was not physically fit to play. The rather warm weather also contributed toward his inability to acclimatize himself properly. Lasker stated at Havana the he came fully unprepared, that he had neither practices with strong players nor even studied at all. Instead of resting before the beginning of play, he daily studied for hours in the morning of each day of play and was rather tired when engaged at the board. Lasker complained that the food, given to him at the hotel, was not palatable, so ate at the business part of the city. He also took in the sights of Havana, besides attending luncheons and dinners given in his honor. Altogether there was too much rushing about and too little rest. He also saw fit to engage in newspaper work, having contracts with two European papers to furnish the scores of the games, together with analytical work. Lasker made a quick recovery after the match, soon became quite chipper and, before he sailed for Spain, was much like his old self. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 19, 1921

Samuel Rzeschewski made his second appearance in Milwaukee, last week, playing 11 opponents at Gimbel's Grill, with the result that he won 10 games and lost one to A. H. Candee. [game] - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 26, 1921

Chess Champion Sails; To Play by Wireless. Edward Lasker of Chicago, president of the Western Chess Association and Western titleholder, sailed for Europe on the steamship Olympic yesterday to be gone for two months. As soon as the Olympic gets into touch by wireless with the Adriatic, which is coming this way, Mr. Lasker will play a "blindfold" game against a team of consulting players on the sister ship. - - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 26, 1921 and Aug 4, 1921

Janowski was the winner of the 8th American Chess Congress held in Atlantic City. There were 12 masters. He only lost one game, to Whitaker in the 3rd round. He had 3 drawn games. Whitaker and Jaffe placed 2nd and 3rd, respectively. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 28, 1921

Jackie Coogan is becoming adept at chess. The little star of "Peck's Bad Boy" is under the tutelage of Sammy Rzeschewski, the Polish boy chess wizard. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 17, 1921

Ohio Girl Chess Prodigy Is Rival for Rzeschewski. Celia Neimark, age 7, of West Austintown, Ohio, plays a capital game of chess. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 8, 1921

F. D. Yates of Leeds won the championship of the British Chess Association for the 3rd time at the annual congress held at Malvern during August. He scored 9-2. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 8, 1921

Samuel Rzeschewski recently paid two visits to St. Louis and gave 4 exhibitions. He played 40 games, winning 38, losing 1, with one adjourned. [game] - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 15, 1921

Rzeschewski in Minneapolis. [games] - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 22, 1921

Cuban Girl Chess Expert Holds Own with Champion. Little Maria Teresa Mora, Havana's school girl chess expert, is once more in the limelight as a result of a set match arranged between her and Jose Van der Gutch, winner of the recent tournament for the "Bohemia" trophy at the Havana Chess Club. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 23, 1921

E. W. Gruer won the California State championship, held at the Mechanics Institute Chess Club in San Francisco. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 19, 1922

Samuel Rzeschewski made his reappearance in NY after an absence of over 6 months. In a simul, he won 4, drew 1, and lost 1, losing to Samuel Katz, secretary of the Manhattan CC. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 20, 1922

Cuba has now produced a brilliant girl chess player, Maria Teresa Mora, age 17, who is declared to be equal of any woman player in the world. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 1, 1922

For the first time since we wrested the chess crown from Lasker in Havana last spring, Metropolitan chess players will have an opportunity this evening to see the new world's champion in action at the rooms of the Manhattan CC in the Hotel Sherman Square, Broadway and 71st street. Membership of the Manhattan CC has almost reached the 300 mark. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 23, 1922

Samuel Rzeschewski won all 15 games in 2 hours in a simul at the Turn Verein Hall in Passaic, NJ. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 23, 1922

Capablanca defeats 37; allows 3 draws. 200 chess enthusiasts crowded the rooms of the Manhattan CC to watch Capablanca give his 1st exhibition of simultaneous display since becoming world champion. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 24, 1922

Samuel Rzeschewski defeated 10 at the Jewish Center. He defeated Harry Zirn, former Brooklyn CC champion. Rzeschewski also delighted the audience by rendering a number of sacred songs in Jewish, his clear young voice giving evidence of careful cultivation. At the conclusion of the program the Rzewshewski party drove off in a car with Sammy at the wheel. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 5, 1922

Capablanca off to Europe; to play in London tourney. He will also complete his honeymoon in Europe. At the Cleveland Athletic Club, he established a new record by winning 102 games and drawing 1 out of a total of 103. London will be the 1st important tournament he has engaged in since he won the Victory Tournament at Hastings in 1919. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 16, 1922

Samuel Rzeschewski paid 2 visits to the White House and also appeared on the floor of the House, hobnobbing with the Congressmen, who gathered about to shake hands. He also met President Harding and they shook hands. Harding said, "I am always glad to meet a champion, Master Rzeschewski." Sammy played chess with one of the Secret Service Force. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 6, 1922

Sammy Rzeschewski won 14, drew 3, and lost 1 at the Washington DC Central YMCA. Earlier, he defeated 3 congressmen from NY, Ohio, and Mississippi. The news of their defeat had preceded them and upon returning to the House the more or less crestfallen legislators were given the laugh by their colleagues on the floor. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 7, 1922

For the first time in the history of international chess India will be represented in a masters tournament, when the London congress of the British Chess Federation opens in July. V. K. Khadilkar of Calcutta is the player chosen to carry the standard of the Orient, where the ancient game had its origin. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 14, 1922

No invitation was issued by the British Chess Federation to Dr. Lasker to participate in the London masters tournament, which can be explained by the fact that Lasker did considerable writing of a hostile nature during the war and the feeling thus engendered is slow to wear off. - - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 1, 1922

Andrew Bonar Law, Unionist leader in the House of Commons, opens chess tourney in London. Lord Dunsany, the playwright, with the Lord Mayor of Westminster, officially welcomed the players to London. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 31, 1922

Critics of chess have made the following statements. "As a mental exercise, chess is a game which leads nowhere. It teaches no lesson from which practical experience can be gained; it is useless as a means of gambling and has no recuperative value as a recreation. Finally, the energy sent in acquiring a knowledge of the game might be compared to a waste of opportunity — the learning of a language which has no literature." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 13, 1922

Capablanca won at London with 11 wins and 4 draws. Aljechin took 2nd with 8 wins and 7 draws, vollowed by Vidmar with 9 wins, 2 losses, and 4 draws. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 31, 1922

Oscar Tenner, noted European master, arrived in New York with the intention of making America his permanent home. As a native of Austria, he was compelled to take the field immediately as an active Reservist. He was lightly wounded twice. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 31, 1922

Rzeschewski beat Janowski in the NY Chess Club International. He described his win and chess in general in an article he wrote for the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. He had not seen his brothers and sisters in over two years, who were living in Canada and Poland. He mentioned that Charlie Chaplin plays poor chess, but they are good friends. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 15, 1922

Samuel Rzeschewski, age 10, was arrested "to stop father exploiting him for profit." He was taken into custody at midnight after a concert and chess exhibition in the Bronx. He spent the night at the Brown Children's Society Home in Manhattan. The arrest was made with considerable difficulty because of the indignant demonstration of the crowd which surged toward the doors when the officers appeared. The entertainment was for the benefit of the National Hebrew Orphan Home. A permit to hold last night's affair was denied on the grounds that minors may not give exhibitions on Sunday. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 23, 1922

Sammy Rzeschewski was arrested by Chief Offiver Philip Lowenthal of the Children's Society. They will come face to face next Monday morning in the Bronx Children's Court. He was arrested for appearing on a public platform rather late on Sunday evening. He was allowed to go home with his parents, but only on condition that for the next week, he will give no public exhibitions. He spent Sunday night and all day Monday in the Bronx Detention Home, to which he was taken by agents of the Bronx Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Sammy was unable to eat while in detention because the food was not kosher. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 24, 1922

Parents of Rzeschewski, boy chess wizard, freed. They were freed after the hearing from Magistrate Marsh. The hearing was the outcome of Sammy's arrest on the night of Oct 22, when he sang and played chess for the benefit of the Hebrew Orphanage at the Hunt's Point Casino. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 1, 1922

Eugene Morphy, a second cousin of Paul Morphy, presented a gold medal to Sammy Rzeschewski "in recognition of the marked ability demonstrated in the masters tournament as the Chess Club International." Morphy referred to Rzeschewski as the youngest chess player who has ever been known to enter into even competition with men of master strength. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 9, 1922

Samuel Rzeschewski made his last appearance in the Children's Court in Manhattan yesterday afternoon when, after a two hours' hearing before Judge Samuel Levy, he obtained his discharge from the custody of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. The motion for dismissal of the case was granted on the ground that the charge of improper guardianship had not been sustained. Philip Lowenthal, special officer for the Children's Society, conducted the case. He did not show sufficient evidence that the boy's health or morals were in danger of being impaired. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 9, 1922

Thomas M. Edison, a son of the inventor, lent additional interest to the game contested in the 3rd round of the annual tournament of the Intercollegiate Chess League, when his team from MIT, winners of last year's series, administered the first defeat sustained by New York University. Edison won his game on Board 4. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 29, 1922

Austrians impound prize won by Rubinstein at chess. Rubinstein won 8,000,000 crowns at the conclusion of the recent international congress at Vienna. Departing from the city and arriving at the border, ran afoul of the frontier officials, who took an interest in his cash holdings. The 8,000,000 crowns were impounded. The reason was that releasing these home made funds and permitting them to run amuck in strange lands would result in further depreciation of Austrian exchange. The value of 8,000,000 crowns was $120 in American dollars. Rubinstein finally reached Hastings safely in time for the opening of the chess festival there. Rubinstein finished 1st at Hasting, scoring 6.5-2.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 18, 1923

Marshall and Edward Lasker start chess title match tonight. This evening, after a lapse of 14 years, the US chess championship will once more be competed for, when, at the rooms of the Marshall CC in Manhattan, Frank J. Marshall will face Edward Lasker of Chicago, the challenger, in the first of 18 games of their match. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 15, 1923

Although it is stated that he never learned the rules or fundamentals of the game, Aristide Grommer, 13, has astounded the chess world by playing 20 simultaneous games with the best players of the Paris Palais Royal Club. He lost only one game. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 21, 1923

After 5 games, Marshall is tied with Ed Lasker. The 5th game was played at the Hamilton Club in Chicago. Both have won 2, with one draw. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 5, 1923

Manhattans to Celebrate Victory in Chess League. The winning of the championship of the Metropolitan Chess League will be celebrated by the Manhattan CC. They won on tiebreak over the Rice Progressive Chess Club. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 19, 1923

Marshall Can Hardly Lose Chess Title. In order to rid himself of his title of US chess champion, which he had held for the past 14 years, Frank Marshall must lose both of his remaining games of his match with Edward Lasker of Chicago. They have played 16 games. Marshall has won 5, lost 4, and drawn 7. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 7, 1923

Marshall Retains Title as Chess Champion. He drew his 17th game yesterday, played at Lawrence, Long Island. Marshall has won 5, lost 4, and drawn 8. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 11, 1923

Alekhine Leads Masters In Closing Chess Rounds. 15 of the 17 rounds have been completed at the International tournament at Carlsbad. Alexander Alekhine is found to be at the head, with Bogoljubow and Maroczy both one point behind. Alekhine has won 11 and lost 4. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 17, 1923

Loses His Queen at Chess; Is Urged to "Move," Dies. Louis Silverman, 47, and Sam Katz were playing a quiet game of chess last night in the Pitkin Chess Club. Katz made a move which resulted in the loss of Silverman's queen. Katz was impatient for his partner to continue the game. He spoke sharply to him and was given no answer. Silverman had slumped forward in his seat. Alarmed, Katz went to the side of his opponent and found him dead. A physician was called and determined that his death was due to heart disease. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 4, 1923

Dr. Lasker Will Not Retire; Through With Chess Title. Lasker is quite prepared to participate in a masters' tournament, provided satisfactory conditions are made for him by management. Dr. Lasker was present throughout the entire Carlsbad chess congress at the Hotel Imperial for the purpose of reporting the proceedings for several European newspapers. On one of the bye days, Lasker and Alekhine played blitz chess for 12 hours and wound up with an even score. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 21, 1923

Samuel Rzeschewski gave an exhibition in Long Island last week. He played a dozen games simultaneously, not losing one. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 5, 1923

Marshall Looms Up as Winner of Chess Title. US champion defeats Sournin in 12th round at Lake Hopatcong, NJ. Marshall increased his lead in the 12th and semi-final round of the 9th American Chess Congress at the Hotel Alamac. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 20, 1923

Draw by Marshall ties Abraham Kupchik as tourney closes. Albert Hodges robs US champion of a triumph at Lake Hopatcong. The final score of Marshall and Kupchik was 10.5-2.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 22, 1923

Roy T. Black, of Syracuse, formerly champion of Brooklyn, overslept on the morning of the 10 round in the 9th American Chess Congress at Lake Hopatcong and lost 55 minutes on his clock. Nevertheless, he succeeded in keeping within the time limit and outplayed his opponent in the ending after 91 moves. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 20, 1923

Alekhine Touring Britain; To Play Chess in America. Alekhine attended the recent annual meeting of the British Chess Federation at Portsmouth. He was barred from the British championship, but entered the major open tournament, in which he was easily first with a score of 10.5-0.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 27, 1923

Alexander Alekhine played 54 games at the Montmarte Chess Club against the best players of Paris and the provinces. He won 46, lost 3 and drew 5. By profession he is an examining magistrate. Ruined by the Russian revolution he is seeking a living by his wizardry at chess. Next year he will meet Jose Capablanca in the USA for the world's championship. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 5, 1923

Alekhine leaving France on visit to Montreal. Bound for America for his first visit to the Western Hemisphere, Alexander Alekhine is now on the high seas bound for Montreal. After about a week in Montreal, he will head for New York before visiting other parts of Canada. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 8, 1923

New world chess record aim of Alexander Alekhine. He may make an attempt while in Montreal to surpass the world's record for blindfold play, now held by Richard Reti, who has played as many as 25 games simultaneously while blindfolded. Alekhine will try to make it to 26. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 15, 1923

Good showing by Montreal against Alekhine at chess. His first exhibition in the New World was at the National Chess Club, where he played against 37 opponents, defeating 27. He lost 5 and drew 5. He played 136 games in Canada, winning 120, losing 8 and drawing 8. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 28, 1923 and Dec 2, 1923

Alekhine here; impresses chess players. Alekhine was interned by the Germans in Mannheim, and in time made his escape. For 2 years, as captain of a artillery in the Russian army, he saw real fighting, was wounded, laid up in hospitals and later served with the Red Cross at the front. Under the old regime he was in the legal department of the Foreign Office at St. Petersburg. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 6, 1923

Hyram Smart, a hotel proprietor, became unconscious while playing chess in London. His opponent did not discover his condition for several minutes. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 9, 1923

Brooklyn holds own at chess with Alekhine. 23 games, including one blindfold, were contested by Alexander Alekhine in the second exhibition of his American tour, given at the rooms of the Brooklyn Chess Club, in the presence of 200 onlookers, last night. It was exactly the same opposition, numerically, that faced him at the Manhattan CC the night before. He won 26, lost 4, and drew 3. The Russian lost 2 more games than at the Manhattan CC, but drew 6 less. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 14, 1923

Alekhine back from trip; ready for more conquests. In Providence he won 25 out of 28 games and drew 3. In Boston, he was opposed by as many as 40, of whom 35 were defeated, 2 won and 3 drew. [games] - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 20, 1923

Alekhine meets 20 today at press club. Alekhine will give a demonstration of his skill for the benefit of the Newspaper Club in Manhattan at 2 o'clock this afternoon. He will combine blindfold chess with simultaneous play. Thus far, he has played 358 games, of which he has won 292, drawn 43, and lost 22. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 13, 1924

A letter received yesterday from Capablanca, and c cablegram from Dr. Emanuel Lasker, from The Hague, where he now resides, gave assurance of their participation in the New York International Chess Masters Tournament planned to be held at the Hotel Alamac, Manhattan, beginning March 17. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 27, 1924

Alekhine Seeks Record at Blindfold Chess. After the New York International, Alekhine will give his record-breaking blindfold exhibition against 26 opponents. In his exhibition at Davenport, Iowa, he played 27 games, including 2 blindfolded. Barring one draw, he made a clean sweep. [games] - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 22, 1924

Dr. Lasker is icebound on a vessel in the Baltic Sea and none of the passengers or crew knows anything about his favorite game. The authorities are endeavoring to send relief to the icebound ship. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 25, 1924

At the beginning of the New York International on March 16, Capablanca said, "I wish to announce that it is extremely doubtful if ever again I participate in an international tournament. Only the fact that it was the first big tournament in the US for the last 20 years made me come to play, as, for the last year, since my father's death I had decided to practically retire from hard chess competition. I expect in the future to play only occasionally in public exhibitions. As for my title of world's champion, I would gladly relinquish it, but feeling that the young players have a right to fight for it, I shall patiently wait a few years at least until one of them comes up to expectations and beats me in a match for the title. If by chance it should happen that I manage to retain my title for some time yet, I shall then see what steps can be taken for me to retire without giving the other players any just cause of complaint." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 16, 1924

Dr. Lasker Crowned Victor In Masters Chess Tourney. Fulfilling expectations, base up his lead of 1.5 points, Lasker made sure if the 1st prize of $1,500 (equivalent to $21,000 in today's currency) in the New York International Chess Masters Tournament by defeating Dr. Tartakower of Austria in the 21st and semi-final round at the Hotel Alamac. The victory gave Lasker a score on 15-4, a total which Capablanca cannot match. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 16, 1924

Chess Masters Tourney Ends; Marshall Gets Fourth Prize. Lasker won the event with 16-4 score, followed by Capablanca and Alekhine. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 18, 1924

America Winner Over Britain in Intercollegiate Cable Chess. The American team won by the score of 3.5 to 2.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 28, 1924

Alekhine played 26 opponents blindfolded at the Hotel Alamac, a new world record. He won 16, lost 5, and drew 5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 1, 1924

Golfer Bobby Jones plays chess. He said, "I find chess the greatest possible relaxation while preparing for a championship. It stimulates the mind pleasantly while taking one's thought off golf." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 3, 1924

Dr. Lasker Sailing for Home Proposed Chess Federation. Lasker proposed an international chess federation for the arrangement of international contests. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 12, 1924

Alekhine in South of France Busy With Chess Annotation. Alekhine contracted with the tournament committee to annotate all 110 games from the New York International. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 26, 1924

Latvians Come to the Front In Olympic Chess Tourney. News from Paris has two Latvian representatives out of the three sent to Paris captured the two highest prizes in the international amateur tournament of the 8th Olympiad. It was Armand Mattison who emerged as the first Olympian amateur chess champion, with a score of 5.5 out of 8. Fred Apscheneek, another Latvian, finished 2nd, Å“ a point below his fellow countryman. At the conclusion of the tournament a meeting was held for the purpose of taking the initial steps toward the formation of an International Chess Federation. Dr. A. Rueb, president of the Dutch Chess Federation, was elected president and Switzerland was named as headquarters for the federation for the first year. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 7, 1924

Chessplayers included Richelieu, Philip II of Spain, Hindenburg, and Ludendorff. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 14, 1924

Julius Rosenwald of Chicago arranged to pay the cost of Sammy Rzezewski's education, and make a Jewish theologian of him if possible. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 7, 1924

Blackburne, Grand Old Man of English Chess, Dead at 82. Blackburne's career started in 1860 and extended over a period of 64 years. He died in London on Sep 1. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 18, 1924

Samuel Reshevsky had a splendid opportunity in the very last round to increase his score sufficiently to enable him to finish 2nd to Carlos Torre in the annual tournament of the Western Chess Association, at Detroit. However, he lost his game to Whitaker. [games] - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 18, 1924

Columbia Players Capture Intercollegiate Chess Cup. They won in 10 years in succession in the 32nd CHYP Chess League. The intercollegiate matches began in 1892. The late Edward Caswell, Yale, '66, was the prime mover in the organization. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 31, 1924

In consequence of the withdrawal of Harvard, Yale and Princeton from the "C. H. Y. P." College Chess League at a meeting of delegates held in Manhattan, that organization, after holding annual tournaments for the past 32 years, was practically broken up, inasmuch as Columbia, winner of the challenge cup for the last 10 years, was left as the sole member. A new alliance was made between Harvard, Yale, Princeton and West Point. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 5, 1925 and Jan 15, 1925

Alexander Alekhine played 28 opponents blindfolded in Paris. The exhibition was sponsored by the newspaper Petite Parisien. There reception hall was transferred into a chess room for the occasion. He won 22, drew 3, and lost 3. In New York, last April, he played 26 games, winning 16, drawing 5, and losing 5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1925

After 12 rounds at Baden-Baden, Alekhine leads with a score of 10-1, followed by Gruenfeld at 8.5-3.5, and Rubinstein at 8-3. Frank Marshall's score is 7-4 - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 3, 1925

Alekhine made sure of 1st prize at Baden Baden with 12 wins, 8 draws and no losses. Second place went to Rubinstein of Poland. Saemisch of Germany took 3rd prize. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 14, 1925

Following a week of complete rest, 11 of the 21 experts who took part at Baden-Baden are here in Marienbad, Czechoslovakia. Among the 11 are Frank Marshall and Carlos Torre. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 21, 1925

Niemzowitsch of Denmark and Rubinstein of Poland tied for 1st at Marienbad, scoring 11-4. Marshall and Torre tied for 3rd-4th, scoring 10-5. Brooklyn Daily Eagle, June 9, 1925

During the progress of the amateur chess tournament at the Olympics in Paris last year, definite steps were taken toward organizing the chess players of the world and an international federation under the title of "Federation Internationale des Echecs" came into existence. Its president is Dr. A. Rueb of The Hague, supported by Leonard Rees of England as vice president and M. Nicolet of Belgium as treasurer. A call has been issued for the second congress of the federation to be held at Zurich, Switzerland in July. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, July 16, 1925

E. D. Bogojubow, chess champion of Russia, carried off the first prize in the German Chess Association tourney in Breslau. Bogoljubow, who will defend his Russian title in the annual national tournament at Petrograd shortly, finished with a score of 9.5-1.5. A. Niemzowitsch, another Russian, but representing Denmakr, where he now resides, took 2nd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 2, 1925

Bogoljubow clinches victory in Moscow with draw against Lasker. Capablanca third. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 7, 1925

Following the last session of play, a reception was held in honor of the visiting chess master at the Metropole Hotel in Moscow last night. This brought to the conclusion the international tournament which has been in progress since Nov. 10. Bogoljubow won 1,500 rubles. Lasker won 1,000 rubles. Capablanca won 750 rubles. 4th place finisher Marshall won 600 rubles. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 10, 1925

"Solve the chess problem and win a cigar." This sign hanging in the windows of a West End cigar shop nearly brought bankruptcy to the cigar dealer. A large chess board in the window bore another card saying: "White to play and mate in three moves." Soon a crowd gathered. In it was a chess "shark." He walked inside, made the necessary moves and came out puffing a 10-cent "Perfecto." Outside the crowd wanted to know how he solved the problem. For a few cents each he sold his solution of the play. There was a rush inside and a cloud of smoke from numerous cigars soon filled the shop. There was a clamor by others to test their ability as chess masters, but in the haze the dealer withdrew the signs and declared his offer at an end. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 10, 1926

18 chess masters entered the international tournament in Semmering, Austria. A serious upset was recorded in the first round when Alexander Alekhine, now a Doctor of Laws, lost to A. Niemzowitsch of Denmark. ... - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 8, 1926

Spielmann Wins Chess Tourney At Semmering. Rudolph Spielmann won at Semmering with a 13-4 score, losing only one game. Alekhine of Paris scored 12.5. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 31, 1926

Aron Niemzowitsch won at Dresden, winning 1,000 marks. Alekhine took 2nd and 600 marks. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 15, 1926

For many years, Emanuel Lasker's chief recreation from work and chess was tennis. He was educated at the universities of Berline, Gottingen and Heidelberg. He is a Doctor of Philosophy. His mathematical and scientific contributions include works on curved lines, metrical relations, geometrical calculus and similar topics. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 16, 1926

Meyer London, famous Socialist and ex-Congressman, was fond of chess and in this way occasionally found relaxation from his political worries. In early April 1922, Reshevsky played simultaneously against 3 Congressmen in the Caucus Room of the House of Representatives. Meyer London was one of his opponents. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 10, 1926

Capablanca Wins from Edward Lasker in Chess Tourney at Lake Hopatcong, NJ. Marshall and Maroczy drew. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 15, 1926

Chess Laurels for Capablanca; Kupchik Second at the Pan-American chess tournament in Lake Hopatcong, NJ. Maroczy took 3rd. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 21, 1926

Alexander Alekhine has sent a cablegram to Jose Capablanca, the world's champion, challenging him to a match for the title to be played in Buenos Aires next year. The Argentine Chess Club has deposited $500 to guarantee Alekhine's part. The club will offer a purse of $10,000 and pay all the expenses of the participants in the match. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 3, 1926

An all-night international chess match was held recently in Manila, when the Filipino chess champion played a match from a local amateur radio station against a combination of Chinese champions located in Shanghai. The match was won by the Chinese players. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 19, 1926

Bogoljubow, Soviet Champion, Wins Berlin Chess Tourney. He scored 7-2. 2nd place went to Akiba Rubinstein. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 16, 1926

Chess kept pace with the times during the year. The masters tournament at Lake Hopatcong attracted world champion Capablanca and US champion Marshall. There was a national tournament in Chicago. There was a cable match between Chicago and London in November (the Insull Trophy). L. Stolzenberg of Detroit won the Western Chess Association. Milton Hanauer won the NY state association championship. Dr. Emanuel Lasker made a comprehensive tour of America. New York University won the Intercollegiate Chess League. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 26, 1926

National Chess Federation Formed by Chicago Players. The National Chess Federation of the United States of America has been organized there with 21 directors and that a charter under the laws of the State of Illinois has been applied for. For the first year, the headquarters will be in Chicago. Maurice Kuhns was elected president. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 13, 1927

Dr. Lasker was not invited to take part in the forthcoming tournament, Feb 19, to be put on by New York this year. He was not invited to play because he had written to say that the committee had "bluffed him and wronged him" and Mr. Lederer, secretary of the tournament committee of the Manhattan CC, did not want a repetition of such a letter. Lasker claims in 1924 (a tournament in which we won) that his chess clock robbed him of 15 minutes, and thus lost a game to Capablanca. Furthermore, he says he was not paid the customary fee of $500 and that the surplus from the sale of tickets was not distributed among the players, as it should have been. Mr. Lederer said that the $500 fee was for the champion and Capablanca was the new champion since 1921. The surplus was not distributed because there was a deficit. The timepiece was stopped to help rather than hinder him when Dr. Lasker had forgotten to do it himself. And then Mr. Lederer made the blackest charge of them all. Dr. Lasker, he said, used black 5-cent cigars to smoke out his rivals. These cigars were long and dark and they emitted a smoke which irritated the throats and confused the mental processes of his rival players. This was done, he indicated, with malice and forethought. For, when not playing in tournaments, Lasker smoked Havana cigars with a mild and pleasant flavor. And, during the games the opposing players would offer him their own mild Havanas, but these he put away in his vest pocket to use later, and he continued to smoke his cloud-raising black and terrifying stogies. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 26, 1927 and Jan 30, 1927

The 1927 tournament committee first did not invite Lasker and subsequently sanctioned informal negotiations with the ex-champion, who thereupon scathingly denounced it. Many agree that the onslaught was timed to harm the forthcoming congress. He has alleged a surplus in the 1924 tournament fund, of which $10,000 was raised by voluntary contributions through the efforts of the committee he assails. Walter Penn Shipley calls attention to the fact that he was one of a number who actually subscribed to a deficit. Dr. Lasker claimed to know that the 1927 committee was sidetracking the world championship match planned in Buenos Aires for Capablanca and Dr. Alekhine. In fact, the last-named comes here with the assurance of the committee that his challenge will be given the right of way, regardless of the outcome of the tournament. Dr. Lasker held the Manhattan CC responsible for the international tournament committee and demanded satisfaction on moral, if not legal, grounds. Dr. Norbert Lederer was never secretary of the club, as alleged by Dr. Lasker. Furthermore, the Manhattan CC did not originate the tournament. Capablanca was quoted as saying, "So far as I can remember, I have never attacked Dr. Lasker. Twice since 1911 I have found it necessary to defend myself against unwarranted attacks on the part of Dr. Lasker and as a result have refused to talk to him for a number of years at a time. Now for a third time Dr. Lasker assumes an aggressive attitude toward me wholly uncalled for since I have done publically nothing or said nothing that could hurt him in the least. As far as the clock incident, to the best of my recollection Dr. Lasker's facts are not correct. It seems that Dr. Lasker tries to find an alibi every time he loses to me. At the rate he is going, if he is not the alibi champion already, he will very soon be. To my mind, Dr. Lasker's attitude is undignified and not what one would expect from a scholarly man nearing the sixties who has traveled the world over and come into contact with all kinds of people." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 3, 1927

For the lack of a national body at the time the entry list was closed on Jan. 1, this country will not be represented in the International Team Tournament to be held in London in connection with the congress of the British Chess Federation from July 18 to 30 of this year. 16 nations will figure in that competition. Relative national prowess and not the status of individual players will be the aim of the team tournament. Countries are invited to send a team of their four finest available players qualified by birth or naturalization. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 10, 1927

Capablanca Squeezed Great Concessions for Approaching Chess Meet, Opponents Assert. Got exclusive right to issue book. Much heart-burning has developed among those who are to play in the Internationals Grand Masters Chess Tournament, which begins at the Manhattan Square Hotel next Saturday, because of the special and profitable arrangement the committee in charge has granted Jose R. Capablanca, the world's champion. The "price" in this case includes: his expenses from his home in Cuba, his maintenance here from the time of his arrival to the close of the tournament, $1,000 in cash and the exclusive rights to issue a book with annotations on the tactics, strategy and play at the tournament. This is the first time any master has asked as much and the first time so much has been granted. For internationals tournaments, almost all the players are professional. Only Dr. Milan Vidmar, a Jugoslavian university professor and a man of wealth, has been able to afford the luxury of playing international chess as an amateur. Dr. Emanuel Lasker has not been invited to enter and will not play. Lasker charged that a sophisticated time-clock was used against him when he and Capablanca met in 1924 and that the gate receipts were not properly distributed. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 13, 1927

Cuban Surpasses Himself In Winning Chess Prize; To Play for Title Next. Capablanca was won 8, drawn 9, and lost none with 3 more rounds to go. Alekhine has won 3, drawn 12, and lost 2 for 2nd place so far. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 18, 1927

Capablanca, King of Chess, Invincible in Tourney: Alekhine Placed Second. For some time the first prize of $2,000 had been his. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 24, 1927

Enthusiasm High In Warm Acclaim Of Chess Masters. International Tourney Prizes Awarded at Dinner attended by 200. Checks of varying amounts, including the three main prizes of $2,000, $1,500 and $1,000 were handed out to Capablanca, Alekhine, and Nimzowitsch. The other players were Vidmar, Spielmann, and Marshall. First prize for the best-played game went to Capablanca for his victory over Spielmann. The chess sets were auctioned off and netted $305. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 26, 1927

Hyman Hendler and Leon Prochnick, both well past their 80 birthdays, have just completed their 3,000th consecutive games of chess at the Brooklyn Hebrew Home and Hospital for the Aged. These two old chess masters in establishing what is supposed to be a record for consecutive play have not missed a single day at the chess board in the three years they have been together at the home for the aged. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 2, 1927

Dr. Lasker says the game of chess has reached a deadlock. It has been developed to such perfection that it does not seem possible to go any further under the present rules, he believes. With examples from the recent tournament played in New York where most parties ended in draws, Dr. Lasker demonstrated here how hopeless it is to force a victory since all possible lines have been worked out. An outcome from this difficulty he saw in a system of counting points. While this would not be a relief for all future, it would last for a century, he says. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 1, 1927

Rudolf Smirka of the Marshall Chess Club set a new record by winning the NY state championship with the score of 8-0. He won the NY championship in 1923. Worthy of note is the fact that of the 36 games played in this tournament, only 2 were drawn. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 11, 1927

Samuel Reshevsky, 16, the Detroit schoolboy, will make his 1st appearance in 3 years at the annual tournament of the National Chess Federation of America here in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Aug 25 to Sep 5. Three years ago Reshevsky made a triumphant journey of chess playing in this country and in Europe. Then he gave up the game in order to devote his full time to school work. He has made only one recent public appearance. That was at Cincinnati, where h engaged 19 players and easily defeated all of them. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 26, 1927

Miss Vera Menchik, 21, of Hastings, England, became the first woman chess champion of the world by winning the women's tournament at the international chess meet sponsored here by the British Chess Federation. She is a pupil of Maroczy, the Hungarian master. She played her first game of chess in Moscow when she was 9 years old. Her mother is English and her father a Czechoslovakian. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 31, 1927

Norman Whitaker won the National Chess Federation tourney in Kalamazoo. He was followed by Kupchik, Mlotkowski, Reshevsky, and Steiner. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 8, 1927

Chess World Agog Over Loss Of First Game by Champion; Precedent Set by Alekhine. What Lakser failed to do in 14 games in Havana in 1921 the Franco-Russian accomplished right off the reel in far-off Buenos Aires. Just before the last New York tournament, Alekhine barely defeated Dr. Euwe of Amsterdam in 10 games. Now, however, he looms up suddenly as one of the most dangerous opponents Capablanca ever had to reckon with. For the first time in his career as a master Capablanca knows how it feels to be trailing an opponent in match play. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 22, 1927

Jose Capablanca Planned Return Chess Match Here. Sensing defeat by Alekhine at Buenos Aires, Champion Looks Forward to 1929. Capablanca wrote a letter to Julius Finn of the Manhattan CC during his match with Alekhine. It was written immediately after Alekhine had won the 11th and 12th games and games a 3-2 lead. Capablanca wrote, "My dear Mr. Finn — I am not doing as well as I had expected. I believe, however, that should another match be arranged in New York in 1929, I could do much better. I am therefore writing to you to ask you to take an interest in this affair and to do your best to arrange for me a return match in New York in January, February or March 1929. I have spoken to Dr. Alekhine about this and he says that he would be very glad to play. Should the match here end in a draw I suggest the next match be limited to 20 games, the winner of the majority to win the match." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 13, 1927

Alekhine Wins Chess Crown By Defeating Capablanca in 34-game Series in Buenos Aires. A new king of the chess world reigns today. He is Alexander Alekhine of Russia, a six-footer of military bearing, who yesterday defeated Jose Capablanca of Havana, who has held the title since 1921. Alekhine won 6, lost 3, and drew 25. Alekhine won the title by being first to win 6 games. There was a purse of $10,000 put up for the Buenos Aires match. Capablanca, being champion, demanded a "playing fee" of $4,000. He got $6,400 as the loser while the winner takes only $3,600. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 29 and 30, 1927

The hero of the chess world is now known as Dr. Alexander Alekhine. For the benefit of Engish-speaking friends he introduced the letter "k" into the spelling of his surname. It lost thereby the soft guttural sound of "ch" so natural to Slavs and Teutons, but next to impossible for Anglo-Saxons. To his degree of M.A., obtained in St. Petersburg, he added, within the last two years, that of Docteur en Droit (Doctor of Laws). The Sorbonne in Paris gave him that. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 4, 1927

A skeleton seated before an unfinished chess game has been found in a cabin near Lees Ferry, Arizona. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 7, 1928

Capablanca was interviewed in New York and asked to ascribe the loss of the match to Dr. Alekhine. Capa responded, "Chiefly, the good play of Dr. Alekhine. I never dreamt that my former good form could fail me at such an inopportune time. I was not my normal self and I made mistakes that, now that I look back upon them, are quite unaccountable. I think the time is not far away when there will be a demand for a change in chess. The board can be changed so as to encompass 100 squares instead of 64. Of course that would mean the addition of two more pieces and two pawns on each side." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 12, 1928

Chess Players Disagree with Capablanca. Time not yet ripe for board of 100 squares with additional piece. There is no hint that chess has been played out and needs to be changed to be made more difficult. Capablanca made this statement, "I am greatly interested in having the game modified among the great players. This will have to be done to make chess more difficult and interesting. It has not reached its limit and it is only a question of years when modification will be imperative." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 14, 1928

Capablanca says chess is ailing; needs a doctor. "Must Not Let Great Game Die of Dry Rot," declares the master. The former chess champion was discussing his own startling proposition to change the rules of the game so as to make it more difficult for the experts, of whom the greatest masters are beginning to find it comparatively easy matter to draw at will. He said, "There is plenty of vigor in the old game yet, but it may not be always so. To my mind there are enough indications to warrant some such innovations as I have suggested. The many drawn games between experts of the first class show that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to outwit a wideawake opponent. A draw is the bugbear of the competitor wishing to make a good score. Too many of them hold him back and he is apt to drift into an unsound style." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 19, 1928

Harvard and Princeton are supposed to have severed all athletic relations, but at any rate, Harvard and Princeton met in an intercollegiate chess match on 5 boards last Saturday at the Harvard Club in Manhattan. Harvard was the winner of this chess tournament match. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 21, 1928

Central YMCA bans chess. Chess received a knockout blow in the Central Branch YMCA in Brooklyn today, where members were forbidden to indulge in it until further notice. Chess players turned out and protested. The YMCA secretary says that chess attracts an undesirable element and that some members stand around with their hats on while watching a closely contested game and sometimes smoke, both of which are forbidden. The chess players are agreed that the real reason for this unfriendly attitude rests in the fact that members pay only once a year for the privilege of the chess and checker club, while other activities such as prize fight followers, dancers and pool playing members pay regularly, frequently and largely for each game played or prize fight or dance attended. The YMCA says that the chess room is closed due to the simmer cutting down of supervisory personnel and that in all probability it would be opened again in the fall. Playing with a private set as also out because there is really no place where they could play. The YMCA educational secretary said that many players can't play chess anyhow but complain just because they can't have their own way. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 11, 1928

Capablanca, who arrived here on Monday, is in the best of health after his sojourn of several months at his home in the suburbs of Havana, has been keeping out in the open indulging in tennis, his favorite form of physical exercise. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 19, 1928

Hungarians Win Olympic Chess Meet at Hague. They succeeded Czechoslovakia, the winner at Paris four years ago. The Hungarians also won the team tournament in London last year. The USA team holds second place by a comfortable margin. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 5, 1928

If modern chess players want to become experts, they should "drink water, not wine," and sit so that "the light is in their opponent's eyes." Such is one of the many artifices set forth in the ancient books on chess comprising an almost priceless collection of old manuscripts which was auctioned off at Sotherby's. The collection was started by the late J. W. Rimington-Wilson, a noted authority on indoor games, who died in 1877, and was kept up by his son, the late R. H. Rimington-Wilson. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 8, 1928

Hungary came through as winner of the Olympic team tournament at The Hague, and Dr. Max Euwe led the field in the individual championship tournament. USA took second with 17 countries participating. Poland took 3rd place. The American team was captioned by Erling Tholfsen of the Marshall Chess Club. The other USA team members were Isaac Kashdan, Herman Steiner, Milton Hanauer, and Samule Factor. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 9, 1928

Chess World Hails Bogoljubow for victory at Kissingen. For the 2nd time in his career, he outranked Capablanca, who took 2nd. Euwe and Rubenstein tied for 3rd and 4th. Bogo had 6 wins, 1 loss, and 4 draws. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 30, 1928

The chess Olympiad at The Hague had 86 participants. Isaac Kashdan had the best results, with 12 wins, 2 draws and 1 loss, for a 86.66 winning percentage. Next came Muffang of France with 9 wins, 7 draws, on 0 losses, for a 78.15 winning percentage. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 6, 1928

Alekhine has accepted a challenge from E. D. Bogoljubow of Triberg, Germany, the winner of the recent tournament at Bad-Kissingen. Bogo will be prepared to meet the champion in the fall of 1929. The latest report from Paris is to the effect that Alekhine did not receive Capablanca's challenge which, according to Norbert Lederer, the Cuban's representative in this city, was mailed to the champion fully two months ago. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 27, 1928

Because of his plan to tour the south of India early next year, Alekhine has put off his match with Bogoljubow until September 1929. The match it is reported, will be limited to 10 games to be played in Bad Kissingen, Berne, and Amsterdam or The Hague. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 30, 1928

Capablanca won at Budapest, scoring 7-2. He scored 5 wins and 4 draws. Frank Marshall took 2nd place. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 4, 1928

Chess is played on the Graf Zeppelin and chess is taught to the officers. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 18, 1928

It was reported that Dr. Berthold Lasker, older brother of Emanuel Lasker, died in Berlin. He, himself, was a master and taught Emanuel the game of chess in early youth. He devoted his life to medicine and was a specialist in skin diseases. He was born on Dec 31, 1860 and was an authority on endgame compositions. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 25, 1928

Capablanca won at Berlin with 5 wins and 7 draws. Nimzowitsch took 2nd, followed by Spielmann. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 25, 1928

Alekhine consented to meet Bogoljubow before Capablanca because Bogo had first put his formal challenge in writing. Alekhine has notified Bogo that he must be ready by Jan 15 to back up his challenge with the necessary fund as required by the agreements entered into by the masters during the London Congress of 1922. Capablanca was relying upon the verbal understanding he had with Alekhine at Buenos Aires. He finally sent him a written challenge from Berlin while he was participating in the recent tournament there. If Bogo should fail to come to time by the middle of January, then Alekhine will be ready to negotiate with the Cuban. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 25, 1928

Ajeeb is dead after long retirement. He was the little fellow hidden in the Chess Automaton of the Eden Musee, who beat pretty nearly everybody and was once shot through his mechanical encasement by an enraged Texan. His name was Peter J. Hill and his last days were spent in the State Hospital at Worcester, MA. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 1, 1929

Alekhine will visit the USA next week, who has not been in this country since 1924. He will play 40-50 opponents, and some while blindfolded. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 14, 1929

Alekhine played 52 at the Brooklyn Institute Chess Club. He lost 4, drew 6 and won 42 after 7 hours of play. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 29, 1929

Alekhine, who completed his tour of the US at the Mechanics Institute Chess Club in San Francisco, last night, had decided to visit Mexico before returning East. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 12, 1929

Alekhine, besides playing chess, is busy with his law practice, tennis and bridge playing, horseback riding, music and art studies and a veritable thousand and one other interests. He speaks English, German, French, Russian, and about a dozen other languages. He said, "Chess is akin to music, and I know of more artists and musicians who enjoy it than mathematicians. What are my hobbies? I like music, horseback riding, painting. That is not enough. Well, add tennis. Do I play well? That is a different story." - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 19, 1929

Alekhine won at Bradley Beach, NJ, with 8 wins, no losses, and 1 draw. 2nd went to L. Steiner with 6 wins, 1 loss, and 2 draws. In the rapid-transit tourney, Alekhine won, scoring 7.5 out of 8. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 13, 1929

Alekhine sails after a successful tour; plays Bogoljubow next. Alekhine sailed away after 3 months in the US, his third trip to this country. Alekhine played ping pong and bridge while heading back to Europe. During his US tour, he played 606 games, winning 504, losing 47, and drawing 55. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 29, 1929

Hartwig Cassel is dead. He was a veteran chess journalist for the last 40 years. It was he who suggested the first transatlantic cable match between the Manhattan CC and the British CC of London in 1895. He directed Cambridge Springs 1904. He originated the college cable matches with Oxford and Cambridge. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 18, 1929

After one of the closes finishes on record, Aron Nimzowitsch, age 43, landed the 1st prize of 20,000 crowns, by defeating Tartakower in the 21st round. Capablanca and Spielmann tied for 2nd-3rd. Alekhine was there as a journalist, but did not play. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 27, 1929

Capablanca won at Budapest, followed by Rubinstein. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 19, 1929

Dr. Alekhine Retains Chess Title Easily; Capablanca Next. The match was played in Wiesbaden (twice), Heidelberg, Berlin, The Hague, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam. Alekhine won 11, lost 5, and drew 9. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 14, 1929

Good news has come from Paris, where Capablanca, before departing for Berlin to give an exhibition of simultaneous play, gave out the statement that a world's championship match between him and Alekhine was assured for next year. A letter of acceptance had been received from Alekhine who set October as the time for the beginning of play. Alekhine also intimated that he would be prepared to come to this country if Capablanca prefers to play over here and is able to make the necessary arrangements. If this happens, then the US will be the scene of a match for the title for the first time since Lasker played Marshall in 1907. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 5, 1929

Chess Year Featured by Alekhine's Title Defense. Alekhine won the world championship by the score of 11 to 5, with 9 games drawn. A return match between Alekhine and Capablanca is expected to take place in October, 1930. - Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 22, 1929

Harvard is again champion of the "H. Y. P. W." Chess League. They scored 12-4. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 2, 1930

Capablanca won the 10th annual Christmas Chess Festival of the Hastings and St. Leonard's Chess Club. 2nd place went to Vidmar of Jugoslavia, one point below Capablanca.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 5, 1930

Alexander Alekhine became the victor at San Remo, Italy by a wide margin. Akiba Rubinstein was second up to last night. Apart from his playing fee as champion, Dr. Alekhine will receive 10,000 lire as his reward for winning the tournament. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 2, 1930

13 victories, 2 draws, and no defeats in a total of 15 games played constitutes the performance of Alekhine. 2nd place went to Aron Nimzowitsch, followed by Akiba Rubinstein. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 6, 1930

Why Chess is Popular, by J. R. Capablanca. Chess is more popular than ever. The majority of mankind, while they do not take an active part in sport, take an intellectual interest in it, and flock to contests. Abstract study is good groundwork for chess. You also must possess a great deal of imagination to bring a game to a successful issue. A good chess player must have imagination as well as logic in his makeup. Reflection is necessary, and quick judgment, the better to profit by one's opponent's mistakes. I always play with prudence and take no risks. Recklessness is a direct contradiction to the original principle of chess, which is not a game of chance but of skill.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 14, 1930

Backgammon is providing a new thrill for Dr. Alekhine. With Tartakower, he daily twirls the dice box and moves the men from point to point in the playroom of the Cercle du Palais Royal where for years nothing faster than chess has been played.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 10, 1930

The Manhattan CC won the annual championship series of the Metropolitan Chess League, defeating the Marshall CC with the score of 6-1. ... Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 10, 1930

A cablegram dispatched from here last night in behalf of the National Chess Federation to the Hamburg Chess Club effected the formal entry of the US in the team tournament to be held at Hamburg, July 12 to 27, under the auspices of the International Chess Federation. Frank Marshall and I. Kashdan will constitute the backbone of the team and will be counted on to do the lion's share of the scoring. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 15, 1930

There will be 20 countries [only 18 played] at the Hamburg international team tournament. They will play 14 rounds and the pairing will be based on the Swiss system. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 19, 1930

Poland won the team tournament at Hamburg, followed by Hungary. Germany took 3rd. The US team took 6th. Miss Menchik won the women's championship. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 31, 1930

Alekhine is a prominent resident in Paris and Capablanca, too, is making Paris his headquarters during his prolonged stay in Europe. Notwithstanding their close proximity, however, the necessary negotiations have not been quickened due to the strained relations existing between them. When Capablanca dropped in at the recent congress in Hamburg, he sauntered about looking at a number of the boards but kept away from the one were Dr. Alekhine was engaged in play. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 14, 1930

Having made the longest stay of his career in Europe during the past year, Capablanca is turning his thoughts toward home. Capa will make New York a port of call.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 20, 1930

Year 1930 Saw Development of New Chess Star. Kashdan US Hope. Alekhine Scored in San Remo Play. Kashdan represented the US in the team tournament in Hamburg and won first places in tournaments at Berlin, Gyor and Stockholm. He finished 2nd at Frankfort. In the world championship match, Capablanca was not able to finance the sum required for a purse under the London conditions of 1922. In July, Alekhine assisted the French team in 9 of its matches at Hamburg, winning all of his games. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 21, 1930

Reports from Jugoslovia have it that Alekhine, retiring late after an exhibition, fell asleep at his hotel with a lighted cigarette in his hand. In due course, the flames brought him back to consciousness and he barely escaped fatal consequences. Suffering from burns he was taken to a hospital.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 31, 1930

Dr. Max Euwe of Holland took first prize at Hastings. Capablanca finished 2nd and Mir Sultan Khan, holder of the British chess championship, third.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 7, 1931

"Only 30 more years and there will be no mystery to chess," said Capablanca. "I used to think the game would last 50 years, but at the rate things are going I think now that everything will be worked out in 30." He suggested enlarging the board and creating new chessmen to occupy the added squares. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 15, 1931

Capablanca played 200 opponents from 49 clubs in a record-breaking performance at the 7th Regiment Armory in Manhattan. He won 28, drew 16, and lost 6. He had been on his feet for 8.5 hours. Former Governor Charles Whitman was introduce by George Emlen Roosevelt, the chairman. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 13, 1931

Edward Lasker who has won chess championships of Berlin, London, New York, and Chicago, has been added to the list of competitors in the internationals masters tournament planned for the middle of next month in New York, when Capablanca is expected back from Havana. Besides Lasker and Capabanca, four others have accepted the invitation of the tournament committee. These are Frank Marshall, Isaac Kashdan, Herman Steiner, and I.S. Turover. George Emien Roosevelt will be the chairman of the tournament committee. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 22, 1931

After 10 rounds of the New York International, Capaplanca has won 8 and drawn 1 (with Turover). Kashdan is in 2nd with 8 wins and 2 losses, followed by Kevitz with 6 wins and 4 losses. The tournament is being played at the Hotel Alamac. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 3, 1931

Capablanca won the New York International chess tournament at the Hotel Alamac. He drew his final game, scoring 10 wins and 2 draws. Kashdan took 2nd with 6 wins and 5 draws, followed by Kevitz. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 3, 1931

The first game of chess played 102 stories above street level was played on Monday atop the Empire State Building by Joseph C. Cook, president of the Rhode Island Chess Association and Hermann Helms.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 3, 1931.

Samuel Reshevsky is a member of one of the tennis teams at the University of Detroit, where he is studying accounting. Last month, he played 1,500 chess games in Chicago, winning all of them with one exception, which was a draw. (picture)—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 24, 1931

Norman T. Whitaker of Haddon Heights, NJ, Pennsylvania State champion, failed to appear in Atlantic County Criminal Court here today to answer to the charge of defrauding the telephone company. His $1,000 bail was forfeited. Whitaker was arrested in Pleasantville, NJ Dec 4, 1930 when he was charged with depositing slugs in the coin box of a telephone pay station.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 13, 1931

The USA team won the international team tournament in Prague, ahead of 18 other countries. Poland took 2nd, followed by Czechoslovakia. The USA team members were Frank Marshall, Isaac Kashdan, I.A. Horowitz, Herman Steiner, and Arthur Dake. The USA team scored 13.5 — 4.5, winning the Hamilton-Russell Cup. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 30, 1931

Alekhine Invincible In Bled Chess Meet; Kashdan Is Fifth. After 8 rounds, Alekhine has 7 wins and 1 draw. Aside from Dr. Alekhine, Rudolf Spielmann of Vienna alone remains undefeated. With 3 wins and 5 draws, he holds 2nd place, ahead of Bogoljubow and Vidmar.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 3, 1931

Alekhine won first prize at Bled. He won 15m drew 11, and lost none, scoring 20.5 — 5.5. 2nd place went to Bogoljubow, scoring 15-11. Nimzowitsch took 3rd place. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 1, 1931

Samuel Reshevsky won the Western Chess Association annual tournament at Tulsa, Oklahoma. His score was 7.5 — 1.5. 2nd and 3rd place went to S. Factor and Norman Whitaker. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 15, 1931

1931 in review. The USA team won the international team ch. Kashdan won the Manhattan CC championship. Capa beat Euwe with 2 wins and 8 draws. London won the Insull Cup in a cable match with Philadelphia. NY beat the British Chess Club of Paris. Reshevsky won the Western Chess Association. Fred Reinfeld won the NY state championship. Harvard won the HYPD college chess league. The Marshall CC won the Metropolitan League.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 27, 1931

Salo Flohr won at Hastings win 7 wins and 2 draws, followed by Isaac Kashdan. Euwe, winner of last year's congress, took 3rd place. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 7, 1932

Alekhine won the international tournament in London. He scored 7 wins and 4 draws. He now plans to play 300 opponents seated at 60 tables. The game at each board will be conducted by 5 players consulting. Last year Capablanca played against 200 at 50 boards, scoring 28 wins, 16 draws, and 6 losses. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 18, 1932

Alekhine played 300 opponents, in groups of 5 seated at 60 tables, last Sunday afternoon. He began his long session at the Hotel Claridge. It was a benefit performance in behalf of the French war veterans. He won 37, drew 17, and lost 6. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 3, 1932

Salo Flohr and Vidmar tied for 1st at the international tournament just concluded at Sliac in Czechoslovakia. Both scored 9.5 — 3.5. Pirc took 3rd place. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 30, 1932

Alekhine took 1st at Berne, Switzerland. He has now on his was to play in Pasadena on Aug 15. At Berne he scored 12.5 — 2.5, with one loss to Bogoljubow, 3 draws, and 11 wins. Euwe and Flohr tied for 2nd. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 4, 1932

Reuben Fine took 1st at the Western Chess Association at Minneapolis, going undefeated. Reshevsky finished 2nd, ½ point behind, followed by Fred Reinfeld. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 11, 1932

Alekhine won at Pasadena. Second was Isaac Kashdan. Each lost a game. Alekhine lost to Dake and Kashdan lost to Alekhine. Dake, Reshevsky, and Steiner shared 3rd place. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 1, 1932

Alekhine and Kashdan tied for 1st in Mexico City, both winning 8 and drawing with each other. Araiza took 3rd. Alekhine will then go to New York to give a big simultaneous exhibition. George Emlen Roosevelt is the chairman and former governor Whitman will open the proceedings.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 20, 1932

Alekhine played 200 players on 50 boards, winning 30, drawing 14, and losing 6. It was played at the 7th Regiment Armory in Manhattan on Tuesday. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 10, 1932

Five robbers interrupted a chess game between David Miller and his cousin Charles in David's living quarters over his bakery in New York at 1:40 this morning. They tied up the chess players and went to the bakery on the floor below, held up 3 bakers, broken open the safe and escaped with $4,000.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 3, 1932

Kupchik and Willman tied for 1st in the Manhattan Chess Club championship. Both scored 9-2. 3rd place went to Horowitz. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 19, 1933

Capablanca played against 330 opponents at 66 boards in Cuba. He will be going to Panama, then to California. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 26, 1933

For the third year in succession, the Marshall CC holds the championship of the Metropolitan Chess League. Next Saturday, the Marshall CC will have as its guest Samuel Reshevsky, who was recently graduated from the University of Chicago. He will play simultaneously against 25 opponents. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 20, 1933

Fine, Dake, and Simonson qualified for the USA team for the international team contest at Folkestone. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 18, 1933

The USA team won the international team tournament in Folkestone with 43 wins and 17 losses. In the first 13 rounds, they won 12 and drew 1. They lost in the 14th and 15th rounds, against Sweden and Czechoslovakia. Czechoslovakia and Hungary took 2nd and 3rd. The USA team players were Kashdan, Marshall, Fine, Dake, and Simonson. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 29, 1933

The Chicago Century of Progress Exposition has a chess playing area in the Hall of Science. Directly across the hall is the Chess Museum. Chess items were sent by Gustavius Pfeiffer, Kermit Roosevelt, and Donald Liddell. Alekhine will be giving a record-breaking performance of blindfold play. There is a series of games of Living Chess. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 13, 1933

Alekhine played 32 opponents blindfold at the Hall of States at the Chicago World's Fair. His exhibition lasted 12.5 hours and established a new world's record. He won 19, drew 9, and lost 4. Lt. John D. Matheson of West Point won the intercollegiate championship at the fair.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 27, 1933

Fred Reinfeld won the New York championship in Syracuse, duplicating his performance at Rome two years ago. 2nd place went to Denker, followed by Fine.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 31, 1933

Reuben Fine won the Western Chess Association tourney, held at the Hotel Tuller in Detroit. Reshevsky took 2nd, followed by Dake. Fine won 12 and lost 1. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 5, 1933

City College of New York (CCNY) beat out Columbia to win the Intercollegiate Chess League. Brooklyn College took 3rd. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 30, 1933

Salo Flohr won the 14th Hastings Christmas Congress with 5 wins and 4 draws. Alekhine and Lilienthal tied for 2nd. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 11, 1934

Alekhine tried to get married for the 4th time in Nice. A marriage license clerk demanded proof of Alekhine's Amsterdam divorce from his 3rd wife and told the chess player he was ineligible to marry because he had not lived here a sufficient length of time.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 19, 1934

Alekhine defeated Bogoljubow for the world championship when he gained his 8th victory in the 25th game, with 14 draws. At the moment the score stands 15 — 10 in favor of Alekhine.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 14, 1934

Alekhine finished 1st in the international tournament in Zurich, Switzerland. Alekhine had 12 wins, 2 draws, and 1 loss. Euwe and Flohr tied for 1nd place. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 29, 1934

Reshevsky won the international tourney at Syracuse. He won 10 and drew 4 games, with no losses. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 6, 1934

Rabinovich and Chekover are among the instructors in a chess school for children recently opened here with an enrollment of 300. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 6, 1935

Euwe, Flohr, and Thomas tied for 1st at Hastings. Capablanca took 4th, followed by Botvinnik and Lilienthal, who tied for 5th. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 6, 1935

Botvinnik and Flohr tied at the international tournament in Moscow. They scored 13 out of 19. Emanuel Lasker took 3rd and unbeaten, like Flohr. Capablanca took 4th place. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 15, 1935

Samuel Reshevsky won the Kent County Chess Association tournament at Margate. His score was 7.5-1.5. Capablanca took 2nd, followed by George Thomas. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 4, 1935

Alekhine will play Euwe for the world championship in the Netherlands in October. In order to finance the contest it is planned to hold a lottery. It is proposed to issue 20,000 tickets and offer 1,500 prizes, the first of which to be an automobile. Bridge tournaments will also be arranged. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 23, 1935

Fine took 1st place in the Western Championship tournament at Milwaukee, followed by Dake. Kashdan took 3rd place. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 8, 1935

The USA team won the Hamilton-Russell Team Trophy in Warsaw. Sweden took 2nd, followed by Poland. Miss Vera Menchik won the women's world championship at Warsaw. Dake had the best individual score. ..—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 2, 1935

Euwe won the world championship match against Alekhine, winning 9 games to 8, with 13 games drawn. Euwe is a math teacher in the Amsterdam Girls Lyceum, where one of the games with Alekhine was contested. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 19, 1935

When Maroczy wanted to train Mary Bain for the women's chess title of the world, she said no because of her kids. She learned the game in Hungary. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 15, 1936

Salo Flohr won at Margate with 7.5 points. Capablanca was second with 7 points.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 24, 1936

The chess championship of the US which Frank Marshall had held ever since 1909 passes to Samuel Reshevsky because of his victory in a tournament that ended last Saturday. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 21, 1936

Capablanca won the Moscow International with 8 wins and 10 draws. Botvinnik took 2nd, followed by Flohr. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 11, 1936

Reshevsky won the US championship, succeeding Frank Marshall. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 18, 1936

Fine won at the international tournament in Zanovoort, Netherlands, followed by Euwe. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 2, 1936

Botvinnik and Capablanca tied at Nottingham, scoring 10-4. Tied for 3rd place included Euwe, Fine, and Reshevsky. Alekhine took 6th. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 3, 1936

Euwe and Fine tied for 1st at Amsterdam, scoring 5-2, followed by Alekhine. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 22, 1936

Alekhine won the 17th Christmast congress of the Hastings and St. Leonards Chess Club. He won 7 and lost 2. Fine took 2nd, followed by Eliskases. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 7, 1937

Fine finished 1st at Stockholm, scoring 8-1, with 7 wins and 2 draws. Stahlberg took 2nd. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 28, 1937

Bonfires of books by Jews lighted the German skies as Hitler purged his Reich of non-Aryan influences. Nearly all Jews are excluded from the professions, arts, and public service — even from the chess league.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 31, 1937

Fine and Keres tied for 1st at Margate. Alekhine took 3rd.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 10, 1937

The USA team won the Hamilton-Russell team championship cup in Stockholm, followed by Hungary and Poland. The USA team won 15, drew 3, and lost none. The USA team has won it 4 times. The USA team included Reshevsky, Fine, Kashdan, Marshall, and Horowitz. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 19, 1937

David Polland captured 1st prize in the championship tournament of the American Chess Federation at the Congress Hotel in Chicago. He scored 7.5-1.5. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 4, 1937

Keres won the international tourney in Semmering, Austria. He won 6 and drew 5. Fine took 2nd place. Capablanca and Reshevsky tied for 3rd place.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 30, 1937

Alekhine regained the world chess title by defeating Euwe. Dr, Euwe resigned after the 43rd move of the 23rd game of their month-long tournament. Alekhine scored 15.5 to 9.5 for Euwe. The 5 remaining game to be played will have no bearing on the championship and will be merely exhibitions.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 8, 1937

During the spring at Havana, Capablanca set a new record for simultaneous play, meeting 350 opponents seated at 70 boards. He won 50, drew 14, and lost 6. Koltanowski conducted 34 games simultaneously blindfolded, winning 24 and drawing 10. David Polland won the NT state championship and the American Chess Federation championship. The women's world championship was again successfully defended by Miss Vera Menchik at Stockholm, where she won 14 games straight. Harvard retained the championship of the HYPD College Chess League.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 26, 1937

For the first time in the history of US chess, the national championship title will be defended in an open tournament starting today in the RCA building at Rockefeller Center. Samuel Reshevsky will defend his national title against a field of 16. The first women's chess championship of the US will also be decided in a tournament in which 11 feminine experts will compete. The competitors were guests at the University Club last night given by Silas W. Howland, president of the Marshall CC. Former President Herbert Hoover dropped in and greeted the chess masters. He extended to Howland, National Chess Federation Committee chairman his wished for a successful tournament.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 2, 1938

Samuel Reshevsky of New York and Miss N. May Karff of Boston were crowned chess champions of the US as they ended National Chess Federation tournaments without defeat at Rockefeller Center yesterday. Reshevsky won 10 and drew 6. Miss Karff succeeds Mrs. Adele Rivero to the women's crown. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 25, 1938

Horowitz and Kashdan tied for 1st at the American Chess Federation Open at Boston. Polland and Boris Blumin of Montreal tied for 3rd. Miss Bain, Miss Weart and Mrs. McCready were hurt on their return journey from Boston as their car skidded out of control. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 28, 1938

Nazis reorganize chess games on military basis. Tac-tics, a new militarized kind of chess, is being played by Nazis, young and old, in Hitler's Reich. It is played between red and blue forces on 121 squares. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 7, 1938

Losing only 1 game and drawing another in a total of 9 contested, Arnold S. Denker won the NY state chess championship at the Cazenova Seminary Junior College. 2nd place went to Anthony Sanatasiere. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 18, 1938

Fine and Keres tied for 1st at the AVRO tournament in Amsterdam. Botvinnik took 3rd. Alekhine, Euwe, and Reshevsky tied for 4th. ... Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 1, 1938

Salo Flohr took 1st at the Leningrad-Moscow International, followed by Rehsevsky. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 2, 1939

Salo Flohr won at Kemeri-Riga with 9 wins and 6 draws. Stahlberg and Szabo tied for 2nd. ---—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 23, 1939

Fine has withdrawn his name from the list to play in the world team championship in Buenos Aires. Reshevsky, Kashdan, and Horowitz are expected to play. There still remains the major problem of finance. The traveling and hotel expenses have been guaranteed by the Argentine Chess Federation. To meet the requirements of the players, however, a fund of more than $2,000 is needed. Thus far it has not been forthcoming.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 13, 1939

The US will not be sending a team to Buenos Aires for the international team championship to defend the Hamilton-Russell trophy. This was decided yesterday when George Emlen Roosevelt, chairman of the National Chess Federation's committee, sent word to the captain, Frank Marshall, that the jaunt was off. Several factors operated against the success of the plan. Chief among these was the failure of the Argentine Chess Federation to obtain the government subsidy upon which reliance had been placed. Miss N. May Karff will go to Buenos Aires to take part in the woman's championship. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 27, 1939

Great Britain's action in calling up reserves caused the English chess team to withdraw from the international tournament in Buenos Aires. Three players, Sir George Thomas, B.H. Wood, and P.S. Milner Barry left for England yesterday.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 2, 1939

Germany won the international team chess tourney in Buenos Aires, followed by Poland and Estonia. Germany scored 36 out of 56 after winning 22, drawing 28, and losing 6 in 14 matches. Iceland won on tiebreak over Canada in the second division. Capablanca won 6 and drew 5. Mrs. Vera Menchik Stevenson won the world women's championship, scoring 18-1. 2nd place went to Miss Sonja Graf of London. N. May Karff took 5th. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 21, 1939

South American chess players have not abandoned the idea of a return match between Alekhine and Capablanca. Capablanca is said to be prepared to go so far as to let the winner take the entire purse of $10,000. Under the rules adopted in London during 1922 it was stipulated that the champion should take $2,000 as his fee and that the remaining $8,000 be divided up in the ration of 60% to the winner and 40% to the loser. Senor Augusto de Muro, head of the Argentine Federation and newly elected president of the International Chess Federation, has taken a personal interest in the negotiations.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 5, 1939

Chess players in this country are now united for the first time under one form of national control, as the result of the formation of the United States of America Chess Federation. George Sturgis of the City Club of Boston is president of the new federation. It is a merger of the National Chess Federation, USA, organized in 1927, and the American Chess Federation, a more recent offshoot of the long-established Western Chess Association. Maurice Kuhns, age 80, of Chicago, has been named president-emeritus of the larger body for the rest of his life. ... Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 7, 1939

Because of the ware the scene of international chess activities shifted from Europe to South America late in 1939. L. Szabo of Hungary carried off the honors at the annual Hastings Congress, with Euwe as the runner-up. Vera Menchik won the women's tournament at Buenos Aires, retained the world title she had held ever since these contests were started. She scored 18 points out of 19. Fine won the American Chess Federation held in New York, followed by Reshevsky. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 24, 1939

Alekhine won 28, lost 3, and drew 9 games in 40 simultaneous matches with leading players at the Geographic Society in Lisbon, Portugal.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 2, 1940

Horowitz and Harold Morton, former New England champion, were victims of a serious car accident while crossing Iowa on the return journey after a tour of the South and Far West. Morton, driving their car, was killed outright in a collision with a truck, and Horowitz, suffering concussion of the brain and chest injuries, was taken to St. Anthony's Hospital in Carroll, Iowa.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 22, 1940

Fine retained his national open chess championship yesterday in Dallas. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 28, 1940

Reshevsky National chess champ for 3rd consecutive year. Keres defeated Euwe in a match. Bondarevsky and Lilienthal tied in the USSR championship. Smyslov, 19-year-old student at a Moscow aviation institute, took 3rd. Francisco Planas of Havana is to play 600 opponents at 120 tables with 5 consultants seated at each. Kashdan won an international tournament in Havana. Koltanowski was 2nd. Fine won the Open in Dallas, followed by Reshevsky. Mrs. Adle Rivero won the women's national championship. Karff won the American Chess Federation women's championship. Fine won the Marshall CC championship. Denker won the Manhattan CC championship. Robert Willman won the NY championship. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 29, 1940

Dr. Emanuel Lasker, 72, died yesterday at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Manhattan. He made his home for a short time in Hollis. — Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 12, 1941

Fine won the US Open in St Louis, played at the Hotel De Soto. Herman Steiner took 2nd. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 26, 1941

The Navy clashed with the Army at chess last night, but suffered a 7-0 rout. Captain Howard S. Hoit of Montclair, NJ, former president of the Manhattan Chess Club, was the successful defender of Army prestige. He played 7 Navy players in a simul at the Navy Yard and won all his games. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 23, 1941

The US Chess Federations biennial championship tournament scheduled for March, 1942, has been called off because of conditions resulting from the war, it was announced yesterday by L Walter Stephens, vice president of the federation and head of the tournament committee.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 23, 1941

Jose Capablanca died yesterday of a brain hemorrhage 7 hours after he suffered a stroke at the Manhattan CC, 100 Central Park South, Manhattan. Funeral services will be in Havana and burial will be in Colon Cemetery. He was 53. He was stricken while watching a game of chess. He died at Mount Sinai Hospital, the same hospital where Dr. Lasker died last year. He won the championship of Cuba at age 12. In 1907 he entered Columbia University to study chemical engineering. He is survived by his second wife, Princess Olga Chagodalf of Georgia, Russia, and two children by his first wife.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 9, 1942

Steiner and Yanofsky tied for 1st in the US Open in Dallas. Horowitz took 3rd. At the business meeting, Reshevsky and Kashdan were officially recognized as co-champions. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 3, 1942

Kashdan of Flatbush will have a chance to annex the national championship in a set match with Reshevsky. Kashdna tied with Reshevsky at the Hotel Astor in Manhattan last April. The will begin play Oct 7 in the first game of a series of 14, under USO auspices. Army camps will be the scenes of the first 4 games. Reshevsky is now a father, a daughter being born to Mrs. Reshevsky in Boston, 3 weeks ago. Her name is Silvia. Kashdan is the proud father of a boy going on 19 months. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 10, 1942

Reshevsky yesterday suffered his first defeat since 1936 in competition involving the US championship. Reshevsky resigned to Kashdan in a game they played at Camp Upton, Long Island. Previous to this encounter, Rehsevsky had gone through 73 straight championship games without defeat. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 12, 1942

Alekhine said yesterday in the German-controlled Pariser Zeitung that a new era has begun in which "the Unites States would have nothing to day in the world of chess." He said that an international tournament now in progress in Munich "stresses the leading role played by new Europe ... And marks the end of the inopportune interference of America in the European chess questions."—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 15, 1942

Edward S. Jackson Jr of Philadelphia yesterday finished 1st in the national amateur championship finals at the Manhattan CC. He is the first holder of such a title. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 9, 1942

Humphrey Bogart and Paul Henreid started a chess game months ago, when production first started on "Capablanca." They have continued making a move by note or telephone or catching up, face to face, for a few minutes on the set of new pictures in which they are working.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 6, 1942

Reshevsky beat Kashdan 7.5 — 3.5 for the national championship. It is the 4th time that he has held the title. Reshevsky and Kashdan tied for the title for 8 months.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 7, 1943

The Swedish Chess Federation today withdrew from the European Federation after several local chess clubs protested Nazi predominance.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 8, 1943

Fine is seen as successor to Reshevsky. Reshevsky to retire from US titular series. Reshevsky won 4 in a row since 1936. He will step aside next year. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 23, 1943

Turkey's President Ismet Inonu has for years found relaxation in working out difficult chess problems.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 3, 1944

A new champion of the US Chess Federation was crowned yesterday, when Arnold Denker of Forest Hills, champion of the Manhattan CC and former Empire State titleholder, drew has last game at the Hotel Central, Manhattan. He score 15.5 — 1.5. He gained custody of the Frank J. Marshall trophy for 2 years. He won 14 and drew 3. Runner-up was Reuben Fine of Washington, DC. Mrs. Gisela K. Gresser of Manhattan, a native of Detroit, scored 8 straight victories and won the women's championship. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 8, 1944

Frank J. Marshall, 67, dies. He was US chess champion for 27 years. He died last night while walking along Van Vorst Street in Jersey City. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 10, 1944

Brooklyn College won the Intercollegiate Chess League championship. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 30, 1944

Anthony Santasiere won the US Open, held in Peoria, Illinois, with a 7-1 score. Sandrin took 2nd.—- Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 19, 1945

Reshevky won in Hollywood at the Pan-American Chess Congress, followed by Fine and Horowitz. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 13, 1945

Arnold Denler will play in the Victory tournament at the Hastings Chess Club in England. The US champion had a rough voyage on the Queen Mary, bur arrived in good condition. Herman Steiner of Los Angeles flew across after missing connections with the Cunarder and surprised the champion when he met him in London en route to Hastings. Nine countries will be represented by a total of 12 players. Two places have been reserved for Russian experts, whose names have not yet been given out.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 27, 1945

Dr. S. Tartakower, 59, of Poland, won the International Chess title at Hastings. Ekstron took 2nd, followed by Euwe, Steiner, and Denker. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 10, 1946

Alekhine died at Estoril near Lisbon on Sunday. Only a short while before, negotiations had been begun for a title match between the champion and Mikhail Botvinnik. Moscow had offered to contribute $10,000 to the fund and the British Chess Federation had taken under advisement the question of sponsoring the contest.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 28, 1946

Denker defeated Herman Steiner and retained the US chess champion title. The match was held at the Griffith Park Auditorium in Los Angeles. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 20, 1946

Botvinnik won the International Chess Masters' tournament in Groningen, Netherlands. He scored 14.5 points. Euwe took 2nd.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 8, 1946

Reshevsky won the US championship, followed by Kashdan. He scored 14 wins and 4 draws. Miss Karff won the women's championship wins 8 wins and 1 draw.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 21, 1946

Isaac Kashdan won the US Open at Corpus Christi, Texas. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 28, 1947

Botvinnik, 37, was crowned world chess champion in Moscow. He drew with Max Euwe in the final round of the world tournament.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, May 10, 1948

Next to his "babies" Humphrey Bogart likes chess best. Every script for a Bogart picture includes at least one chess shot.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 28, 1949

Pat Bliss, deputy sheriff of King County, Washington, started an international chess game in 1945 by airmail with King Abdullah of Transjordan — which continued for 3 years.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 2, 1949

Mrs. Ludmilla Rudenko, 47, won the world women's chess championship in Moscow. She is the mother of a chess playing son. She won 11.5-3.5. Her only loss was to Mrs. Gisela K. Gresser, US co-champion. Mrs. Olga Rubsova, born in 1909, who is in 2nd place, has been the Soviet national champion 4 times.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 19, 1950

Yugoslavia won the Hamilton-Russell trophy team tourney at the 9th chess Olympiad at Dubrovnik. USA took 4th. 16 nations participated. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 14, 1950

Najdorf won the international tourney in Amsterdam. Reshevsky took 2nd. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Dec 14, 1950

Max Pavey of Brooklyn gave a convincing display in simul display at the Brooklyn Public Library, last night. He played 13 games without losing one. He drew two games against Edmar Mednis, a junior member of the Marshall CC, and Sylvan Katske. The other 11, including 8-year-old Bobby Fischer, were defeated.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 18, 1951

FBI today checkmated New England chess champion James M. Bolton for evading the draft. Bolton, 22, of New Haven, was charged with refusing to report for induction, Connecticut's first evasion case under the new Selective Service Act.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Mar 3, 1951

Mary Bain won the US women's chess championship, scoring 8.5-0.5. She is the mother of 2 children. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov 8, 1951

A Hungarian tournament chess player, Geza Fuefter, today joined a number of Iron Curtain athletes who recently have sought asylum in the West.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 27, 1952

Playing chess can sometimes be fatal. Capablanca suffered a stroke while kibitzing at the Manhattan CC. Last Spring, Juan Quesada died suddenly after playing through 16 rounds of the tournament in Havana. Julio Bolbochan of Buenos Aires had to withdraw from the zonal tournament in Sweden due to a hemorrhage.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 18, 1952

Samuel Reshevsky is unwilling to play in the 1953 world championship challengers' tournament because 9 of the 12 players are Soviets. He declared this to be an inequitable setup, which has no appeal to him.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Oct 30, 1952

Reshevsky defeated Najdorf 11 — 7 in Buenos Aires. He was hailed as the chess champion of the Western world. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 2, 1953

Soviet chess players refuse to play in New York unless travel restrictions are lifted. They had to stay at the Glen Cove, Long Island country house of the Soviet delegation to the United Nations—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 10 and 19, 1953

Donald Byrne won the US Open in Milwaukee. Max Pavey took 2nd. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 23, 1953

Jack Collins of Flatbush won the Marshall CC championship. He scored 9.5 — 2.5. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 14, 1954

Dr. Edward Lasker, newly elected to fellowship in the New York Academy of Science, has been re-elected president of the Marshall Chess Club. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 4, 1954

A. Purmalis scored 11.5 — 1.5 to win the Brooklyn Chess Club championship. He succeeds Henry Spinner as title-holder. Spinner finished runner-up.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 18, 1954

William Lombardy of Morris High finished 1st with a score of 7.5 — 0.5 in the Interboro High School Chess League.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Feb 18, 1954

The Russians defeated the Argentina team, scoring 20.5 — 11.5 in Buenos Aires. The USA team will play the Russians in June. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 1, 1954

Arnold Denker is the new champion of the Manhattan Chess Club. Max Pavey was last year's winner.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Apr 1, 1954

Mikhail Botvinni, who barely retained the world championship in the recent tie match with Vassily Smyslov, will not accompany the Russian team due to arrive here about June 10, for a series of 4 matches at the Hotel Roosevelt in Manhattan. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 3, 1954

The Russians defeated the USA at the Hotel Roosevelt, scoring 20 — 12. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jun 25, 1954

The International Chess Federation has been faced with a predicament in consequence of an announcement from Buenos Aires that the Argentine Chess Federation has cancelled the biennial team tournament which has been scheduled for September.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 22, 1954

Arthur Bisguier, US chess champion, won the Pan-Americna tournament in Los Angeles. He scored 11.5 — 2.5. He won $1,000. Larry Evans took 2nd. Evans won the rapid transit tournament.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jul 29, 1954

Larry Evans won the 55th US Open in New Orleans on tiebreak over Arturito Pomar of Madrid. Both scored 9.5 points in 12 rounds. Bisguier and Steinmeyer tied for 3rd. Gisela Gresser won the women's prize. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Aug 19, 1954

Russia will have on hand its most powerful team to defend the Hamilton-Russell trophy in the biennial team tourney starting in Amsterdman on Saturday. It will be headed by world champion Mikhail Botvinnik. The rest of the team includes Smyslov, Bronstein, and Keres. 27 countries will be represented, including Canada and Cuba. The US will be among the absentees.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 2, 1954

9 years ago at Saratoga Springs, George Kramer of Rego Park, Long Island, age 16, won the NY state championship. This feat was duplicated at Binghamton, the other day, by William Lombardy, age 16, junior champion of the Marshall CC. He did not lose a single game. He won 5 and drew 4. Mednis and Campomanes took 2nd. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sep 9, 1954

Reshevsky, 43, won the Lessing J. Rosenwald tournament in New York. He won 6, drew 3, and lost 1. Larry Evans took 2nd and Bisguier took 3rd.—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 6, 1955

William Lombardy may succeed Jack Collins as champion of the Marshall CC. Lombardy is the present NT State champion and recently graduated from Stuyvesant High School. Lombardy leads in the Marshall CC championship with 8.5 — 1.5. —Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Jan 20, 1955


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