
Showing posts from January, 2022

Chess Theoretical Novelties

  In a recent Reddit article on measuring chess novelties (called the Agadmator Index), it mentioned that I probably played more novelties than anyone in chess.   I was ranked as the top player with the most chess novelties per move, and the first among players with at least 1,000 total chess games (I have played and recorded over 62,500 chess games from 1969 to 2022) in the Caissabase database to compare with.   (source; Measuring novelties: the Agadmator index : chess ( ) Here are some of my early chess novelties.  Bosse – Bill Wall, Tacoma Chess Club 1969 1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.c4 Nb6 5.Nf3 (5.exd6) 5…g6 (5…Nc6) 6.Nc3 (6.exd6) 6…Bg7 7.Bf4 (7.exd6) 7…O-O 8.Be2 (8.Bd3) 8…dxe5 (TN).   This is new, a theoretical novelty.   Previously played were …Nc6, …Bg4, …N8d7, …Be6, and …Na6.   I repeated this novelty in Nineball – Wall, Internet 1999 and won in 14 moves.   Bosse played 9.Bxe5 (9.dxe5 Nc6 or 9…Bg4) 9…Bxe5 10.Nxe5 Bf5 and Bla...